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这是劳拉在美国度过的第一个万圣节。她见过许多描绘在电视和电影中十月下旬的假期,她不得不承认她有点激动和紧张的这一天的到了。她很高兴看到孩子们穿着破衣服在按门铃时的样子,她还担心会被他们的服装吓到。她看过太多恐怖电影。 篇一

It was Laura's first Halloween in the United States. She had seen many portrayals of the late October holiday on television and in movies. She had to admit she was a little excited and nervous about the day. She was excited to see the costumes worn by kids ringing her doorbell; she was also worried about being scared by the costumes. She had watched too many horror movies.

几个小时后,房东太太打开门,发现劳拉被警察带走了。”恶作剧还是招待?劳拉问道,它看起来很尴尬。 篇二

A few hours later, the landlady opened the door and found Laura accompanied by police. "Trick or treat?" Laura asked, looking embarrassed.

劳拉去她的房间穿上她的女巫服装,她和乔还有一些其他的朋友一起去了当地的娱乐中心,那里布置了假蜘蛛网和一些人工烟雾。“我们要她向一些房子扔鸡蛋。“乔告诉她。她不知道扔鸡蛋是非法的,她只是认为这是另一个万圣节的传统。 篇三

Laura went to her room to put on her witch costume. She walked to the local recreation center along with Joe and some other friends. The recreation center was decorated with fake spider webs and filled with artificial fog. "We're going to egg some houses," Joe told her. She didn't know that throwing eggs was illegal. She just thought it was another Halloween tradition.

劳拉在公寓里租了一间房,她的房东问她是否给糖果,劳拉愉快地答应了。太阳刚刚升起,第一组的孩子已经穿好服装在按门铃。“不给糖就捣蛋!”当劳拉打开门他们热情地说。孩子们都打开了袋子。”我要吃糖!”劳拉说,从每一个袋子里拿着糖果。房东太太跑来开门。”不,劳拉。你给孩子们糖果,而不是你从他们那里拿。“她解释道。谢天谢地,没有一个孩子不高兴,他们只是看起来很困惑。房东太太建议劳拉应该与一些朋友到当地社区的万圣节去狂欢,她要亲手发糖果。 篇四

Laura was renting a room in a house. Her landlady asked her if she could help with the candy. Laura happily agreed. The sun was just starting to set when the first group of kids in costumes rang the doorbell. "Trick or treat!" they said enthusiastically when Laura opened the door. The kids all had open bags. "I want a treat!" Laura said and grabbed the candy from each of the bag. The landlady came running to the door. "No, Laura. You give the kids candy, not taking from them," she explained gently. Thankfully, none of the kids were upset. They just looked confused. The landlady suggested that Laura should go out with some friends to a local community Halloween carnival. She would handle giving out the candy by herself.




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