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初中英语双语阅读文章 篇一

One day I was on a bus. I found an elderly woman standing in front of me. She had a big bag in her hand. "It's a virtue for a young person to help the old,"I said to myself. When I was standing up to give my seat to the old lady, a young foreigner got up quickly saying, "Please sit down."The old lady thanked him and sat down. She looked very happy. I was a little embarrassed because I was sitting in the middle of the bus. Suddenly a pregnant woman got onto the bus. I quickly stood up to give up my seat to her. The foreigner smiled at me. He said that he was an Australian, and was a student studying Chinese culture in China.

ride 骑马、骑脚踏车或乘坐公共交通工具旅行

elderly 年长的

virtue 美德

pregnant 怀孕的'



初中英语双语阅读文章 篇二

Bill and Jane were coasting on a hill. Down the hill went the sled. Bill steered. Jane held on tightly. The coasters on the hill watched them. Past trees they whizzed. Jane yelled, "Stop the sled! Stop the sled!?but Bill could not stop it.

Suddenly Jane had a feeling that she was a bird in flight. Was she dreaming?

She landed in a big pile of snow. Where was Bill? He must have gone all the way down the long slide to the end of the hill. Now, Bill came in sight plodding up the hill. Jane laughed as she called to him. They were so glad to be together. The coasters cheered to see them safe. They went home to tell Mother what a thrilling ride they had had.

thrilling ride 惊心动魄的经历

coast 滑行,滑下

sled 雪橇

steer 驾驶,掌舵

tightly 紧紧地

coaster 滑雪橇的人

whiz 飕飕作声,发出嘶嘶或呼呼声

flight 飞行

plodding 沉重缓慢的

thrilling 惊心动魄的





初中生英语阅读文章 篇三

I used to watch her from mykitchenwindow,she seemed so small as she 1)muscled her way throughthecrowd of boys on the playground.

The school was across thestreetfrom our home and I would often watch the kids as theyplayedduring recess. A sea of children,and yet to me,she stoodout fromthem all.I remr the first day I saw her playing basketball.

I watched in wonder as she ran circles around the other kids.Shemanaged to shoot jump shots just over their heads and into thenet.The boys always tried to stop her but no one could.I begantonotice her at other times,basketball in hand,playing alone.Shewould practice 2)dribbling and shooting over and overagain,sometimes until dark.

One day I asked her why she practicedsomuch. She looked directly in my eyes and without a momentofhesitation she said,“I want to go to college. The only way Icango is if I get a scholarship. I like basketball. I decided thatifI were good enough,I would get a scholarship. I am going toplaycollege basketball. I want to be the best.

My Daddy told me ifthedream is big enough,the facts don’t count.” Then she smiledandran towards the court to 3)recap the routine I had seen overandover again.Well,I had to give it to her—she was determined.Iwatched her through those junior high years and into highschool.Every week,she led her 4)varsity team to day inhersenior year,I saw her sitting in the grass,head cradled inherarms. I walked across the street and sat down in the coolgrassbeside her.

Quietly I asked what was wrong. “Oh,nothing,”came asoft reply. “I am just too short.” The coach told her that at5’5”she would probably never get to play for a top ranked team—muchless offered a scholarship—so she should stop dreamingaboutcollege.She was heartbroken and I felt my own throat tightenas Isensed her disappointment. I asked her if she had talked to herdadabout it yet.She lifted her head from her hands and told methather father said those coaches were wrong. They just didnotunderstand the power of a dream.

He told her that if shereallywanted to play for a good college,if she truly wantedascholarship,that nothing could stop her except one thing — herownattitude. He told her again,“If the dream is big enough,thefactsdon’t count.”The next year,as she and her team went totheNorthern California Championship game,she was seen by acollege5)recruiter. She was indeed offered a scholarship,a fullride,toa Division I,6)NCAA women’s basketball team. She was goingto getthe college education that she had dreamed of and workedtoward forall those years.It’s true: If the dream is big enough,the factsdon’t count.











初中英语双语阅读文章 篇四

Three Little Pigs and a Big Wolf

Once, a mother pig sent her three little children into the world. They needed to look after themselves.

The first pig found some straw, and he built a fine house with straw, and he built a fine house with straw.

The second pig built a house with wood.

The third pig built a house with stone.

One day, a wolf came to straw house, he was hungry.

"Little pig let me in! I'm your brother."

"No, no! You are a wolf."

Then the wolf blew down the straw house. The first pig ran to the wooden house.

Then the wolf came to the wooden house, too. The two pigs ran to the stone house.

The wolf came and blew the stone house. He blew and blew, but the house didn't fall down. Then wolf was angry, he climbed to the roof and jumped down the chimney.

The wolf fell into the pot! Ouch! He ran away.

The three little pigs lived happily.





一天, 一只大灰狼来到草房前,他十分饥饿。











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