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小学生寒假计划 篇一















七年级上册英语寒假作业答案 篇二


一。   1. grandparent   2. weekend   3. suitable   4. year   5. start   6. resyaurant   二。   1.C   2.D   3.B   4.C   5.D   三。   1. have rice   2. be good at   3. come from   4. look after   5. every year   6. play badminton   7. walk home   8. wear a pair of glasses   9. after school   10. work hard   11. many hobbies   12. 为校足球队得分   13. 世界杯   14. 看起来快乐   15. 在阅读俱乐部   16. 足球场   17. 在午餐时间   18. 带狗出去散步   19. 用英语说某样东西   20. 互相理解   四。   1. has   2. go   3. Dose live   4. flying   5. don’t watch   6. dosen’t get   7. studies   8. takes   9. cleanning   10.do   五。   1.A birds   2.B have to   3.D singing   4.B from me   5.D American   六。   1. good at playi≮www.chayi5.com≯ng   2. takes in   3. say in   4. a member of   5. doesn’t do   6. Dose live   7. How does go   8. How is look like   七。   1. How are you   2. am   3. sure study there’re love good   4. Where is she from   5. How is she look like   八。   CBDADBCDAB   九。   1.He wants a penfriend   2.five   3.England   4.music and football 。 NO WHY   5. tom99@   十。   I have a cousin. His name is LiYang.He is good at Maths and PE. He has long black hair and big eyes.He is polite and helpful. He lives in Suzhou. He likes playing computer games and playing basketball


一。   1. listen to music   2. make model plane   3. read newspaper   4. write e-mills   5. play volleyball   6. watch too much TV   7. wake up   8. do moring exercises   9. spend about an hour doing homework   10 twice a week   11. 向某人问好   12. 做课外活动   13. 找乐   14. 所有的时间   15. 游泳馆俱乐部的一员   16. 每天三小时   17. 期待   18. 借些钱   19. 学到更多关于世界   20. 那个问题的答案   二。.   1. she   2. you   3. They   4. He   5. We   6. it   7. me them   8. her   9. them   10. it   三。   1. has s good time   2. spend me   3. dose his homework   4. is worker   5. What would like   6. Why do you love reading   四。   1. lies   2. field   3. gain   4. ousin   5. orrow   6. ounds   7. lasses   五。   1. Is it time   2. go for walk   3. are looking forward seeing   4. spend free time on   5. How like   6. shouldn’t

六。   1. writes   2. talking   3. wrting   4. more   5. Don’t wake   6. closed   7. activities   8. dancing   9. doing    have   七。   BDCBDCCDCDCDAA   八。   ADBCB


一。   1. What dose she always do?   2. How many horses are there on that farm?   3. How much do you will spend on the sweater?   4. How long does it take you together?   5. How often does your mother go to the supermarket?   6. When dose Jane will finish the work?   7. How far does it from here to the country?   二   BDCAFE   三   1. cut out   2. go fishing   3. speak french   4. a long holiday   5. see the doctor   6. 捉弄某人   7. 在中国的传统节日   8. 敲门   9. 涂我们的脸   10. 用南瓜做灯笼   四。   HCBGDJIAEF   五。   1. like   2. as   3. with   4. in   5. for after   6. at   7. by   8. on of   六。   1. Thank you for telling me my son’s studies   2. He cuts out a happy face on the red apple   3. Uncle LEE usually makes toys for me   4. Spring Festival is ny favourte season in the year   5. Look so many people. I am very happy   6. How do you spend the holiday   七。   1. to finish   2. give   3. first   4. dresses   5. candy   6. traditional   7. him   8. neighbours’   9. Is   10 called   八。   1. D TV   2. C some   3. A look at   4. B to do   5. B Tom and me   九。   CDBAA   Spring Festival is in January or February 。 It usually very cold.。People usually eat ‘jiaozi’ or ‘yuanxiao’。 People are all get together and play chess or cards

我的寒假计划作文 篇三









初二寒假英语作业答案 篇四

一。1.feeding 2.feathers 3.close 4.readers 5.bored 6.languages 7.report 8. themselves 9.smell

二。1.in 2.about 3.on 4.from 5.as 6.of 7.of 8.on 9.for 10.in


1.the most popular

2.telling so much funny

3.saved out of ago

4.has problems

5.much pay for

6.good at telling so happy

7.protect won’t survive

8.live up to

四。1.finish 2.to speak 3.brushes 4.is 5.is flying 6.is having 7.watching 8.will reach 9.stops chat

五。1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.C

六。exciting famous the-most-popular interesting cleaner more-beautiful the-nicest more




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