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古希腊神话故事中英文阅读版 篇一

Pandora's Box 潘多拉的盒子

Zeus made the first woman and sent her to Prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their caring so much for men. She was made in heaven, every god contributing something to perfect her. Venus gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music, etc. All gods gave her gifts, silvery raiment and a broidered veil, a wonder to behold, and bright garlands of blooming flowers and a crown of gold. Because of what they gave her they called her Pandora, which means "the gift of all".

The gods presented her with a box into which each had put something harmful, and forbade her ever to open it. Then they sent her to Epimetheus, who took her gladly although Prometheus had warned him never to accept anything from Zeus. He took her, and afterward when that dangerous thing, a woman, was his, he understood how good his brother's advice had been. For Pandora, like all women, was possessed of a lively curiosity. She had to know what was in the box. One day she lifted the lid——and out flew plagues innumerable, sorrow and mischief for mankind. In terror Pandora clapped the lid down, but too late. One good thing, however, was there——Hope. It was the only good the casket had held among the many evils, and it remains to this day mankind's sole comfort in misfortune.

潘多拉是宙斯创造的第一个人类女人, 主要是要报复人类。因为众神中的普罗米修斯过份关心人类,於是恼火了宙斯。


潘多拉被创造之后,就在宙斯的安排下,送给了厄庇米修斯。因为祂知道普罗米修斯不会接受祂送的礼物,所以一开始就送给了厄庇米修斯。而厄庇米修斯也接受了她,在举行婚礼时,宙斯命令众神各将一份礼物放在一个盒子里,送给潘多拉当礼物。而众神的礼物是好是坏就不得而知了。厄庇米修斯的胞兄普罗米修斯就警告厄庇米修斯, 千万不要接受宙斯的礼物,尤其是女人,因为女人是危险的动物。而厄庇米修斯就跟其名字一般,娶了潘多拉之后没多久,就开始后悔了。


短篇英语神话故事 篇二

Eros(Cupid ) eros was the god of love ,better known by hislatin name cupid.son of aphrodite by ares ,he took his place among the small gods of olympus.he was represented asa little naked boy ,with sparkling wings ,and he carried his bowand arrows wherever he wandered.shooting his thrilling arrows in evils ,he inspired the passion of love and provided all nature with life and power of reproduction.The lovely ,naughty god had two kinds of arrows :the gold tipped arrows used to quicken the pulse of love and the lead tipped ones to palsy it. besides ,he had a torch to light hearts with. though sometimes he was blindfolded ,no man nor god ,zeus himself included ,was safe from his evils.

A one time the little naughty god was wounded by his own arrows and such burning love was awakened in him for the human maiden psyche that he disregarded the constant interference of his mother and plucked up his courage to beg zeus for justice. another famous story where eros played an important part was the argonautic ,daughter of king aeetes ,was wounded by eros'' arrows,took jason''s part in recovering the golden fleece and eventually became the hero''s wife.

短篇英语神话故事 篇三

Prometheus prometheus was a titan 。in the war between zeus the giants he had stood on the side of the new olympiangods.out of the clay he made the first man ,to whom athena gave soul and holy breath.prometheus spent a lot of time and energy in creating the gift of fire.and fire raised man above all animals 。

Later,there held a joint meeting of gods and men. the meeting was to decide what part of burnt animals should begiven to gods and what to men.prometheus cut up an ox and divided it into two parts :under the skin he placed the fresh,and under the fat he put the bones,for he knew the selfish zeus loved fat. zeus saw through the trick and felt displeased at the prometheus' favor towards men.so in a masterful way he took away the gift of fire from mankind.however,prometheus managed to steal fire from heaven and secretly brought it down tomen.flying into an anger at this unjustified act of rebellion ,zeus let the other gods chain prometheus to a rock on mountain caucasus ,where a hungry eagle ever tore at his liver which ever grew again.his period of pain was to be thirty-thousand years.prometheus faced his bitter fate firmly and never lost courage before zeus.at last heracles made prometheus and zeus restore to friend ship,when heracles came over in search of the golden apple and killed the eagle and set the friend of mankind free.

短篇英语神话故事 篇四

in the han dynasty in qiancheng lived a man by the name of dong yong. his mother died when he was a child. while living with his father, he worked hard in the fields. each time they went out, he would put his old father on a small cart and follow it on foot. when his father died, he was willing to sell himself into slavery for a little money for the funeral. knowing that he was a virtuous man, his master gave him ten thousand coins and allowed him to go home.

dong was in mourning for three years. when it was over, he decided to return to his master to work as a slave. on his way he met a woman who said to him, "i am willing to marry you." so they went together to his master. "i have given you money," the master said to him. "thanks to your generous help," dong said, "i was able to bury my father. although i am a man of low birth, i know i ought to work for you to repay your kindness." then the master asked, "what is your wife good at?" "she can weave," dong answered. "if you insist on doing something for me," said the master. "please ask your wife to weave a hundred bolts of fine silk for me." dong's wife set to work in the master's house. ten days later the hundred bolts were ready.

when she came out, she said to dong, "i am a weaver in heaven. the emperor of heaven ordered me to help you pay your debt because he was moved by your filial piety." after saying these words she flew into the sky and vanished.




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