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Monday的意思 篇一

n. 星期一,周一

pace的意思用法总结 篇二


n. 一步,长度单位,步幅,步调,快步

vt. 踱步,走来走去,步测,调整步调,训练马溜蹄

vi. 踱,溜蹄

prep. 蒙…恩准,怀着对…的敬意

变形:过去式: paced; 现在分词:pacing; 过去分词:paced;



pace用作名词的基本意思是“步子”,转化为动词意思是“用步子测量”“为…定步速”“缓慢而行”。引申可作“跑在…前面; 为…的标兵”解。


pace后接副词off表示“用脚步量出一段距离”; 后接副词out表示“用脚步量出全部长度”。


The lion paced the floor of his cage restlessly.狮子烦躁地在兽笼里走来走去。

He gets up,and begin to pace up and down the room.他起身并开始在房间里踱来踱去。

I pace the path and I know how long it is.我用步子量过这条路,我知道它有多长。

pace 词组 |习惯用语

keep pace 并驾齐驱;齐步并进

keep pace with 并驾齐驱,保持同步

change of pace n. 改变习惯;更换口味

at a snail's pace 慢条斯理地;极慢地

set the pace v. 领先;起领头作用;定速度

off the pace 在第一名之后

at a good pace 相当快地

force the pace ◎(比赛中)采用加速战术,以尽快拖垮对方;◎加快节奏;

pace 英语例句库

1.He paced up and down,fulminating against Thomas.他一边来回踱步,一边大声怒斥托马斯。

2.Erika was moving at a funereal pace.埃里卡悲哀而庄严地迈步行进。

3.The work progressed at a slow pace.这项工作进展缓慢。

4.The actress is walking at a brisk pace.那位女演员正以轻快的步伐走着。

5.They’re putting the new machinery through its paces.他们正在测试新机器的性能。

6.The trot is a pace of the horse.快步”是马行的一种步态。

7.She paces the whole class in English study.她在学习英语方面为全班树立榜样。

8.He paced along the shore, deep in thought.他沿着海滩走着, 陷入了沉思。

9.They paced out the length of the garden.他们用步量出这个花园的长度。

10.The lion paced the floor of its cage.狮子在笼里踱来踱去。

11.The runners slackened their pace. Air speed slackened.赛跑者放慢了步子。飞行速度变慢了

12.She unconsciously moved back a pace or two.她下意识地向后退了一两步。

13.He was pacing the room like a caged animal.他像一头困兽一样在房间里走来走去。

14.I paced out the dimensions of my new home.我用步子测出了我的新房子的大小。

15.My grandmother drove the car at a snail’s pace.我祖母开车像蜗牛爬。

16.The nation's highways are deteriorating at a rapid pace.这个国家的高速公路正在迅速衰退

17.He paced nervously up and down on the platform.他在站台上情绪不安地走来走去。

18.The fence is only ten paces from the house.围墙离屋子只有十步远。

19.She finished only a few paces behind the winner.到达终点时, 她仅比获胜者落后几步。

20.She paces the whole class in studying English industriously.她在刻苦学习英语上给全班同学树立了榜样。


Blue Monday】的地道用法 篇三

20世纪五十年代中期的美国,随着人们劳动时间的缩短,他们拥有充裕的时间去美丽的海滨、皑皑的雪山或其他胜地去度周未。而与此同时便出现了【blue Monday】这一短语。这一短语在当时的美国非常流行,英语可以这样解释:a Monday when you have to work after a happy weekend该短语在汉语中没有直接恰当的对应语,所以在翻译时多采用根据上下文意译的方法。一般会翻译成“烦闷星期一”,指的是人们在欢度周末后被迫又要去工作的状态。在周一的办公室,不少上班族会说:It really is blue Monday after a gorgeous weekend. 过了愉快的周末之后,周一实在是令人沮丧。当然,不少精力充沛的各行精英仍然能及时调整好状态,投入到周一紧张的工作中。

当然【Blue Monday】在社交场合还可以指一种调制酒,取名“忧郁星期一”。材料:1/3 BolsBlue(波士蓝橙皮香甜酒),2/3通宁水,适量柳橙汁。调法:把所有材料倒入杯中搅匀即可,可用樱桃做装饰。

park的意思用法总结 篇四


n. 公园,停车场

vi. 泊车,停车

vt. 将…放置在某处,停车

变形:过去式: parked; 现在分词:parking; 过去分词:parked;







He leaves his car in the hotel car park.他把车停放在旅馆的停车场。

I often take my children to play in the park.我经常带我的孩子们去公园玩。

Water, electricity, steam, natural gas and plant air will supplied by the park.水、电、蒸汽、天然气、工业气体等由园区统一供给。






My car is parked over there.我的汽车停放在那儿了。

You are not allowed to park here.此处不准停车。

Small cars are easier to park than big ones.小车比大车容易停放。


1、The car park was absolutely packed solid with people.


2、He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park.


3、I found a place to park beside a station wagon.


park词组 |习惯用语

park oneself [俚语]坐下

industrial park 工业园区

national park (美)国家公园

theme park n. (游乐园中的)主题乐园

forest park 森林公园

car park 停车场

science park 科学公园

amusement park 游乐园

central park 中央公园(位于美国纽约)

zhongshan park 中山公园(以孙中山命名的公园的总称)

national forest park 国家森林公园

olympic park 奥林匹克公园

city park 城市公园

ocean park 海洋公园

walk in the park 在公园散步

century park 世纪公园

hyde park (伦敦)海德公园

park bench 公园长椅

water park 水上乐园;水上公园

park road 公园路,公园道路


1.The sea park's main entrance is located in the whangee pit park the entrance.海洋公园的正门设在黄竹坑公园的入口处。

2.There was a wall around the park.公园四周有围墙。

3.Park on driveways and drive on parkways?牲畜表示动物畜牲用来骂人?

4.There are many maples in the park.公园里有好多枫树。

5.Can you reach the park by metro?你可以乘地铁到达那个公园吗?

6.Don't park the car in this street.不得在这条街上停车。

7.Parker had his rifle at the port.帕克把枪放在了斜持枪位置上。

8.Parking is something I’m very bad at.我最不在行的就是停车。

9.He reminded me of visiting the park.他提醒我已经参观过这个公园。

10.The new parking restrictions have angered shopkeepers.新的停车限令激怒了店主们。

vehicles are permitted into the park.公园内禁止任何车辆进入。

12.Parking near the school causes severe traffic congestion.在学校附近泊车会引起严重的交通堵塞。

13.There were several courting couples in the park.公园里有几对谈情说爱的男女。

14.Disengage the gears when you park the car.停车时应该把排档脱开。

15.The park is one of his favourite resorts.这公园是他最喜欢去的地方之一。

16.It is illegal to park your car here.把车停在这里是违法的。

17.There is an inlet to a parking lot.那儿有一个停车场的入口。

18.Parker was not overly regardful of public opinion.帕克对舆论并不过分关注。

19.The whole street protested the new parking regulations.整条街的人们反对这一新的停车条例

20.They decided against a picnic in the park.他们决定不去公园野餐了。




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