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Passage 3 (2015•福建 篇一


Sometimes we have disagreements with people.When this (1)h_____, the important thing is to try not to let a calm discussion turn into a heated argument.Here (2)_____ my tips for you.

The (3)f_____ thing I would say is that the way you begin the conversation is very important.

Imagine you are a student and you share a flat (4)_____ another student who you think isn't doing her share of the housework.If you say, “Look, you never do your share of the housework.(5) _____ are you going to do about it?”, the discussion will very soon turn into an argument.It's much more (6)_____ (有帮助)to say something like, “I think we had (7)b_____ have another look about how we divide up the housework.Maybe there is a better way of dealing with it.”

My second piece of (8)a_____ is simple.If you're the person who is in the wrong, just admit it! This is the easiest and best way to avoid an argument.Just make an (9)_____ (道歉), and move on.The other person will have more respect for you (10)_____ the future if you do that.


1.happens 2.are 3.first 4.with 5.What 6.helpful/beneficial 7.better 8.advice 9.apology 10.in

Passage 6 (2014•广东 篇二


Last year,my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation.Some of my friends who had been there before said __1__ was a wonderful holiday destination.Before we went,we had planned for months.When the day came,we were ready.

After our plane landed,we went to the hotel.We had made our reservation six months __2__(early),but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake.We __3__(tell)that our rooms hadn't been reserved for that week,__4__ for the week after.I didn't understand __5__ this would happen and my credit card had already been charged __6__ the reservation.What's worse,the hotel had been fully booked.When we were wondering what to do,the manager came out.She was __7__(surprise)helpful.She apologized for the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on __8__ top floor.We had never stayed in such an amazing room,and we weren't charged extra.

The next day,my brother and I went to the beach __9__ we watched some people play volleyball.We got a little __10__(sunburn),but the day had been so relaxing that we didn't mind.




答案 it


答案 earlier


答案 were told


答案 but


答案 why


答案 for


答案 surprisingly


答案 the

9.解析:先行词是地点the beach,且在定语从句中作状语,故填where (=on which =and on the beach =and there)。

答案 where


答案 sunburnt/sunburned

Passage 2 (2015•新课标全国Ⅱ 篇三


The adobe dwellings(土坯房)__1__(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even __2__ most modern of architects and engineers.In addition to their simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their __3__(able) to “air condition”a house without __4__(use)electric equipment.Walls made of adobe take in the heat from the sun on hot days and give out that heat __5__(slow)during cool nights,thus warming the house.When a new day breaks,the walls have given up their heat and are now cold enough __6__ (cool) the house during the hot day:__7__ the same time,they warm up again for the night.This cycle __8__ (go) day after day: The walls warm up during the day and cool off during the night and are thus always a timely offset(抵消)for the outside temperatures.As__9__(nature) architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly__10__thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days.




答案 built


答案 the


答案 ability


答案 using

5.解析:考查副词的用法。由土坯制成的墙壁在炎热的白天吸收太阳的热量并在凉爽的夜间慢慢将热量释放出来。修饰谓语动词give out,因此要用副词形式。

答案 slowly


答案 to cool

7.解析:考查固定短语的用法。at the same time意为“同时”,是一个常用介词短语。

答案 at


答案 goes


答案 natural


答案 how

Passage 1 (2015•新课标全国Ⅰ 篇四



It was raining lightly when I __1__ (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn't care.A few hours __2__,I'd been at home in Hong Kong,with __3__ (it) choking smog.Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain.

I'd skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River __4__ are pictured by artists in so many Chinese __5__ (painting).Instead,I'd headed straight for Yangshuo.For those who fly to Guilin,it's only an hour away __6__ car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.

Yangshuo __7__ (be) really beautiful.A study of travelers __8__ (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it __9__ (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people __10__ (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.




答案 arrived


答案 before/earlier


答案 its

4.解析:考查定语从句关系代词的用法。由句子结构不难判断这是一个定语从句。先行词为指物的mountain tops and dark waters,关系词在从句中作主语,因此答案为that/ which。

答案 that/ which

5.解析:考查名词的复数。“so many+复数名词”为一常用短语。

答案 paintings


答案 by


答案 is

8.解析:考查过去分词短语作后置定语的用法。study与conduct之间为动宾关系,故用表示被动的过去分词形式。此外,by是解题的关键词,conducted by...意为“由……所做的”。

答案 conducted


答案 regularly


答案 living

Passage 10 (2011•广东 篇五


One Sunday morning in August I went to a local music festival.I left it early because I had an appointment__1__(late) that day.My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me__2__ the bus arrived.I got on the bus and found a seat near the back,and then I noticed a man__3__(sit) at the front.He __4__(pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.He must be__5__(mental) disabled.

Behind him were other people to __6__ he was trying to talk,but after some minutes __7__ walked away and sat near me,looking annoyed.

I didn't want to be laughed at for talking to him but I didn't like leaving him __8__ his own either.

After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus.I sat next to the man and introduced myself.We had __9__ amazing conversation.He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home.

I'm glad I made the choice.It made __10__ of us feel good.




答案 later


答案 until


答案 sitting


答案 pretended


答案 mentally

6.解析:whom引导定语从句,修饰先行词other people。

答案 whom


答案 he

8.解析:leave sb on one's own意思是“让某人单独留下”。

答案 on


答案 an


答案 both

Passage 7 (2014•福建 篇六


Many of us were raised with the saying“Waste not,want not.”None of us,(1)h_____,can completely avoid waste in our lives.

Any kind of waste is thoughtless.Whether we waste our potential talents,our own time,our limited natural (2) _____ (资源),our money,or other people's time,each of us can become more aware and careful.The smallest good habits can make a big (3)d .It's a good feeling to know in our hearts we are doing our (4)b_____ in a world that is in serious trouble.By focusing on (5) _____ (节省)oil,water,paper,food,and clothing,we are playing a part (6)_____ cutting down on waste.

We must keep reminding (7)_____ (自己)that it is easier to get into something (8)_____ it is to get out of it.Actually,severe damage (9)d_____ to our land is fairly recent in the history of our evolution.It's time for us to (10)_____ no to waste so that our grandchildren's children will be able to develop well.We can't solve all the problems of waste,but we can encourage mindfulness.

Waste not!



答案 however


答案 resources

3.解析:句意:最小的好习惯也会起作用。make a difference是固定用法,意思是有影响,起作用。

答案 difference

4.解析:do one's best是固定用法,意思是尽某人最大的努力。

答案 best


答案 saving

6.解析:play a part in是固定用法,意思是“在……中起作用”。

答案 in


答案 ourselves


答案 than


答案 done

10.解析:句意:是时候对“浪费”说不了。It is time for sb to do sth是固定用法,意思是“是时候做某事了。”

答案 say




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