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英文文献 篇一




Private-owned enterprises are very important force in our country“s economic construction. However, there is a common issue existing in many private-owned enterprises in their business administration that is they neglect the enterprise culture construction and lack of excellent enterprise culture. The competitions of enterprise in 21st century will highlight in competition of culture strength. The enterprise culture management will become a new management way after the management way of experience and science. The private-owned enterprises must strengthen culture construction so as to improve business administration and provide permanent internal impetus for the development of enterprises. The development of the private-owned enterprise”s culture has a historical process and forms a diversiform character. The article sums up the actuality of the Private-owned enterprise“s culture construction and provides detailed analysis for mistakes in the private-owned enterprise”s culture construction at present. On the basis of it, the article put forwards the instructional principia, direction, method and corresponding measure for the private-owned enterprise“s culture construction and provides the corresponding suggestion for how to develop the private-owned enterprise”s culture that has distinguished features. According to the case of Zhengtai Company, this article also gives empirical analysis of the enterprise culture construction.


英文论文的参考文献格式 篇二

[1] T. Paulay and J. R. Binney. Diagonally Reinforced coupling beams of shear Walls[S]。ACI Special Publication 42, Detroit, 1974, 2: 579-598

[2] Lam WY, Su R K L, Pam H J. Experimental study of plate-reinforced composite deep coupling beams[J]。 Structural Design Tall Special Building, 2009(18): 235-257

[3] ACI 318-02: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete, ACI318R-02:Commentary, An ACI Standard, reported by ACI Com-mittee318, American Concete Institute, 2002

[4] Siu W H, Su R K L. Effects of plastic hinges on partial interaction behaviour of bolted side-plated beams[J]。 Journal of Construction Steel Research, 2010, 66(5):622-633

[5] Xie Q. State of the art of buckling-restrained braces inAsia[J]。 Journal of Construction Steel Research, 2005, 61(6):727-748

[6] Kim J,Chou H. Behavior and design of structures with buckling-restrained braces[J]。Structural Engineering, 2004,26(6):693-706

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[8] Patrick J. Fortney, Bahrem M. Shahrooz, Gian A. Rassati. Large-Scale Testing of a Replaceable “Fuse” Steel Coupling Beam[J]。 Journal of Structural Engineering.DECEMBER 2007:1801-1807

[9] Qihong Zhao. Cyclic Behavior of traditional and Innovative Composite Shear Walls[J]。 Journal of Structural Engineering, Feb. 2004:271-284

英文文献翻译 篇三










印刷数字化的这三个方面是我的观点。那么方正在这三个方面已经做了或者实现了什么呢? 方正在生产流程的数字化的实现是包含一下产品在内的,包括方正FIT页面布局软件,Wenhe 拼版软件,EagleProof ,EagleDot 数码打样,语言文体库,RIP,打印控制器,ElecRoc 工作流程和CTP,EasiPrint 数码印刷系统和SuperLine 防伪系统。同时在印刷内容数字化中,方正有多媒体内容系统和数字化资产管理印刷系统。我们在数字化管理上也有RIP和分配系统。对于数字化印刷,方正已经做了很多贡献。






接下来我想分享一下数字化工作流程的所有应用趋势。CTP和工作流程组成CTP系统。CTP的安装不仅仅是对设备的购买,而是拥有工作流程软件,程序,制版和系统设备。基于JDF/JDF的工作流程能够连接印前到印刷到印后,它已经成为CTP系统的核心。我想在这儿提到的是:方正的ElecRoc 工作流程系统和CTP 应用技术是被特别设计的,符合中国(和亚洲)的印刷企业。对于工作流程来说,网点,色彩管理,字体语言库,捕捉和油墨控制是最重要的组成部分。正在应用的是胶印和数码印刷合成的集成工作流程。在印刷企业里,对于公司的管理,紧密结合ERP系统的数字化工作流程将变成基本的平台。






数码印刷为印刷需求带来新的机会, 为客户提供个性化印刷和短版印刷。它为附加服务提供了极大的潜在的机会。传统印刷将与数码印刷共存,并且通过集成的工作流程一起工作。基于互联网的电子期刊将对纸质出版带来一些影响,但对于整个印刷行业,它几乎没有影响。




英文论文的参考文献格式 篇四

[1] Zhixin W, Chuanwen J, Qian A, et al. The key technology of offshore wind farm and its new development in China[J]。 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2009, 13(1):216-222.

[2] Shahir H, Pak A. Estimating liquefaction-induced settlement of shallow foundations by numerical approach[J]。 Computers and Geotechnics, 2010, 37(3): 267-279.

[3] Hausler EA. Influence of ground improvement on settlement and liquefaction:a study based on field case history evidence and dynamic geotechnicalcentrifuge tests. PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley; 2002.

[4] Kemal Hac efendio lu. Stochastic seismic response analysis of offshore wind turbine including fluid‐structure‐soil interaction[J]。 Struct. Design Tall Spec. Build.,2010,

[5] Arablouei A, Gharabaghi A R M, Ghalandarzadeh A, et al. Effects of seawater–structure–soil interaction on seismic performance of caisson-type quay wall[J]。 Computers &Structures, 2011, 89(23): 2439-2459.

[6] Zafeirakos A, Gerolymos N. On the seismic response of under-designed caisson foundations[J]。 Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2013: 1-36.

[7] Snyder B, Kaiser M J. Ecological and economic cost-benefit analysis of offshore wind energy[J]。 Renewable Energy, 2009, 34(6): 1567-1578.

[8] Ding H, Qi L, Du X. Estimating soil liquefaction in ice-induced vibration of bucket foundation[J]。 Journal of cold regions engineering, 2003, 17(2): 60-67.

[9] Shooshpasha I, Bagheri M. The effects of surcharge on liquefaction resistance of silty sand[J]。 Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2012: 1-7.

[10] Bhattacharya S, Adhikari S. Experimental validation of soil–structure interaction of offshore wind turbines[J]。 Soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, 2011, 31(5): 805-816.

[11] H. Bolton Seed, Izzat M. Idriss. Simplified procedure for evaluating soilliquafaction potential. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division. 1971,97(9): 1249-1273

[12] W. D. Liam Finn, Geoffrey R.Martin, Kwok W.Lee. An effective stress model for liquefaction. Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, 1977, 103(6):517-533

[13] Seed.H.B.Soil liquefaction and Cyclic Mobility Evolution for Level Ground During Earthquakes, J of the Geotechnical Engineering Division ASCE , 1979,

[14] Casagrande.A,Liquefaction and Cyclic Deformation of Sands-A Critical Review,Proceedings of the Fifth Pan American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,Buenos Aires,Argentina,1975.

英文参考文献格式 篇五



姓,名字首字母。(年)。 书名(斜体)。 出版社所在城市:出版社。

Sheril, R. D. (1956)。 The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego: Halstead.


姓,名字首字母。, & 姓,名字首字母。(年)。 书名(斜体)。 出版社所在城市:出版社。Smith, J., & Peter, Q. (1992)。 Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON: McMaster University Press.


Mcdonalds, A. (1993)。 Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment of supernatural entities. In G. L. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies: Case studies in application (pp. 42–64)。 London: OtherWorld Books.


Crackton, P. (1987)。 The Loonie: God's long-awaited gift to colourful pocket change? Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37.


姓,名字首字母。(年)。 题目。 期刊名(斜体)。 第几期,页码。

Rottweiler, F. T., & Beauchemin, J. L. (1987)。 Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink of destruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66–146.


Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9)。 Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

会计专业英文文献 篇六

The Optimization Method of Financial Statements Based on Accounting Management Theory


This paper develops an approach to enhance the reliability and usefulness of financial statements. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) was fundamentally flawed by fair value accounting and asset-impairment accounting. According to legal theory and accounting theory, accounting data must have legal evidence as its source document. The conventional “mixed attribute” accounting system should be replaced by a “segregated” system with historical cost and fair value being kept strictly apart in financial statements. The proposed optimizing method will significantly enhance the reliability and usefulness of financial statements.


Based on international-accounting-convergence approach, the Ministry of Finance issued the Enterprise Accounting Standards in 2006 taking the International Financial Reporting Standards (hereinafter referred to as “the International Standards”) for reference. The Enterprise Accounting Standards carries out fair value accounting successfully, and spreads the sense that accounting should reflect market value objectively. The objective of accounting reformation following-up is to establish the accounting theory and methodology which not only use international advanced theory for reference, but also accord with the needs of China's socialist market economy construction. On the basis of a thorough evaluation of the achievements and limitations of International Standards, this paper puts forward a stand that to deepen accounting reformation and enhance the stability of accounting regulations.


As an important management activity, accounting should make use of information systems based on classified statistics, and serve for both micro-economic management and macro-economic regulation at the same time. Optimization of financial statements system should try to take all aspects of the demands of the financial statements in both macro and micro level into account.

Why do companies need to prepare financial statements? Whose demands should be considered while preparing financial statements? Those questions are basic issues we should consider on the optimization of financial statements. From the perspective of “public interests”, reliability and legal evidence are required as qualitative characters, which is the origin of the traditional “historical cost accounting”。 From the perspective of “private interest”, security investors and financial regulatory authorities

hope that financial statements reflect changes of market prices timely recording “objective” market conditions. This is the origin of “fair value accounting”。 Whether one set of financial statements can be compatible with these two different views and balance the public interest and private interest? To solve this problem, we design a new balance sheet and an income statement.

From 1992 to 2006, a lot of new ideas and new perspectives are introduced into China's accounting practices from international accounting standards in a gradual manner during the accounting reform in China. These ideas and perspectives enriched the understanding of the financial statements in China. These achievements deserve our full assessment and should be fully affirmed. However, academia and standard-setters are also aware that International Standards are still in the process of developing 。The purpose of proposing new formats of financial statements in this paper is to push forward the accounting reform into a deeper level on the basis of international convergence.III. THE PRACTICABILITY OF IMPROVING THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SYSTEM

Whether the financial statements are able to maintain their stability? It is necessary to mobilize the initiatives of both supply-side and demand-side at the same time. We should consider whether financial statements could meet the demands of the macro-economic regulation and business administration, and whether they are popular with millions of accountants. Accountants are responsible for preparing financial statements and auditors are responsible for auditing. They will benefit from the implementation of the new financial statements.

Firstly, for the accountants, under the isolated design of historical cost accounting and fair value accounting, their daily accounting practice is greatly simplified. Accounting process will not need assets impairment and fair value any longer. Accounting books will not record impairment and appreciation of assets any longer, for the historical cost accounting is comprehensively implemented. Fair value information will be recorded in accordance with assessment only at the balance sheet date and only in the annual financial statements. Historical cost accounting is more likely to be recognized by the tax authorities, which saves heavy workload of the tax adjustment. Accountants will not need to calculate the deferred income tax expense any longer, and the profit-after-tax in the solid line table is acknowledged by the Company Law, which solves the problem of determining the profit available for distribution. Accountants do not need to record the fair value information needed by security investors in the accounting books; instead, they only need to list the fair value information at the balance sheet date. In addition, since the data in the solid line table has legal credibility, so the legal risks of accountants can be well controlled.

Secondly, the arbitrariness of the accounting process will be reduced, and the auditors’ review process will be greatly simplified. The independent auditors will not have to bear the considerable legal risk for the dotted-line table they audit, because the risk of fair value information has been prompted as “not supported by legal

evidences”。 Accountants and auditors can quickly adapt to this financial statements system, without the need of training. In this way, they can save a lot of time to help companies to improve management efficiency. Surveys show that the above design of financial statements is popular with accountants and auditors. Since the workloads of accounting and auditing have been substantially reduced, therefore, the total expenses for auditing and evaluation will not exceed current level as well.

In short, from the perspectives of both supply-side and demand-side, the improved financial statements are expected to enhance the usefulness of financial statements, without increase the burden of the supply-side.


The current rule of mixed presentation of fair value data and historical cost data could be improved. The core concept of fair value is to make financial statements reflect the fair value of assets and liabilities, so that we can subtract the fair value of liabilities from assets to obtain the net fair value.

However, the current International Standards do not implement this concept, but try to partly transform the historical cost accounting, which leads to mixed using of impairment accounting and fair value accounting. China's accounting academic research has followed up step by step since 1980s, and now has already introduced a mixed-attributes model into corporate financial statements.

By distinguishing legal facts from financial expectations, we can balance public interests and private interests and can redesign the financial statements system with enhancing management efficiency and implementing higher-level laws as main objective. By presenting fair value and historical cost in one set of financial statements at the same time, the statements will not only meet the needs of keeping books according to domestic laws, but also meet the demand from financial regulatory authorities and security investors

We hope that practitioners and theorists offer advices and suggestions on the problem of improving the financial statements to build a financial statements system which not only meets the domestic needs, but also converges with the International Standards.





















英文文献翻译(模版 篇七


















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