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英文step up用汉语怎么样翻译(精选3篇)


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step up的汉语解释 篇一

英 [step ʌp] 美 [stɛp ʌp]

step up 基本解释

走上; (使)增加; (使)加快速度; 走上前去

step up 相关例句


1、 You have to step up your pace.


step up的双语例句 篇二

1、 The elaborate loop-the-loop plot structure cooked up by screenwriter Danny Rubin is crystal-clear every step of the way, but it's Murray's world-class reactive timing that makes the jokes explode, and we end up looking forward to each new variation.


2、 Make-up is the next session, the Department of the cultural make-up artist Jing Dong Yuan, through a step-by-step makeup for the model on the ground and the make-up demonstration of the process in detail. And make us attention the course of demonstrations of make-up skills.

接下来的化妆环节中,文化交流部的化妆师董静远通过为现场 model 一步步地上妆,示范了化妆的详细过程,并在示范过程中讲解了许多化妆的技巧和注意事项。

3、 Now china is developing in rapid speed, and catching up the global world step by step.


4、 The information platform is one of the advanced manufature technology, it can step up the information application in large arer.


5、 In order to build up a community, a forum is an essential step towards connecting the users and towards creating a stable base for communication.


step up的单语例句 篇三

1、 It is necessary for the government to step up its efforts in working with the business sector to narrow the wealth gap in Hong Kong.

2、 Pat→www.chayi5.com←rons step onto the platform and hit the red button to go up and green to go down.

3、 Someone in America needs to act and step up and take responsibility like Shan Jixiang has in China.

4、 But the attached logos add value by way of an affordable step up the ladder of social mobility.

5、 I'll hike around the canyons, then really step up my cardio.

6、 Foot and mouth disease has spread to a second herd of cattle in southern Britain, as experts narrow down the possible source and step up efforts at containment.

7、 The MOC has established an imported game products censorship committee in an effort to step up censorship on the content of online games.

8、 Authorities will step up measures to shut down substandard organic food businesses, cracking down on illegal activities such as certification misuse and counterfeiting of organic food products.

9、 This has sparked a chain reaction within the industry, prompting steelmakers to step up prices to grab part of the profits.

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