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孔雀相关英语表达: 篇一

孔雀大理石 pavonazzo;

孔雀蓝 peacock blue;

孔雀绿 {有化} malachite green

孔雀石 {矿} malachite

猫头鹰的英文单词:owl 篇二

读法如音标所示:英 [aʊl] 美 [aʊl]

1. Huang said he has contacted the local animal protection center officials, who would come to take away the owl soon.

2. An owl accidentally flew into a resident's house in Chongqing municipality and refused to eat for almost a week.

3. That continued up until the day people discovered that an owl living inside the tree's hollow trunk was the source of its voice.

4. In the coalfields of eastern Kentucky, it's known as the hoot owl shift.

5. The owl returned on the same day a year later and hatched four more offspring.

6. Whether you are an owl or a lark, the market is definitely worth visiting.

7. Sean bought his first owl ornament while in college in the US, made of copper.

8. The bird turned out to be an eagle owl, a protected species.

9. Officials also found 319 owl carcasses and 22 paws of the protected Malayan sun bear, he said.

10. A truck driver found a small owl hiding under his truck late last week.

孔雀的英语说法 篇三





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