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初二英语寒假作业答案 篇一


寒假作业一 unit1 一,unhappy problem bad square test advice famous real joy diving

二,climbing speaking camping laugh thought solve smiling not to be to give,

to become, 三,healthy healthily, bored, more, singer, more dangerous, pleasant, the most nervous, interesting, the worst, slimmer, 四,BCDDA DCBDB CBADB 五,BDCBD ACBDA

寒假作业二 unit2 一 heroes, tasty, subject, seniors, admired, article, geography science unimportant, practicing, languages, history, 二 visitors, useless, fewer less, twice, mixed, myself, driving, unpopular, pleasant, boring, 三DCAAB ACDAD BBAAD BACDB BBCAA 四 help, doesn’t rain, asking, chatting, is going to be doing, opening, put ran, to be, washing, will arrive, arrives will have talking

寒假作业三 unit3 一 to meet, themselves, to close clean, inviting, buildings, beginning, more, interest, amazing, visiting 二to go on a trip to places of, to visit, whole front of, took by, to join in to, 三invitation, interesting, quickly, yourself, beauty,

四,ADBAC CDBAA 五 had fun, at the beginning, feel sick, felt exited, places of interest, in front of

六 called, keeping, to have, climbers, winner, snows, less doing, players, walking, alike 七 1 it is big and white. 2 we should protect them

3 they kill them for their beautiful white coat.

4they live in the snow and ice.

5 A

寒假作业四 unit4 一, leaves, encourages, elephants’ hunting, least, badly, to protect, characters, smells, sharp well 二, BAACB BACBB DCDCB BDCBD ACB 三, To live, is playing, buys, stops, don’t study, won’t, pass, playing, will be, waiting, to have, to continue, 四, Keeping passing and 2if we don’t protect wild animals any more, there will be no wild animals in the world. 3we must take

the following actions to prevent them hunting animals. 4 her coat is made pf animal fur.。 5trying to 6 couldn’t believe. 7the baby didn’t stop crying until his mother came back. 8 the meeting doesn’t start until everyone comes. 9 if I can find the wolf hill, I will be very happy. 10 can he live alone, I am afraid he can’t. 11 if I go to nature reserve, I will watch the lions carefully. Unit5



二、1. longer interesting 2. less 3. hottest coldest 4. laugh 5. hiking 6. closed 7. to help 8. watching 9. better 10. the prettiest

三、1. to protect. 2. carefully 3. hearing 4. action 5. northern 6. continue 7. preparing 8. science

四、1. noisily 2. unhappy 3. disappear 4. peaceful 5. living 6. wetter

五、1. feel 2. shining 3. is sleeping 4. reading 5. dropping 6. comes 7. to see 8. be 9. will arrive 10. have told Uni6


二、1. brightly sunny 2. snowy 3. foggy 4. windy strongly 5. worse 6. easily

三、1. to lock 2. not to talk 3. look 4. doing 5. not to get 6. playing playing 7. to learn speaking 8. to be 9. happen 10. working


五、DBDAD 吴中区


四 57.worst 58.information 59.yourselves 60.accidents 61.frightening 63.dropped 64.luckier 65.providing 五.句子翻译

1.This means more and more birds will disappear. 2.The English teacher always encourages us to speak a little English every day. 3.If you want to get rich,you must build roads first. 4.No one knows how that house caught fire last night. 5.Because of clean and more people like to live in the country. 6.When people found Timmy still alive,they couldn’t wait to move away bricks and stones.




四、1. hobbies 2. encourages 3. easily 4. heroes 5. fewer 6. protecting 7. natural

五、1. My teacher has a good sense of humour.

2、 Your school uniform is the same as theirs.

3、 This song makes her really happy.

4、 My mother bought me a mobile phone. 5. What were you doing when the bell rang?

六、1. Where do you plan to go for a trip?

2、 There are a lot of places of interest in Suzhou. 3. Thank you for keeping the secret for me 。 4. We will go to the park if it is fine tomorrow. 5. It’s impolite to ask a lady’s age in western countries.


2010-2011学年第一学期期末模拟测试卷八年级英语 单词拼写:


2、 birth 3. firemen

4、 accident 5. peaceful

6、 angrily 7. forest(s) 8. airport

9、 foreign 10.directions 词形变化

1.incorrect 2. foggier

3、 Mice 4.hunters 5.winners

6、 northern 7.dishonest 8.babies 9.loss

10、 wolves’ 句型转换:

1.wasn’t able to by herself 2.didn’t think were 3.how many fish did catch 4.How nicely 5. a ,member of 6.drives carefully 单项选择:

1.C2.A3.A4.C5.D6.B7.B8.A9.D10.C11.B12.C13.B14.A15.D16.D17.B18.B19.D20.A 动词填空:

1.continued 2.was sewing 3.smells 4.was sleeping 5.to shout 6.is playing 7.will miss 8.dropping 9.weighed 10.will solve 完形填空:

1.A2.B3.A4.D5.B6.C7.A8.D9.B10.C 阅读理解:

1、 D2.B3.A4.D5.A6.B7.C8.C9.C10.A11.C12.B13.D14.C15.A 句子翻译:

1、 My parents are busy all year roundD. 2. They looked each other in fear at that moment. 3. You need to exercise more to keep healthy. 4. The teacher often encourages us to speak English after class. 5. We must prevent people from cutting down trees. 6. There will be a heavy snow in northeast China tonight. 书面表达略

附加题 单词拼写:

1 3.wild 4.information 5.outside

8、 outside

6.Thick 7.delicious 8.following 9.train 10.loss

11.incorrect 12.quietly/softly 13.warning 14.thunder 15.Lightning 17.bricks 18.sandstorm 19.selling 20.arrival 词形变化:

1.hearing 2.suitable 3.wolves 4.hobbies 5.wetter 6.excitedly 7.nicely 8.myself 9.foggy 10.caller’s 动词填空:

1、 will win 2.hunted 3.playing 4.sing5.isn’t6.was shining7 talk9.was mopping 10.broke 选择题:

16.D17.B18.B19.D20.D21.D22.C23.D24.A25.B26.A27.C28.C29.A30.C 完形填空:

31.D32.B33.B34.C35.A36.A37.C38.D39.D40.A 阅读理解:


56 fear 57 medicine 58 twice 59 encourages 60 accident 61healthy 62 unusual 63 foggy 64 trapped 65 endangered 66 Don’t play 67 If will 68 How often 69 How does 70 were playing 71 In the future ,people will make good friends with animal. 72 Last year, the flood washed all things of the village. 73 Thousands of people are trying to save the people trapped in the fire. 74 My brother is interested in football. 75 A moment of fear went through my mind. 76 poor 77 because 78 took 79 also 80 bird

81 use 82 same 83 mind 84 enough 85 parents 86 few 87 or 88 good 89 remember 90 so 一 单项填空

1-5 DCBBB 6-10 BDDCD 11-15 DDDAA 二 完型填空

1-5 BDCBC 6-10 BDABA 三 阅读理解 DDDC 四 单词拼写 sadly 2 shaking 3 hotter 4 February 5Leaves 6 importance 7 Almost 8 heroes 9 traffic 10 encouraged 五 动词填空 useless 2 skiing 3 moves 4 Wolves 5 Luckily 6 worse

寒假作文600字 篇二












七年级上册英语寒假作业答案 篇三


一。   1. grandparent   2. weekend   3. suitable   4. year   5. start   6. resyaurant   二。   1.C   2.D   3.B   4.C   5.D   三。   1. have rice   2. be good at   3. come from   4. look after   5. every year   6. play badminton   7. walk home   8. wear a pair of glasses   9. after school   10. work hard   11. many hobbies   12. 为校足球队得分   13. 世界杯   14. 看起来快乐   15. 在阅读俱乐部   16. 足球场   17. 在午餐时间   18. 带狗出去散步   19. 用英语说某样东西   20. 互相理解   四。   1. has   2. go   3. Dose live   4. flying   5. don’t watch   6. dosen’t get   7. studies   8. takes   9. cleanning   10.do   五。   1.A birds   2.B have to   3.D singing   4.B from me   5.D American   六。   1. good at playing   2. takes in   3. say in   4. a member of   5. doesn’t do   6. Dose live   7. How does go   8. How is look like   七。   1. How are you   2. am   3. sure study there’re love good   4. Where is she from   5. How is she look like   八。   CBDADBCDAB   九。   1.He wants a penfriend   2.five   3.England   4.music and football 。 NO WHY   5. tom99@   十。   I have a cousin. His name is LiYang.He is good at Maths and PE. He has long black hair and big eyes.He is polite and helpful. He lives in Suzhou. He likes playing computer games and playing basketball


一。   1. listen to music   2. make model plane   3. read newspaper   4. write e-mills   5. play volleyball   6. watch too much TV   7. wake up   8. do moring exercises   9. spend about an hour doing homework   10 twice a week   11. 向某人问好   12. 做课外活动   13. 找乐   14. 所有的时间   15. 游泳馆俱乐部的一员   16. 每天三小时   17. 期待   18. 借些钱   19. 学到更多关于世界   20. 那个问题的答案   二。.   1. she   2. you   3. They   4. He   5. We   6. it   7. me them   8. her   9. them   10. it   三。   1. has s good time   2. spend me   3. dose his homework   4. is worker   5. What would like   6. Why do you love reading   四。   1. lies   2. field   3. gain   4. ousin   5. orrow   6. ounds   7. lasses   五。   1. Is it time   2. go for walk   3. are looking forward seeing   4. spend free time on   5. How like   6. shouldn’t

六。   1. writes   2. talking   3. wrting   4. more   5. Don’t wake   6. closed   7. activities   8. dancing   9. doing    have   七。   BDCBDCCDCDCDAA   八。   ADBCB


一。   1. What dose she always do?   2. How many horses are there on that farm?   3. How much do you will spend on the sweater?   4. How long does it take you together?   5. How often does your mother go to the supermarket?   6. When dose Jane will finish the work?   7. How far does it from here to the country?   二   BDCAFE   三   1. cut out   2. go fishing   3. speak french   4. a long holiday   5. see the doctor   6. 捉弄某人   7. 在中国的传统节日   8. 敲门   9. 涂我们的脸   10. 用南瓜做灯笼   四。   HCBGDJIAEF   五。   1. like   2. as   3. with   4. in   5. for after   6. at   7. by   8. on of   六。   1. Thank you for telling me my son’s studies   2. He cuts out a happy face on the red apple   3. Uncle LEE usually makes toys for me   4. Spring Festival is ny favourte season in the year   5. Look so many people. I am very happy   6. How do you spend the holiday   七。   1. to finish   2. give   3. first   4. dresses   5. candy   6. traditional   7. him   8. neighbours’   9. Is   10 called   八。   1. D TV   2. C some   3. A look at   4. B to do   5. B Tom and me   九。   CDBAA   Spring Festival is in January or February 。 It usually very cold.。People usually eat ‘jiaozi’ or ‘yuanxiao’。 People are all get together and play chess or cards

五年级英语寒假作业答案2022年最新 篇四

Page 1-2

I. 1. My name is …

2、 I’m …

3、 I’m in Class …, Grade …。

4、 … is my best friend.

5、 … is my English teacher.

6、 There are … people in my family.

7、 His name is …

8、 She’s …

9、 He’s a/an …

10、 I have a…。

11、 Yes, I do.

12、 Yes, I do.

13、 OK. Let’s be good friends.

II. long - short tall - short sad - happy new - old

small - big fat/thick - thin old - young

III. 1. I am 2. is not 3. let us 4. he is 5. she is 6. what is 7. who is 8. you are 9. it is

IV. 1. a new friend in our class.

2、 What class is he in?

3、 Where do you live?

4、 What is his house number?

5、 big bright eyes and short hair. / short hair and big bright eyes.

V. 1. American 2. thirteen 3. teachers 4. brown 5. sister

Page 3-4

I. playing the piano reading a book flying a kite painting a picture

II. 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. C

III. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. D 6. C

IV. Australia, Rabbit; New Zealand, Duck; China, Panda

V. D. E. C. B. A.

Page 5-6

I. 1. u, r 2. e, a 3. i, r 4. e, r 5. o, r 6. o, o 7. a, i 8. e, r 9. o, o 10. r, a

1、 pupil 2. doctor 3. actress 4. teacher 5. singer 6. dancer 此题答案可视学生具体情况而定。

11、 e, i 12. a, e 13. u, e

II. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A

III. 1. Who’s he

2、 What’s your father/What does your father do/What’s your father’s job

3、 How old are you

4、 Where are you from

5、 What’s her name

6、 How old is she

IV. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. B

Page 7-8

I. 1.穿蓝衣服的女人 2.墙上的地图 3.长头发的女孩 4.中间的男孩 5.右边的书

6、左边的男人 7.双胞胎兄弟 8.彼此看起来像 9.向……学习 10.在将来

II. 1. introduce my friends to you

2、 a girl in Class Two

3、 Where do they work

4、 What is her job

5、 Is she a doctor

6、 We love, father, mother.

III. Children’s Day in Children’s Day in

June 1st October 1st November 23rd May 5th

Children’s Day in Children’s Day in

IV. 1. E 2. I 3. F 4. D 5. C 6. G 7. B 8. H 9. A 10. J

V. 1.What, is; What, does, your, do; What, father’s, job

2、 Does, like, Yes, does/No, doesn’t

3、 comes, from

4、 Where, are

5、 Where, does, come, from

Page 9-10

I. 1. I D 2. E G 3. B A 4. H F 5. J C

II. 1. likes painting

2、 doctor father

3、 friend/father Chinese

4、 policewoman mother

5、 eyes nose


IV. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. C

Page 11-12

I.waiter tiger doctor student farmer teacups

II. 1.Who’s, Whose 2. too, to, two 3. right, write 4. know, No

III. 1. teacher 2. farmer 3. driver 4. nurse

IV. 1.What’s your mother/ What does your mother do/ What’s your mother’s job

2、 Is his father a singer

3、 Is he a/an…(postman以外的表示职业的单词)

4、 What’s her dad/What does her dad do/What’s her dad’s job

V. 1.There are four people in Lisa’s family. 2. They are both students.

3、 She’s eleven.

4、 He’s a teacher./He teaches English.

5、 She’s a nurse.

6、 Yes, they do.

7、 Yes, she does.

Page 13-14

I. 1. ten 十 2. but 但是,可是 3. dear 亲爱的 4. dog 狗 5. on 在……上

II. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D

III. 1. woman 2. mother 3. boy 4. uncle 5. daughters 6. sister 7. She 8. We

IV. 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. C




playing football




playing basketball


VI. 1.Yes, she does.

2、 She’s a reporter.

3、 She likes taking care of the pets.

4、 Lucy’s cup is pink.

5、 No, it isn’t.

Page 15-16

I. 1. park, hospital, school, zoo…

2、 umbrella, mirror, mop…

3、 skirt, coat, jacket…

4、 mine, yours, ours, theirs, his…

5、 knife, spoon, plate…

6、 America, Canada, England, Singapore, France, Germany, Australia…

II. 1. of 2. Whose 3. What 4. at 5. that 6. What’s 7. away 8. for

III. 1. A. does 2. B. her 3. C. away 4. B. sends

IV. 1. Whose drum is that/this?

2、 Is he a policeman?

3、 Who are they?

4、 They are Peter’s.

5、 What is his mother/ What’s his mother’s job?

6、 Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t.

V. 1. Her name is …。

2、 She’s a/an …。

3、 He’s …。

4、 Yes, they do.

5、 I’m in Grade …。

6、 There are … students in our class.

7、 Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

8、 Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

Happy Knowledge

1、玩 2.踢,玩 3.演奏,弹 4.播放

足球运动员; 运动场, 操场; 游戏室, 娱乐室;

剧场, 儿童游戏室, 玩具小屋; 游戏时间, 娱乐时间

Page 17-18

I. 1. Li Yan’s drums

2、 jacket

3、 grandfather and grandmother

4、 bus driver

5、 kind and beautiful

6、 mine

II. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. B

III. 1. your 2. His 3. those 4. Peter’s 5. mine 6. yours 7. her

IV. 1. B 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B

V. Good, morning, It’s, an, has, it/hers/his, that, yours, mine, Whose, go

Page 19-22

I. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C

Ⅱ。 1 – 5 CBBAC 6 – 10 AACBB 11 - 15 BACBB

Ⅲ。 G, A, H, E, J, B, I, F, C/D, D/C

Ⅳ。 5, 2, 4, 3, 1

Ⅴ。 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. A

Ⅵ。 1. Does, like, Yes / No, does / doesn’t 2. Is, No, isn’t 3. Whose 4. What, do

Ⅶ。 E, I, A, H, C, D, B, G, J, F

Ⅷ。 1 – 5 √×√√×




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