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《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 7 第五课时优秀3篇


《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6教学设计 篇一

教学内容:《牛津小学英语》6b unit 3 asking the way a listen, read and say


1. 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能初步朗读和表演对话。

2. 能正确地听、说、读词汇:miss, kilometre, away, only, city, road, far。

3. 掌握句型how far is it from here? it’s about a kilometre away。





step1 warm up

1. listen to the song: excuse me

2. listen and do:

show me your left hand. / touch your right leg with your right hand. / stand up. / turn right. / turn left…

3. chant: where’s the bookshop?

4. look and say:快速出示单词卡,说出卡片上的单词,并拼读。

step2 presentation and practice

1. 出示本地区交通图,师生对话,引入本课话题。

t:mr smith is new here.  he wants to visit hebing park. but he does not know the way. who can tell him how far is it from here? how to get there?

s:it’s about three kilometre away.

he can take bus no.4

t:how many stops are there?

s:there are two stops.

2. 板书对话中出现的新授句型并讲解,领读。

3. 分段呈现a部分内容,引导学生学习。


a. 出示问题:

where does mr smith come from?

where is he living now?

what does he want to do?

does he know the way?

what is he doing now?

b. 听录音回答问题。

c. 跟读背景介绍部分的内容。

d. 齐读、个别读。


a. can you tell me the way to the history museum?

b. how far is it from here?

c. how many stops are there?



本部分重点围绕询问车站在哪里。可通过听录音请学生回答where’s the bus stop?引导学生学习,学习方法同上。

注意帮助学生理解every five minutes的意思,如出示一个当地某公交车的发车时间表等。

④学习对话教学的第三部分。(从i want to go to the city post office, too.至结尾。)


a. where else does mr smith want to go?

b. where is it?

c. how can he get there?

重点训练句型:you can take bus…and get off at the…stop.

4. 学生整体听读课文,利用挂图进一步理解对话内容。

5. 强调重点句型,分段表演对话朗读。

6. 在学生充分理解课文的基础上,指导学生完成对话后的练习。

step3 consolidation

教师在黑板上画交通图,根据图意同位看图编一段小对话“asking the way”并试着表演。

step4 homework

1. 听录音,用正确的语音语调朗读本课对话。

2. 同位练习表演问路。

板书内容:unit 3  asking the way

questions:1. can you tell me the way to the history museum?

2. how far is it from here?

3. how many stops are there?

4. where’s the bus stop?

5. where else does mr smith want to go?

6. where is it?

7. how can he get there?


《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 6教学设计 篇二

教学内容:f. play a game      g. listen and repeat









step1 warm up

1. greetings

2. listen to a song: i wish i was taller!

step 2 revision

1. listen and repeat(a部分)

2. read the text in groups.(分组分角色朗读a部分对话)

3. look and read.




4. look and write



5. look and say


step 3 play a game



3. groups work.

step 4 listen and repeat

1.指导看图,谈论图意,从而引出单词:bird, girl, skirt, t-shirt

2. listen to the tape.

3. read after the tape.


5.read the sentences.

step 5 do exercises(b部分)

1. look at the pictures and talk about then.

引导学生讨论四幅图中人物的特征,告诉学生抓住人物的主要特征听录音,并进行判断,如:p1: the girl is fat. p2: the girl is short. p3: the girl is tall. the girl’s eyes are big.

2. listen to the tape.


3. listen and repeat.

4. listen and find.

5. listen and check.


词:bird, girl, skirt, t-shirt

句子:the tall girl in the yellow skirt and the blue t-shirt has a bird.



《牛津小学英语》6B Unit 7 第五课时 篇三

《牛津小学英语》4a第七单元(第一课时)                          包丽琴              教学目标:1、            掌握数字1-10。2、            了解13-19,20-90的数字构成规律。3、            掌握四会句型what’s the time, please? it’s …4、            听懂、会说句型it’s late. what time do you…? i…at…/at…5、            培养学生在实际环境中运用语言的能力。教学重点:了解13-19,20-90的数字构成规律。教学难点:1、掌握四会句型what’s the time, please? it’s …2、培养学生在实际环境中运用语言的能力。教具准备:1、本单元教学课件。2、准备有关数字的卡片。3、有关头饰。4、录音机,磁带。(两盘)教学过程:一、                            warming-up(课前热身)1、            greetingst: hello, boys and girls, can you do like this?(示范)       show me your hands. follow me,please.(教1-10手势)2、sing a songt: good. i’m so happy today. are you happy?s: yes.t: let’s sing a song together.ok?s: ok.3、i say they do. 我任意报出1-10中的数字,让学生做手势。4、学习late,准备上课。t: oh, it’s late. it’s time for our english class.(做紧张状,引出late.)ok, are you  ready for class?s: yes.t: all right. class begins.s: …二、                            revision(复习)1、单个数字(1-10)t: look, i have some number cards. can you read it? (指名读,强调teen)   teen, teen, thirteen, thirteen.2、两个数字t: can you read this one?s: …t: good, together.3、钟面练习(整点)   t: everybody, i have a clock. this is its hour hand and this is its minute hand. do you like it?   s: yes.   t: look at the clock. what’s the time?   s: it’s nine.   跟读该句型5、  练习9:20t: how about this one? what time is it?    s: it’s nine twenty..    t: you are so clever.    (跟读twenty) 三、      presentation and practice (新授与练习)(一)新授数字1、9:25/9:28t: now, what’s the time?s: it’s nine twenty-five.(练习twwenty-five)t: how about this one?(9:28)2、课件出示21-29,要求齐读。3、9:30a: now,boys and girls, look at the clock,what’s the time?        b: it’s nine thirty.        a: yes. it’s nine thirty.        (跟读thirty,小组练习)4、同理引出40、50。(跟读,开火车,齐读)4、领读20-50,强调ty的读音。5、出示几十和十几的对照表,让学生读一读。区别teen和ty。(二)新授句型1、出示课件get up。t: look at this picture, who’s she?s: it’s you.t: yes, it’s me. can you see a clock?s: yes. t: what’s the time?s: it’s six twenty.t: in the morning, i get up at six twenty.(跟读get up, at , i get up at six twenty.)t: ok. i get up at six twenty. what time do you get up?s: i get up at         .  (跟读句型,同桌练习)2、同理引导学生学习词组have breakfast, go to school, come home, 并把它们代入句型进行同桌练习、表演。3、do a survyt: this is a time table. who wants to ask me some questions?s: …t: (示范填表) you can ask your friends like this.   (学生仿照填表,做调查,教师指导学生汇报调查情况)四。consolidation(巩固,学习课文)1、听录音。t:  now, boys and girls, i want to introduce a friend to you. guess, who’s he?s: mike.t: good. he’s mike. who’s she?s: she’s mike’s grandmother.(跟读)t: in the morning, mike and grandmother are talking about something. let’s listen to the tape. then try to answer the question. ok?s: ok.t: let’s begin.2、回答问题。2、  跟读录音。3、  分角色朗读。4、  小组合作练习对话并表演。五、          homework结合本课所学句型,编一类似对话。

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