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log的常用短语和例句: 篇一

1.log in〔on〕 (v.+adv.)

开始工作 (especially concerning a large calculating machine) to start work

In order to log in you have to type in a special password.为了进入,你必须打入特殊的通行密码。

2.log off

结束工作 (especially concerning a large calculating machine) to finish work

It took two hours to complete the calculation, so we logged off at 4 o'clock.我们花了两个小时才完成计算,因而是在四点结束工作的。

3.log up (v.+adv.)

①把…记入航海或飞行日志 mark up in a log-book

They logged up the ship's position regularly. 他们定时把船的方位记入航海日志。

The ship has now logged up voyages equal to a distance ten times round the world. 该船迄今已有相当于环球10周的航程记录。

②取得 achieve

We have logged up a remarkable series of gains in technical innovation. 我们已在技术革新方面取得一系列可观的成就。

Our team has logged up an unusual number of wins this season. 这个赛季里我们队获胜的次数异常多。

4、 (as) easy as falling off a log1(informal)very easy (非正式)易如反掌

英文log的词典解释 篇二

1. 原木;圆材;干材

A log is a piece of a thick branch or of the trunk of a tree that has been cut so that it can be used for fuel or for making things.

e.g. He dumped the logs on the big stone hearth.


e.g. ...the original log cabin where Lincoln was born.


2. (航海等的)日志,日记

A log is an official written account of what happens each day, for example on board a ship.

e.g. The family made an official complaint to a ship's officer, which was recorded in the log.


3. (正式地)记载,记录(在纸上或计算机里)

If you log an event or fact, you record it officially in writing or on a computer.

e.g. They log everyone and everything that comes in and out of here...


e.g. Details of the crime are then logged in the computer.


log的含义: 篇三

n. 原木;圆木;(航海、飞行)日志;(船)计程仪

v. 伐木;记入(日志)

adj. 圆木制成的

英文log表达的中文意思 篇四

名词 日志; 记录; 原木

动词 伐木; 把…载入正式记录; 行驶

1. 原木:( 1 )原木(log)是指伐倒并除去树皮、树枝和树梢的`树干。 ( 2 )锯材( sawn lumber )是指由原木锯制而成的任何尺寸的成品材或半成品材。 锯材又分方木( square timber )、板材( plank )和规格材( dimension lumber ).

2. 系统日志:在构架设计过程中,设计师(Architect)必须完成对技术和运行平台的选取,整个项目的基础框架(Framework)的设计,完成对公共组件的设计,如审计(Auditing) 系统,日志(Log) 系统,错误处理(Exception Handling) 系统,安全(Security) 系统等。

3. 日志文件:7.日志文件(Log)AE在渲染的同时可以生成一个文本范式(TXT)的日志文件,该文件可以记载渲染纰缪的缘故原由及其它信息,咱们可以在渲染信息窗户入眼到生存该文件的路径信息。

4. log:logistics; 后勤支持

5. log:logbook; 通信记录簿

6. log:laplacian of gaussian operator; log算子

7. log:laplacian of gaussian; 高斯调和量算子

log 篇五

英 [lɒɡ]     美 [lɔːɡ]




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