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perfect的`单语例句 篇一

1、 Such a limited business scope is perfect for foreign investors who want to test the waters in the China market before making a big commitment.

2、 The beautiful park is like a fairyland with its flora and fauna, making it a perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of city life.

3、 If you are tired of the perpetual work in the urban hustle and bustle, a date with the sky is a perfect alternative.

4、 Gently sauted in butter with a sage leaf and 2 cloves of chopped garlic, chicken livers are perfect with a glass of dry sherry on a cold evening-差异网§www.chayi5.com .

5、 As I said, it hasn't been perfect by any means.

6、 " Our products are not perfect yet by any means, " said Potts.

7、 By Mr Right, she means a perfect combination of love and wealth.

8、 The firm action that the current financial crisis requires is a perfect opportunity to begin looking toward a new global architecture.

9、 It is a perfect mechanism for the scientific institution and will improve cadre quality and organize local featured competitive activities.

perfect的词典解释 篇二

1、 完美的;最佳的

Something that is perfect is as good as it could possibly be.

e.g. He spoke perfect English.。.


e.g. Hiring a nanny has turned out to be the perfect solution.。.


2、 绝配的;十分合适的

If you say that something is perfect for a particular person, thing, or activity, you are emphasizing that it is very suitable for them or for that activity.

e.g. Carpet tiles are perfect for kitchens because they're easy to take up and wash.。.


e.g. So this could be the perfect time to buy a home.


3、 无瑕的;完好的;完美无缺的

If an object or surface is perfect, it does not have any marks on it, or does not have any lumps, hollows, or cracks in it.

e.g. Use only clean, Grade A, perfect eggs.


e.g. 。.。their perfect white teeth.


4、 十足的;完全的

You can use perfect to give emphasis to the noun following it.

e.g. She was a perfect fool.。.


e.g. Some people are always coming up to perfect strangers and asking them what they do.。.


perfect的中文意思 篇三

英 [ˈpɜ:fɪkt] 美 [ˈpɜ:rfɪkt]


perfect 基本解释

形容词 完美的; 正确的; 优秀的; 极好的

名词 [语]完成时

动词 使完善; 使完备 ; 使完美


1、 His reading is perfect.


2、 The weather during the last few days has been perfect.


3、 He is a perfect stranger to us.





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