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Could you introduce yourself in english?/ Why don't you start with telling us about yourself下面是小编辛苦为朋友们带来的3篇《酒店面试英语自我介绍》,希望可以启发、帮助到大朋友、小朋友们。

酒店英语面试常见问题 篇一

问题一:please tell me your work experience.(请告诉我你的工作经验。)

如果尚未开始工作,就可以回答“right now i'm still a student.”(现在我还是个学生。)或者说“i'm a recent grad and i haven't started working yet.”(我刚刚毕业,还没有开始工作。)“recent grad”是“recent graduate”的缩写,意思是刚刚毕业。)

问题二:what's your greatest weakness?(你最大的缺点是什么?) 西方老板特别爱问这个问题,让面试者感到很紧张。事实上,他问这个问题是看你对棘手问题的反应。你没必要如实回答你的弱点,因为那有可能让你得不到这份工作。相反,你可以告诉他们一些与工作职位不直接相关的事情。

问题三:why do you feel you are qualified for this job?(你为什么觉得自己胜任这份工作?)


问题四:what kind of salary did you have in mind?(你期望的薪水是多少?)


问题五:if hired,when could you start work?(如果被雇佣的话,你什么时候开始工作?)


问题六: what kind of work does the position involve?

you can ask this to clarify exactly what kind of work you’ll be doing. 这个职位包括哪些工作?通过问这句话,你可以清楚地了解到你的工作内容。

酒店英语面试常见问题2015-11-02 21:56 | #3楼

1、您认为您的岗位职责有哪些?what do you think of your responsibility for this job?

2、您的英语水平如何?how do you like the level of your english skill?

3、能用英语自我介绍吗?could you introduce yourself in english?

4、您是如何培训本部门员工的?how do you train the staff of your department?

5、如果酒店正式录取您,您上班第一件事是做什么?if you are employ by the hotel,what will you do firstly?

6、请画出西餐banquet流程图。please illustrate the procedure of western restaurant banquet.

7、您如何理解服务行业的"服务意识"?how do you comprehend the"service consciousness"of service trade?8、您是如何理解职业道德的?how do you perceive the morality of career?

9、请举例您在工作中遇到的几件困难,而您是如何克服的?could you list some difficulties during your work?and how did you conquer them?

10、您对您以前的直属领导有何看法?how do you like your senior leader who led you directly before?

11、您的人生观是什么?what is your philosophy?

12、您对自己未来五个的计划是什么?what are the five plans for yourself in the future?

13、您都用业余时间学习些什么?what are you studying in your spare time?

14、你的期望待遇是什么?what kind of treatment do you expect?

15、请介绍你的家庭。would you mind introducing your family?

16、请你用英文介绍目前服务的公司。could you introduce the company which you are serving in english?

17、如果我酒店雇用你,你觉得可以为部门带来什么样的贡献?what could you make acontribution to our hotel if you are employed by our hotel?

18、你开始投入找工作的时间有多久了?how long h***e you been looking for the job?

酒店英语面试常见问题 篇二

1、Could you introduce yourself in english?/ Why don't you start with telling us about yourself


2、Why did you leave (are you leaving) your job?


3、What is your career plan in next 5 years?


4、What kind of value/contribution will you bring in if you join our hotel?


5、Describe a situation where you had a dissatisfied customer and you solved their problem. What did you learn from it?


6、How do you handle negative feedback from customers?


7、How do you understand the “service consciousness” in service industry?


8、What kind of people/manager do you like to work with?


酒店英语面试常见问题 篇三

1.Tell me about yourself?

酒店面试官常常以这样的问题开始。记住,他们想要听到的是你的工作技巧,不是你的个人生活。不要说,"I was born in Taipei," "I like to play computer games,"或是"I have two brothers."告诉他们有关你职业生涯的发展,你学到的东西或是你是如何具备专业技能的。

2.What are your strengths?

继续,推销你自己这个问题的关键是给出具体的例子。避免只是简单地列出几项,如:"I’m really organized, punctual and get along well with others."接着具体阐述你刚才的提到的内《差异网·www.chayi5.com》容,“For example …”并解释你在之前的工作中是如何运用此特长的。

3.Why are you interested in working for our company?

雇主们想要知道你为什么想为他们工作。因此就让他们了解你很清楚公司的运营模式以及你对此工作非常有积极性。不要以"Umm," "I don't know," "It seemed like a good career move," 或是"I haven't been able to find anything else interesting."开始。记住雇主们想知道你能带给酒店什么,而不是酒店能带给你什么。

4.Why did you leave your last job?

可能你上一份工作非常的糟糕,但是面试并不是谈论的合适的场合。就算是真的,不要对你现有的或是过去的雇主或是同事进行负面还是武断的评论:"I didn't agree with the company's direction," "I got no recognition for my work," "My boss was totally unreasonable."像这样的评论会让你听起来不可理喻。

5.Do you have any questions for me?

酒店面试官出于礼貌,通常以此问句结束面试。为了显示你非常了解该酒店的话,那就询问些具体的问题,并表示希望了解更多的内容。不要问那些你早就该知道答案的问题,像是"What does your company do?" 或是"Could you tell me your name again?" 此外,不要问薪水或是和假期相关的问题:"When do you give raises?" "How much vacation time can I expect?"在听到了他们告诉你,"We'd like to offer you the job."才去问此类的问题。


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