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英语单词fix的'情景对话 篇一


A:You have a lovely house, Jack.


B:Thank you. Yeah, it's home, but a number of things have been going wrong lately.


A:That's too bad. What problems are you having?


B:Oh, the whole house needs re-painting, for starters. The carpet in the living room is worn out, and I'd like to put in new wall-to-wall carpeting. Last week, I had to call the plumber to fix the toilet. Anyway, all par for the course when you own a house, I guess. I think I'm going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over.


A:I've studied Western home decoration as a hobby. Could I make some suggestions?


B:Go right ahead.


A:Well, I think a crystal chandelier would look great in your living room, and maybe some new drapes for the windows. Also, a grandfather clock would look great in the den. Perhaps you could buy some potted plants for the dining room.


B:Wow! You really do have a talent for this, Ethabella. Thanks for your suggestions.


A:You are welcome, Jack. Glad to be of help.


fix的时态 篇二

过去分词: fixed

过去式: fixed

现在分词: fixing

英语单词fix的单语例句 篇三

1. She said to fix the problems she had to get silicone implants in her butt.

2. That may be an impossible juggling act and raises a bigger question of how the government can fix the weaknesses the dispute has highlighted.

3. By that definition, most countries in the world manipulate currency because they either fix or have managed floats.

4. Apple earlier blamed the reception problem on a wrong method to calculate signal strength, and promised to fix the glitch with software updates.

5. Doctors activate the enamel and spread a special glue on the teeth before putting small diamonds on the surface and heating to fix them.

6. In Wu's opinion, this type of woman " can fix anything but men ".

7. The longer the diplomatic friction over the detention of the Chinese trawler captain continues, the lesser the opportunity for Kan to fix the already impaired relations.

8. It's the old adage of not trying to fix something that isn't broken.

9. When he took over the chief executive officer job from Fritz Henderson, he showed just how urgent he is to fix the automaker.

英语单词fix的中文意思 篇四

英 [fɪks] 美 [fɪks]


及物动词 固定; 修理; 准备; 使牢固

不及物动词 固着; 变硬; 安定

名词 困境; 定位于; 受操纵的事; 应急措施

fix的英语音标 篇五

英 [fɪks]

美 [fɪks]

英文单词fix的汉语意思 篇六

英 [fɪks] 美 [fɪks]

及物动词 固定; 修理; 准备; 使牢固

不及物动词 固着; 变硬; 安定

名词 困境; 定位于; 受操纵的事; 应急措施


1、 fix up : 修理好, 安排好;

2、 fix on : 确定;

fix的英语例句 篇七

1、 I wrote back to Meudon at once to fix up a meeting.


2、 I need my fix of sugar, sweets, and chocolate.


3、 Fix your attention on the practicalities of financing your schemes.


4、 We didn't"fix" anything. It'll be seen as it happens.


5、 He's going to fix a time when I can see him.


6、 Both are blessed with uncommon ability to fix things.


7、 I believe in the maxim "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"。


8、 It's been hard to get a steady fix on what's going on.


9、 He had not been able to fix his position.


10、 The trouble with her is she needs her daily fix of publicity.


英文单词fix的双语例句 篇八

1、 It's in our self-interest to fix this.


2、 Outstanding issues to fix before sale: missing RF brake cable and fuel leak.


3、 The bank was broken, so, in October and November 2008, Antonucci methodically went about pretending to fix it, 'said Preet Bharara, the U. S. attorney in Manhattan, at a press conference.


4、 It is necessary to fix the address of written byte during data polling.


5、 Fix the Towel Ring on the base with the M5 inner hexangular set screw.。

将浴巾环架体用 M5的内六角紧顶螺钉固定在底座上。

6、 I'm going to fix it.


7、 I'll show you how to fix that tomorrow.


8、 It is a real pain to fix.


9、 The photo needs a certain period to fix.


英文单词fix的词典解释 篇九

1、 把(枪、相机、雷达)对准(或瞄准、指向)

If someone fixes a gun, camera, or radar on something, they point it at that thing.

e.g. The US crew fixed its radar on the Turkish ship.。.


e.g. The bore of the gun remained fixed on me.


2、 (通常用雷达或电子设备)找到,弄清,确定(确切位置)

If you fix the position of something, you find out exactly where it is, usually by using radar or electronic equipment.

e.g. He had not been able to fix his position.。.


e.g. The satellite fixes positions by making repeated observations of each star.


3、 了解;理解;认识

If you get a fix on someone or something, you have a clear idea or understanding of them.

e.g. It's been hard to get a steady fix on what's going on.


4、 做,准备(食物或饮料)

If you fix some food or a drink for someone, you make it or prepare it for them.

e.g. Sarah fixed some food for us.。.


e.g. Let me fix you a drink.。.


5、 整理,收拾(头发、衣服或妆容)

If you fix your hair, clothes, or make-up, you arrange or adjust them so you look neat and tidy, showing you have taken care with your appearance.

e.g. 'I've got to fix my hair,' I said and retreated to my bedroom.。.


e.g. She called a cab, fixed her face, and scrawled a hasty note to Brian.


6、 矫正(牙齿);整形

If you have your teeth fixed, you have treatment from a dentist to make your teeth even, straight, and white.

e.g. The PR man suggested that I might benefit from getting my teeth fixed.。.


e.g. I wonder if Tom ever had his teeth fixed anywhere else.


fix的意思 篇十

vt. 使固定;修理;安装;准备

vi. 固定;注视

n. 困境;方位;贿赂

n. (Fix)人名;(英、法、德、瑞典)菲克斯




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