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人教版 四年级英语教学大纲优秀4篇


因为是第一次做蛋包饭,所以他觉得会很困难。下面是差异网整理的4篇《人教版 四年级英语教学大纲》,如果能帮助到您,差异网将不胜荣幸。

做某事很困难的英文例句 篇一

1、 It is hard to get hold of guns in this country.


2、 It is hard to think abstractly in these conditions.


3、 Peacekeeping, by its nature, makes pre-planning difficult.


4、 It is difficult to reach a consensus about electoral reform.


5、 I find that conversing with her is quite difficult.


6、 Navigation is difficult on this river because of hidden rocks.


7、 It used to be difficult to get drinking water here.


8、 It is difficult to turn over in a hammock.


9、 It's hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.


10、 It is difficult to fight down a desire to sleep.


11、 It's difficult to gauge one's character.


12、 It's very difficult to treat genetic diseases.


13、 Albeit difficult, the job is getting done.

尽管工作很困难, 还是就要完成了。

14、 Against all odds, he finished the work.

尽管很困难, 他仍完成了这项工作。

15、 The goods are hard to load.


做某事很困难的双语例句 篇二


It's hard to pilot a vessel in rough weather.


But, again, measuring the speed and distance to these objects is difficult.


So if I'm going in orbit like this, I either fire my rocket like this, or I fire my rocket like this, but thatis difficult enough what we do now.


Some organizations find it difficult to fill the role with one person.


“What the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration andcontemplation, ” he wrote, confessing that he now found it difficult to read long books.


"Every break is difficult -- you want this thing to continue on until it's done," he added.


This will be difficult. But in the days to come, it must be our central mission as a people, and mycentral responsibility as President.


In fact, after an evening of chamber music, the difficulty is often letting the sounds go.


Why do you think it is so hard for people to give away control?


"We know this has been a difficult time for you, " says the sorry one.


He obviously finds that very difficult, and I can identify with that, because I find writing verydifficult.


Modeling these qualities can be very difficult -- even more difficult than the standard quality ofperformance, which typically addresses the processing and data storage requirements.


They can see things that are far away,but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm's length.

我们看着那些奖杯和所要面对的比赛。 显然在所有的比赛中都保持竞争力是很困难,所以我们要现实一些,尝试去赢得其中的一个或两个奖杯。

We look at the trophies and the competitions we’re in and it’s so difficult to compete in all of thetournaments so you need to be realistic and try and win one or two.


A:It must be very difficult for you as a banker to try to satisfy your customers during periods likethis 。

做某事很困难的英语意思 篇三

It is difficult to do.。.

四年级英语下册Unit4LessonSecond教案人教PEP 篇四

Second LessonLet’s talk Let’s chant

一、Warm-up : Enjoy “Let’s chant” twice.二、Review :

1.Sharp eyes(Words : weather cold warm cool hot jacket sweater skirt dress shirt T-shirt)

2.Students try to make a weather report by a map in pairs.三、Presentation :

1、学生作天气预报后,由地图引出某些地方的风景和天气情况,师站在一幅北京的图片旁:It’s warm today.I can wear my shirt today.…(移动课件中的地方作为情景)Let me go to Hong Kong.… Phew!It’s hot today.I can wear my skirt and T-shirt today.… Let me go to !Can I wear my dress today ? 引导学生回答: Yes, you , you can’t.It’s cool today.2.板书并教读: Can I wear my … today ? Yes, you can./ No, you can.It’s.。.today.3.Pair work:在PPT的图片中提供场景,让学生根据不同的环境来进行同桌问答。


T : Mike has a new shirt.Look at the pictures.(Show out the 3 teaching pictures on the board.)Picture 1

Picture 2 Picture 3 the first day the second day the third day

hot war cold hot warm cold hot warm 1


T : Can Mike wear the new shirt on the first day ? Can Mike wear the new shirt on the second day ? Can Mike wear the new shirt on the third day ?

Let’s listen to the tape and circle the words under the pictures.5.Listen again and check the answers.6.Ss read follow the tape and then read together.7.Ss read in pairs.8.Role play the dialogue in pairs.五、Consolidation and extension:


Can I wear my…… in Beijing today ? No, you can.It’s cold in Beijing.……


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