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BEC高级口试历年真题汇总: Part1以下内容是差异网为您带来的8篇《BEC高级口试真题》,希望能为您的思路提供一些参考。

BEC商务英语高级口语资料 篇一

I. Recruitment

Ex: How to ensure that the best candidate for a post is selected.

How to organise an effective recruitment drive.

○1 Hiring a new employee is an investment. Getting a niche person for a niche role will add value to an organization. Organization can never be sure that they have selected the right person until he or she starts working, but an efficient recruitment and selection process can reduce the risk.

○2 Produce an accurate job description, a list of skills, experience, attitudes and so on.

○3 Choose the best recruitment method: internal recruitment, job advertisements, recruitment agencies and headhunting/executive search.

○4 A shortlist of candidates will then be draw up to be put through the company’s recruitment processes, usually interviews. This will produce the ideal candidate.

○5 Negotiate terms with this candidate. It should be both affordable for the company and attractive enough to get the ideal candidate.

II. Motivation

Ex: How to achieve and maintain high motivation among a workforce.

The importance to a company of having well motivated staffs.

○1 Well motivated staffs can add value to the company. They are enthusiastic, creative and loyal. They increase the productivity and quality.

○2 Spiritual motivation.

A. Give employees guidance when they are just recruited.

B. Demonstrate a commitment to career development and promotion from within.

C. Forster a sense of team spirit.

D. Publicly recognize and congratulate employees for good work.

○3 Material motivation.

A. Set incentive schemes: profit sharing, bonus scheme.

B. Fringe benefits: company car, contribution to pension/health scheme, relation allowance.

C. Establish the incentive-based compensation system.

BEC商务英语高级口语资料 篇二

Market Research

The definition of market research: study carried out by a company before launching a new product, into the needs, lifestyle, income, etc of potential buyers and to measure the success of similar products that are already available. It may involve interviewing people in the street or giving away sample product.

○1 Market research can be done for both a product and a company. As for a product, it is the first step when promoting a new product. It can find out whether the market accept the product or not. As for the company, market research can find out the customers’ opinion about the after-sales services and corporate image.

○2 There are generally four ways of doing market research, observation, survey, questionnaire and telephone interview.

○3 There are four procedures while doing market research. First, represent suitable questions. Second, record the customers’ feedbacks. Third, gather these statistics. Forth, analyse them and draw a conclusion.

VI. Sales

Ex: How to sell a product effectively in international markets.

○1 Advertising. Choose a media to advertise your products in a foreign country, TV commercials, magazines, bill board, or etc. Make sure it suits the local tastes. Maybe you can try to sell on the net; it will receive the world-wide attention.

○2 Do market research. Find out whether the products are accepted by foreign customers. It can be carried out as surveys, observations, and questionnaires.

○3 Adjust your product to the local tastes. Although the case of your products are the same, you can change some details. Take IKEA, the largest furniture retailer, for example, is doing well in suiting the local taste.

○4 What I want to put emphasis on is franchising. Franchising is a good way to sell your prosuct in a foreign country. As local businessmen understand their own culture best.

BEC高级口试真题 篇三

Part 1

1.Talk something about your job or study and your future plan.

2.Talk something about your work or study place.

3.What brand name means to Chinese?

4.Do you think the working life has changed in China?

5.What do you like most about your major and what’s your ideal employer?

6.what qualification do you think is the most important when work in China?




10.中国的tourist industry以后发展如何


1.The importance of having an internal magazine in the communication of different departments

2.Project management: factors involved in running a project effectively

3.The importance of having both permanent employees and temporary employees in a company

4.The factors involved in a training program

5.How to leave a good impression when interview?

6.How to ensure that a new product can meet the customers need?

7.How to make sure the potential customer is indentified accurately?

8.The importance to diversify strategies to manage staff.

9.How to make a sales campaign


1.Your company needs to send employees to a foreign country for negotiation. What information should be collected before you go for negotiation? What information you need to know about that country?

2. How to build a new sales team

(1) What support should you offer?

(2) How to measure the performance?

(3) Would you like to manage a sales team and why

(4) Do you think it is important to have a feedback system when managing a sales team

3. Your company which runs fast food restaurant has achieved record revenue and is considering to expand.

(1) In what way can it expand effectively?

(2) What benefit can the company get from outside expertise?

(3) What will happen if a company grows too fast?

(4) What should be considered when a company wants to expand in another country?

4. The supermarket chain you worked for plan to launch a training program to some of your employees. Your manager asks you to make some suggestions to this plan.

(1) How to select employee to attend the training program?

(2) What training program should be introduced?

5.公司new location,然后要讨论决定move to new location前要考虑什么因素,还有对员工有什么影响。老师问我的后续问题:对于员工来说,公司的building什么因素最重要。

6.staff 不是很motivated,原因和对公司的影响。一个问题是觉得什么因素最能激发motive,还有一个是如何平衡工作和生活。


BEC高级口语资料 篇四


1. Career development: the importance of being willing to acquire new skills throughout your career

With the unceasing development of science and technology the workplace is now undertaking profound changes. The way you do your work and the equipment you use in your work will definitely change or upgrade in the future, which means you have to learn new skills to deal with these changes. Remember: you are never too old to learn. New skills will make you keep up with the latest technology and help develop yourself throughout your work life.

2. International sales: how to research foreign markets effectively

You should notice the difference between foreign and domestic market and set your target according to specific situation of foreign market. For example: given the different state of living standard the purchasing power of your target market may be higher or lower than the domestic market. If you ignore the difference you are likely to make mistakes in products’ pricing in foreign market.

You should ensure that your research team is excellent at carrying out research in a foreign country. That means every member of the team should mater the native language and be familiar with the specific culture of the target market.

3. Production management: how to implement an effective just-in-time system

What is a JIT production system?

? JIT is an approach to achieving excellence in a manufacturing company based on the continuing elimination of waste (waste being considered as those things that do not add value to the product).

? A repetitive production system in which both the movement of goods during production, and deliveries from suppliers, are carefully timed so that at each step of the process, the next (usually small) batch arrives for processing just as needed.

? The logic behind JIT: Nothing will be produced until it is needed.


Business Presentation

A local college has asked your company to give a short presentation to a group of young business students about the work of one of the departments in your company. You are in charge of organizing the presentation.

●Which department would be the most interesting for the students to hear about

●Which methods or aids could be used to make the presentation interesting for young people

Staff Turnover

The managing director of your company is keen to reduce the number of staff leaving after a short time. You have been asked to suggest ways of encouraging staff to stay in the company.

●What kinds of incentives might help to retain staff

●How to ensure that staff satisfaction is maintained

Market Research

Your company is considering introducing a new product and wants to assess the market potential. You have been asked to suggest ways of doing this.

●What kinds of information would be useful to obtain

●How to decide whether to go ahead with the product

Product Recall

Your company has discovered a design fault in a new product and needs to recall this product from customers. You have been asked to make recommendations about the best way to handle this incident.

●What would be the most effective method of informing customers of the product recall

●How to ensure the company’s reputation remains undamaged by the incident



Your company is keen to encourage staff to work together in teams. You have been asked to suggest ways in which this could be implemented.

●How to convince staff of the advantage of teamwork

●How to evaluate the results of the company's policy

Staff Fitness

Your company is keen to have a fit and healthy workforce. You have been asked to suggest ways in which this could be achieved.

●What the advantages are to a company of having a fit and healthy workforce

●What facilities a company should provide in order to encourage staff to be fit and healthy

Investing in Staff Training

Your company has recently had a problem with staff leaving the company shortly after completing training courses. You have been asked to write a report for senior management on this situation.

●How to encourage staff who have undertaken training courses to stay with the company

●How to ensure that a company benefits from providing a range of facilities for its workforce

Corporate Entertainment

Your company is keen to establish a policy for entertaining important clients.

You have been asked to make recommendations for a policy for corporate entertainment.

●What are the advantages and disadvantages to a company of entertaining clients

●What are the criteria for selecting entertainment for clients

Staff Retirement

Your company wants to introduce a program to help staff prepare fully for retirement.

●What practical preparations staff need to make for their retirement

●What the advantages and disadvantages are to a company of staff retiring

Working from Home

Your company is considering allowing some employees to work from home for part of the working week. Your managing director has asked you to write a report on this proposal.

●Which employees this system would be most suitable for

●How technology could help to make the system of working from home effective

Export Office

Your company has decided to open an export office in order to deal with an increase in orders from abroad. This office will be responsible for the company’s exports and will be visited by foreign representative.

●What kinds of jobs will be available in the new office

●What training will be needed for these jobs

New Factory

Your company is expanding and wants to open a new factory in another area. You have been asked to consider where the best place would be to locate it.

●What factors need to be considered in choosing a good location

●Which of these factors are the most important to consider


Cost cutting

Your company has decided to try to reduce costs. You have been asked to investigate the possibility of cutting the financial costs of operating your department.

●Which are the areas where costs could be cut?

●What problems might arise from cutting costs?

Customer complaints

Your manager is not satisfied with the way staff reacts to complaints from clients about products or services. You have been asked to suggest how this could be improved.

●How the company can make effective use of will be available in the new office?

●What training will be needed for these jobs?

Staff recruitment

Your factory urgently needs to recruit a large number of temporary staff in order to fulfill an unexpected order. The staff needs to be ready to start work as soon as possible.

●What you need to do in order to find suitably skilled staff?

●What type of induction program the new staff will need before they start work?

Modernization Program

You work for a large company which has decided to introduce a program of modernization and improvement. You are involved in setting up this program.

●How to prepare staff for major changes within the company

●What other factors have to be considered when introducing major changes in a company

Language Courses Abroad

Your company has offered you the opportunity of attending a six-month English language course abroad. You have to decide whether to accept, and are therefore going to attend a meeting to find out more about the offer.

●What the advantages are of learning languages abroad

●What plans you will have to make for work and home if you go away for a long period

Potential Supplier

A potential supplier will soon be visiting you at your workplace. You think this supplier and the products or services they offer could be very important for the future of your company.

●What you need to find out about the supplier and the products or services before the visit

●How you could entertain the supplier the negotiations

Foreign Business Travel

Your company has decided that it needs to introduce a clear policy on foreign business travel. You have been asked to help draw up the guidelines.

●What the various reasons are why members of a company make business trips abroad

●In what ways a company might be affected if the number of foreign business trips was reduced

Company Directory

Your company is going to be included in an international directory of all the types of businesses operating in your country. You have been asked to write a brief profile of your company for the directory.

●What information you will include about your company

●How the directory would be useful to companies


一分钟简短发言。 考官分别给每个考生一张题卡,上面各有3个不同题目(一个为日常话题,一个为一般性商务话题,另外一个为专业商务话题),由考生任选一题。题目涉及:企业管理,员工培训,顾客关系,市场营销,经济热点等话题。不提供论点提示词。考生有一分钟准备时间,两位考生同时准备。允许做笔记。一个同学发言结束,另一个同学问1-2个问题, 因此在发言时要注意听并在头脑中想好提问的问题。该部分虽是1分钟的简短发言,但要求内容完整,有开头,有结尾。能围绕题目组织并提供论点,并加以论证。两个考生6min 三个考生8min 除掉构思准备时间和另一个考生提问题的时间, 每个考生只有一分半钟,最多讲十几句话,考生做简短发言时论点要紧扣主题,给出2,3条论据即可,点到为止不必展开议论。

? Show a clear understanding of the task

? Make an appropriate introduction and conclusion

? The ideas well-organized and logically ordered

? Use appropriate signposting (指示)and linking(连接) language

? Develop ideas clearly and the ideas given are easy to understand

? Speak in a clear and the ideas given are easy to understand

? The talk is given an appropriate length

? Opening Sentence

? Well, I’d like to make a short/brief/mini/one-minute presentation on the topic…

? Body (一般讲2-3个要点,根据语速和知识点调整)

? First,…Second….Third,…

? Closing Sentence

? Anyway, that’s why I think so.

? Thank you very much.

? Thank you for taking your time.

? Thank you for listening.

BEC中级大概需要准备多久才能过 篇五



BEC商务英语高级口语资料 篇六

1.Staff management: how to ensure effective lines of communication between the workforce and management

As the leader of the company you should open up a channel for the workforce and management to communicate directly. For example you can hold a monthly meeting within the company, which is attended by both the reps from workforce and management. They are allowed to talk with each other openly and freely to exchange views and opinions. They can also set common objectives.

You should achieve this effectiveness by making use of up-to-date technologies. For example you can set up a forum on the intranet of your company so that every member can air and exchange their views on the forum. In this way a effective line of communication will be set up.

You should set up an incentive system to make your staff talk with their line managers.

2. Finance: how to ensure accurate cashflow forecasts

you should establish a monitor system in the first place to detect any possible cashflow gap which will occur during your production and operation. This system can calculate the balance between your income and expenditure on a daily base. And should there be any sign of cashflow problems the system will warn your staff to do something about it before hand.

In order to achieve the accuracy you must set up a report system which demands every manager report the current financial status of his or her departments. The information will be collected everyday for you to take consideration.

3. International sales: how to decide which sales incentives to offer a new foreign customer

BEC高级口试真题 篇七

1.Tell me something about yours study?

2.Tell me about your ambitions。

3.To what extent do you think IT has influenced China?


Mini presentation (about 1 minute each)

Candidate sun4102's choice of topic (out of 3 options)

The advantage of flexible price pollicy


Collaborative task

in-house training programme

You are the personal manager of a company.You have been asked to decide whether it is neccesry to bring in in-house training programme.

Discuss the situation together, and decide:

1.The advantage of in-house training programme

bec高级高频口语词汇 篇八

fringe benefits


Sickness benefit


bid n. 出价,投标takeover bid n. 盘进(一个公司)的出价bill n.账单,票据

billboard n. (路边)广告牌,招贴板

black adj.违法的

in the black 有盈余,贷方

black list黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单

black Monday n.黑色星期一,指1987年10月国际股票市场崩溃的日子

blue chips蓝筹股,绩优股

blue-collar adj.蓝领(工人)的

Board of Directors n.董事会

Bond n.债券

Bonus n. 津贴,红利books公司帐目

book value n. 账面价值,(公司或股票)净值

bookkeeper n. 簿记员,记帐人




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