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obtain英语例句库 篇一

1.You can't obtain my consent by force.你不能强迫我同意。

2.The court excluded the improperly obtained evidence.法院不接受非正常渠道获得的证据

3.We obtained a loan from the government.我们得到一笔政府贷款。

4.I haven't been able to obtain that book.我还没能得到那本书。

5.Our product is obtainable in all computer shop.我们的产品在所有的计算机商店有售。

6.Stems twining, filiform, obtaining nourishment from hosts by haustoria.茎缠绕,丝状,获得食物从寄主以。

7.In 71% of patients normal mimical function was obtained.71%的患者可以恢复正常的模仿功能。

8.They were plotting how to obtain the necessary information.他们正在策划如何获取必要的情报。

9.They obtained money under the false pretenses of patriotism.他们以虚伪的爱国主义为借口获得金钱。

10.The village obtains all its energy from renewable sources.这个村子完全利用可再生能源。

11.The court excluded the confession wrongly obtained by the police.法院排除了警方通过不正当方法获得的供词作为证据。

12.Isoquercitrin is obtained from Hypericum perforatum L.for the first time.首次从贯叶金丝桃中分离得到化合物异槲皮苷。

13.He has enough money to obtain the necessaries of life.他有足够的钱购买生活必需品

could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors.债权人可以获得逮捕债务人的令状。

15.Oleo-resin obtained from the trunk of Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms var. balsamum.本品为自豆科植物秘鲁香脂树Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms var. balsamum.的树干获取的油树脂。

16.Pinane hydroperoxide was obtained from the initial material-pinane with high cis-pinane content.以高顺式选择性蒎烷为原料,经液相空气氧化制得蒎烷氢过氧化物。

17.Some of the salt that we use is obtained from the sea.我们用的盐有些是从海水中提取的。

18.Admission is obtained by written application.要求录取须书面提出申请。

19.Different laws obtain in different places.不同的法律适用在不同的地方。

20.He obtained a knowledge of Latin.他学会了拉丁文。

obtain用法 篇二




obtain后可接双宾语表达为obtain somebody sth,指“使。.。得到。.。”。Her work obtained her a regular incomes.她的工作使她得到了定期收入。


He failed to obtain a scholarship.他没有获得奖学金。

At last, their company obtained the mining concession.他们的公司最终获得了采矿权。

Those who were penitent obtained absolution.悔过者获得了赦免。


Your dress still obtains now.你的这款套裙现在还很流行。

The custom still obtains in districts.这种风俗在某些地区仍然流行。

The word has obtained general currency.该词已经通用了。


1、Only with mass direct action will we obtain such change.


2、Gregory'sfather had implanted in him an ambition to obtain an education.


3、Offshoring provides an opportunity to obtain I.T. services at low cost.


obtain的意思 篇三

vt. 获得,得到,流行,买到,达到(目的)

vi. 通行,通用,流行,存在

变形:过去式: obtained; 现在分词:obtaining; 过去分词:obtained;

obtain词组 | 习惯用语 篇四

obtain employment 就业,找到工作

obtain information 获得信息;索取资料或合同

obtain evidence 取证




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