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小学生简单英语故事 篇一

One cold night the king called Nasreddin to him and said, "If you're able to spend this night in the courtyard with only your shirt on, I will give you one hundred gold coins!"

In the courtyard Nasreddin saw a stone mill. He began to push it around, faster and faster. When dawn came, he was sweating all over himself.

The king got up and was surprised to see Nasreddin in high sprits. The king hated to lose one hundred gold coins, so he asked, "Was there a moon last night?"


"Then our bargain is off," said the king. "If there was a moon, it was warm. In that case even I could have spent the night outside!"

A few months later, the king and his men went hunting. It was hot summer and at the edge of the desert it was like a furnace. The king and his men were dying of thirst.

They turned toward Nasreddin's house in the hope of getting some water. Nasreddin was sitting in the edge of his well when he heard the voice of the king, "Nasreddin, bring some fresh water! Be quick and serve us!"

"Please make yourself at home," said Nasreddin.

"Where is the water?" cried the king.

"Right here, Your Majesty, you see?" Nasreddin pointed to the well.

"You only show me the water but don't give me a drink!" fumed the king.

"Your Majesty, if the rays of the moon can warm a person, the sight of water can satisfy his thirst."

适合小学生读的英语短篇小故事 篇二

was in a terrible accident at work. He fell through afloor tile and ripped off both of his ears.


Since he was permanently disfigured, he settledwith the company for a rather large sum of money.


One day, decided to invest his money in a smallbusiness.


After weeks of negotiations, he bought the company outright. But, he realized that he knewnothing about running such a business and quickly set out to hire someone who could do thatfor him.


He set up three interviews. The first guy was great. At the end of the interview, asked him, "Do you noticed anything different about me?" And the gentleman answered, "Why yes, Icouldnt help but notice you have no ears."


Tom got very angry and threw him out.


The second interview was with a woman, and she was even better than the first guy. He askedher the same question, “Do you notice anything different about me?” And she replied, “Well,you have no ears.”


Tom again was upset and tossed her out.


The third and last interview was the best of all three. He seemed to be a better businessmanthan the first two put together.


Tom was anxious,but went ahead and asked the young guy the same question:"Do you noticeanything different about me?"


And to his surprise, the young guy answered, “Yes. You wear contact lenses.”


Tom was shocked, and remarked, “What an incredibly observant young guy. How in the worlddid you know that?”


The young guy replied,“Well, its pretty damn hard to wear glasses with no ears!”


小学生阅读的有趣英语小故事 篇三

A father had four sons. One went to the big city,where he became a wealthy businessman,the other three remained in their home town. When their father passed away,the successful son was too busy to attend the funeral,but he told his brothers to spare no expense,since he would pay all the costs.

Shortly thereafter,the wealthy son received an bill for $5,000 from the funeral director,which he paid. But every month afterward he got a bill for $27. Curious about this little item, he wrote to his brothers and asked the reason for the monthly charge.”You told us that we should spare no expense,“his brothers wrote back.“Since you said Dad would like to be in style,we rented him a tuxedo."


适合小学生读的英语短篇小故事 篇四

A string walks into a bar and asks the bartender fora drink. The bartender looks at the string and says, "Sorry, Dude. We dont serve strings in here. Youare going to have to go somewhere else." The stringis angry and leaves the bar.


Moments later the string comes back into the barand asks the bartender for a drink.


"Sorry, we dont serve strings. Now, get out of here." This really pisses the string off. Heleaves the bar and goes outside.


He is so angry that he has a tantrum outside. He get himself so upset that he ties himself all upin knots. He goes back into the bar and asks the bartender for a drink one more time.


The bartender peers over the bar at the string and says, "Listen. I told you we dont servestring, arent you?"


The string looks at the man and says, "No, Im a frayed knot."


小学生阅读的有趣英语小故事 篇五

My uncle has two dogs. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much.

One day, Mr. Smith came to visit him. When the friend saw two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole, he was surprised and said, ;My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?; ;Let my dogs come in and come out, of course,; Mr. Smith asked. ;But why are there two holes? One is enough!; ;But how can the big dog go through the small hole?; my uncle said.

Sometimes a clever man may make such mistakes.


有一天,史密斯先生来看他。当这个朋友看见门口上有连个洞,一个是大洞和一个小洞时,他感到吃惊并说,;我亲爱的朋友,为什么你的门上有连个洞?;我的叔叔回答说:;当然是让我的两条狗进出了。 史密斯先生问到:"为什么门上要两个洞呢?一个就足够了。"我叔叔说:;大狗怎能走小洞呢?;




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