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Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?【优秀7篇】


Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 篇一

一、 教学目标


1) 词汇:

think of, soap, soap opera, situation, sitcom, nothing, ha, listing, mind, How about…?, super, host, agree, clip, hair clip, key ring, belt, wallet, fashion, opinion, idea, colorful

2) 句型结构:

What do you think of soap operas?

I can’t stand them.

I don’t, either.

I love “Tell it like it is!”

I do ,too.


1) 学会陈述自己的看法和意见。

2) 学会谈论自己的喜好。

3) 谈论流行文化,了解各类电影和电视节目的名称。

4) 了解一些日常生活用品,描述对其喜好程度。





二、 教学重、难点




正确运用What do you think of …? 及I like/love/don’t like/can’t stand…等句型结构来表达对客观事物的评价。

三、 难点注释:

1、think of =think about 认为

What do you think of this movie?

What does your father think of his boss?

2、I don’t mind them. 我不介意他们。

mind: 介意;在乎;反对。多用于以下句型:(表示请求或征求意见)

Would you mind doing …? Would you mind opening the door?

Do you mind …? Do you mind my dog?

3、I can’t stand it! 我不能忍受它/我受不了它!

stand: 顺利接受;忍受(多用于否定句、疑问句)

I can’t stand the movie! It is too boring!

4、I do, too. / I don’t, either. 我也… / 我也不…

too 与either的区别:too“也”, 表示肯定意义,与肯定的表达方法连

用;而either “也不”,表示否定意义,与否定的表达方法连用。

--My brother likes to play soccer. ?I do, too.

--My brother doesn’t like to play soccer. ?I don’t, either.

5、a thirteen-year-old boy 一个十三岁的男孩


five-month-old baby 五个月大的婴儿


He is a student. He is thirteen years old.

He is a thirteen-year-old student.

6、Cooking is for moms! 做饭是妈妈们的事!



Studying is for students.

Watching talk shows is very boring.

7、Thanks for joining us. 多谢加入我们。

Thanks for / thank you for后面接名词、代词或动名词,表示感谢的原因;

Thanks for helping me with my English.

Thank you for inviting us to your party.

8、hair clip 发卡


hair band 发带, hair cut发型,发式;理发(名词), hair dresser理发师

9、enjoy reading 喜爱 / 享受阅读

enjoy 后面接名词、代词或动名词,注意与like / love用法的区别,如:

I enjoy / like /love the movie.

I enjoy / like / love watching the movie.

但我们不能说:I enjoy to watch the movie.

只能说:I like / love to watch the movie.

10、I can’t stand the idea that old people can’t be beautiful. 我不能忍受老年人


这是一个由that 引导的定语从句。情态动词can及其否定形式can’t后只能接动词原形,如要接形容词,形容词前必须加be动词。

四、 教学建议:



第一课时 section A 1a-1c

第二课时 section A 2a-2c(grammar focus)

第三课时 section A 3a-4

第四课时 section B 1a-2c

第五课时 section B 3a-4


1) 第一课时(Section A 1a-1c)

a. 有条件学校建议使用:

步骤1 在多媒体上展示下列食物的图片:pizza, broccoli, ice cream, mushrooms, apples, milk等,谈论自己对这些食物的喜好,介绍如何询问对方的观点以及如何陈述自己的看法和意见。介绍下列结构:

What do you think of pizza / mushrooms?

I love them / it.

I like them / it.

I don’t mind them / it.

I don’t like them / it.

I can’t stand them / it.

步骤2 练习步骤1中的句型结构,要求学生就所给出的图片进行练习,询问对方就某种物品的观点,并表达自己的看法和意见。

步骤3 对话表演。

步骤4 谈论周末活动,What do you usually do on weekends? 当有学生谈到watch TV时,开始介绍电视节目的种类。

步骤5 播放电视节目片段或图片,介绍电视种类并表达对此种电视的看法。可供选择的电视节目:足球之夜(Football Night),实话实说(Tell it like it is),我爱我家(I love my family),幸运52(Lucky 52),流星花园(Meteor garden)等。可适当补充:CCTV 新闻(CCTV News),天气预报(Weather Report),人与自然(Man and Nature),周末漫谈(Weekend Chat),今日英语(English Today),卡通世界(Cartoons),健康生活(Healthy Living),中国烹饪(Chinese Cooking),动物世界(Animal World )等。


词汇:talk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show。


步骤6 听录音,完成练习(1b)。

步骤7 学生练习(pair work),就电视节目发表自己的观点和看法。

步骤8 活动:调查小组成员对不同电视节目的态度,使用表格如下:(此活动可视情况安排在课外完成)

TV shows Names Alan

CCTV News Like

Weather Report Don’t mind

Tell it like it is. Love

Soap operas Can’t stand

Football Night Love

Cartoons Don’t like

English Today Love

b. 无条件学校建议使用:

步骤1 展示下列食物的图片或实物:pizza, broccoli, ice cream, mushrooms, apples, milk等,谈论自己对这些食物的喜好,介绍如何询问对方的观点以及如何陈述自己的看法和意见。介绍下列结构:

What do you think of pizza / mushrooms?

I love them / it.

I like them / it.

I don’t mind them / it.

I don’t like them / it.

I can’t stand them / it.

步骤2 练习步骤1中的句型结构,要求学生就所给出的图片进行练习,询问对方就某种物品的观点,并表达自己的看法和意见。

步骤3 对话表演。

步骤4 谈论周末活动,What do you usually do on weekends? 当有学生谈到watch TV时,开始介绍电视节目的种类。

步骤5 出示和电视节目有关的图片或电视人物姓名和照片,介绍电视种类并表达对此种电视的看法。可供选择的电视节目:足球之夜(Football Night),实话实说(Tell it like it is),我爱我家(I love my family),幸运52(Lucky 52),流星花园(Meteor garden)等。可适当补充:CCTV 体育新闻(CCTV Sports News),天气预报(Weather Rep ort),今日英语(English Today),卡通世界(Cartoons),健康生活(Healthy Living),中国烹饪(Chinese Cooking),动物世界(Animal World )等。


词汇:talk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show。


步骤6 听录音,完成练习(1b)。

步骤7 学生练习(pair work),就电视节目发表自己的观点和看法。

步骤8 活动:调查小组成员对不同电视节目的态度,使用表格如下:(此活动可视情况安排在课外完成)

TV shows Names Alan

I love my family. Like

Weather Report Don’t mind

Tell it like it is. Love

Soap operas Can’t stand

Football Night Love

Cartoons Don’t like

Lucky 52 Love

2) 第二课时(Section A 2a-2c Grammar Focus)

a. 有条件学校建议使用:

步骤1 就上堂课中的调查进行汇报,注意人称的改变。

Alan likes CCTV News, and he doesn’t mind Weather report. What does he think of Tell it like it is? Oh, he loves it, but he can’t stand soap operas…

步骤2 通过多媒体展示电视节目“幸运52” 及“开心辞典”的图片,或节目剪辑,谈论主持人李咏以及主持人王小丫、李佳明等。(host, hostess)

What do you think of “Tell It Like It Is” ?

I love it. / I don’t mind it.

What do you think of the host Li Yong?

I like him. How about you?

I don’t like him, but I like Wang Xiaoya, the hostess of Happy Dictionary.

步骤3 活动及表演。学生谈论自己感兴趣的名人,询问同伴的观点和意见。

步骤4 听录音,完成练习(2a)。

步骤5 听录音,完成练习(2b)。

步骤6 听后活动:就对话双方对Hilltop High, Amanda, Tommy的观点进行练习。

What does she think of Hilltop High?

What does she think of Amanda?

步骤7 Grammar Focus.

b. 无条件学校建议使用:

步骤1 就上堂课中的调查进行汇报,注意人称的改变。

Alan likes I love my family, and he doesn’t mind Weather report. What does he think of Tell it like it is? Oh, he loves it, but he can’t stand soap operas…

步骤2 谈论学生熟悉的影视明星或歌星,通过展示照片或电影海报帮助学生理解。如成龙(Jacky Cheng)和他的电影我是谁?(Who am I?)、警察的故事(Story of Policemen)等,以及周杰伦(Jay)和他的歌曲。

What do you think of Jacky Cheng?

I love him. / I don’t mind him.

What do you think of his movie Who am I?

I like it. How about you?

I don’t like him. In fact, I don’t like action movies.

步骤3 活动及表演。学生谈论自己感兴趣的名人,询问同伴的观点和意见。(接受用中文表达的电影名或歌名)

步骤4 听录音,完成练习(2a)。

步骤5 听录音,完成练习(2b)。

步骤6 听后活动:就对话双方对Hilltop High, Amanda, Tommy的观点进行练习。

What does she think of Hilltop High?

What does she think of Amanda?

步骤7 Grammar Focus.

1) 第三课时(Section A 3a-4)

a. 有条件学校建议使用:

步骤1 要求学生用英语列举自己所知道的电视节目,并对它表达自己的态度。

I like English Today.

I can’t stand Chinese Cooking.

I love Animal World.

I don’t like Healthy Living.

I don’t mind Sports News.

增加一些常见的电视栏目。如:Culture China, Off the Shelves, Half the Sky,等。

步骤2 活动:要求学生谈论自己及家人对这些电视节目的不同观点。

步骤3 完成练习(3a)。按照教材要求完成 “信息沟” 练习。

What does Yang Lin think of English Today?

What Stuart think of English Today?

步骤4 根据3 a中的信息,完成练习(3b)。

步骤5 学生练习朗读,教师讲解部分语言点。

Welcome to…

I do, too! / I don’t, either.

Cooking is for mum!

Thanks for joining us.

步骤6 角色扮演:两人一组,分别扮演节目主持人和Yang Lin或Stuart,进行采访活动,并选择部分小组到全班表演。

步骤7 活动:和爸爸妈妈一块看电视。


b. 无条件学校建议使用:

步骤1 要求学生用英语列举自己所知道的电视节目,并对它表达自己的态度。

I like English Today.

I can’t stand Chinese Cooking.

I love Animal World.

I don’t like Healthy Living. < p> I don’t mind Sports News.

增加一些常见的电视栏目。如:Culture China, Off the Shelves, Half the Sky,等。

步骤2 活动:要求学生谈论自己及家人对这些电视节目的不同观点。

步骤3 完成练习(3a)。按照教材要求完成 “信息沟” 练习。

What does Yang Lin think of English Today?

What Stuart think of English Today?

步骤4 根据3 a中的信息,完成练习(3b)。

步骤5 学生练习朗读,教师讲解部分语言点。

Welcome to…

I do, too! / I don’t, either.

Cooking is for mums!

Thanks for joining us.

步骤6 角色扮演:两人一组,分别扮演节目主持人和Yang Lin或Stuart,进行采访活动,并选择部分小组到全班表演。

4) 第四课时(Section B 1a-2c)

a. 有条件学校建议使用:

步骤1 就同学身边有的物品询问同学的看法。如:

What do you think of this pencil-case?

What do you think of this school bag?

What do you think of his hairstyle?

What do you think of her T-shirt? … …

步骤2 通过多媒体展示各式各样的能吸引学生兴趣的物品。如:高级轿车(cars),牛仔裤(jeans),耐克运动鞋(sports shoes),肯得基快餐店(KFC),等。引导学生对这些物品发表评论,并正确对待高消费和不健康的生活方式。

步骤3 活动:实物展示,让学生自由评价这些物品。展示的实物至少应该包括1a中所出现的物品,如:皮带(belt),太阳镜(sunglasses),表(watch),发卡(hair clip),钥匙环(key ring),围巾(scarf),钱夹(wallet)等。学生自由交谈对所陈列的物品的意见,并形成对话。

步骤4 听录音,完成练习(2a)。

步骤5 听录音,完成练习(2b)。

步骤6 听后活动:谈论Carol和Evan对所列出来的物品的意见和看法。

What does Carol think of the watch?

What does Evan think of the sunglasses? Etc.

步骤7 活动:就部分流行物品或活动询问同学及其家长的意见和看法。如:playing computer games, Jay’s music, Etc.收集同学的回答并形成调查报告。

b. 无条件学校建议使用:

步骤1 就同学身边有的物品询问同学的看法。如:

What do you think of this pencil-case?

What do you think of this school bag?

What do you think of his hairsty le?

What do you think of her T-shirt?

步骤2 活动:实物展示,让学生自由评价这些物品。展示的实物至少应该包括1a中所出现的物品,如:皮带(belt),太阳镜(sunglasses),表(watch),发卡(hair clip),钥匙环(key ring),围巾(scarf),钱夹(wallet)等。教学生词,让学生自由交谈对所陈列的物品的意见,并形成对话。

步骤3 听录音,完成练习(2a)。

步骤4 听录音,完成练习(2b)。

步骤5 听后活动:谈论Carol和Evan对所列出来的物品的意见和看法。

What does Carol think of the watch?

What does Evan think of the sunglasses? Etc.

步骤6 活动:通过图片展示各式各样的能吸引学生兴趣的物品(或接近学生生活实际的物品)。如:高级轿车(cars),牛仔裤(jeans),耐克运动鞋(sports shoes),肯得基快餐店(KFC)等。引导学生对这些物品发表自己的观点,并谈论父母对此的看法。注意引导学生正确对待高消费和不健康的生活方式。

5) 第五课时(Section B 3a-4)

a. 有条件学校建议使用:

步骤1 就当前社会或学校里比较流行的活动或物品向学生提问。

What do you think of Jay’s new songs?

What d o you think of Jacky’s new movie?

What do you think of the new foreign teacher?

What do you think of the T-shirt?

在评价学生的回答时,教学本堂课中要学习的新词:fashion, opinion, the coolest thing等。

步骤2 初读文章What’s Cool?,回答问题。

Who wrote this article?

What was the coolest thing?

步骤3 细节阅读。读文章What’s Cool?,回答问题。

What did Maria ask the students about?

How many things did she show to the students?

Who answered the questions?

Did all the students agree with each other?

Why did Maria think the coolest thing was the belt?


步骤4 写作练习。根据要求完成一封写给Maria的信。(3b)

订正答案时,讲解部分词的用法。如enjoy doing sth.这一结构。

步骤5 活动: “我做小记者”。在同学中展开对流行文化的调查,如调查同学对某部新放映的电影,某位当红歌星,某项活动或某种流行服饰的看法,并将结果和调查所得出的结论写成报道发表在英文报纸上。

b. 无条件学校建议使用:

步骤1 就当前社会或学校里比较流行的活动或物品表达自己的观点,教学本堂课中要学习的新词:fashion, opinion, the coolest thing等。引导学生发表自己的观点,或转述他人的意见。

What do you think of Jay’s new songs? (或其他某位歌星)

What do you think of Jacky’s new movie? (或其他某位影星)

What do you think of the T-shirt?

在评价学生的回答时,巩固本堂课中要学习的新词:fashion, opinion, the coolest thing等。

步骤2 初读文章What’s Cool?,回答问题。

Who wrote this article?

What was the coolest thing?

步骤3 细节阅读。读文章What’s Cool?,回答问题。

What did Maria ask the students about?

How many things did she show to the students?

Who answered the questions?

Did all the students agree with each other?

Why did Maria think the coolest thing was the belt?


步骤4 写作练习。根据要求完成一封写给Maria的信。(3b)

订正答案时,讲解部分词的用法。如enjoy doing sth.这一结构。

步骤5 活动:我做小记者。在同学中展开对校园文化的调查,如调查同学对校园环境的意见,对体育课的看法,对本班教室的看法等,并将结果和调查所得出的结论写成报道。



1. This is Jay’s new CDs. What do you think _____ them?

A. at B. of C. on

2. I don’t mind ______. How about you?

A. sport show B. sports show C. sports shows

3. ?Yesterday, I watched a movie Harry Potter. I don’t love it. How about you?


A. I do, too. B. I don’t, too. C. I don’t, either.

4. ?How does Tony think of soap operas?

--He doesn’t mind _____.

A. them B. they C. it

5. Thanks for _____ me study English yesterday;

A. help B. helps C. helping

6. ?What do you think of the movie King of the Ring?

--I _____ it very much, because it is very interesting and exciting.

A. like B. don’t like C. can’t stand

7. We are watching a _____. The soccer players are running fast.

A. game show B. sports show C. sitcom

8. What do think of these ______?

A. scarf B. scarves C. scarfs

9. Tom studies at our school. He is a _____ boy.

A. fifteen-year-old B. fifteen-years-old C. fifteen year old

10. ?Do you like to watch Hero? --Yes, I enjoy _____ action movies.

A. watch B. to watch C. watching


11. Tom doesn’t like exercise, and he doesn’t like s______ shows.

12. ?What does your best friend think of the song?

--He can’t s_____ it because it is too long and fast.

13. Her hair is too long, so she wants to buy a hair c_____.

14. Today is very sunny, so my mom goes out with a pair of s______.

15. The movie Spiderman is very exciting and we all e _____ it very much.

附: 参考答案:

I、1-5 BCCAC 6-10 ABBAC

II、1. sports 2. stand 3. cli p 4. sunglasses 5. enjoy

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 篇二

unit 11 what do you think of game shows?


1. what do you think of game shows? i can’t stand them./i love them./i don’t mind.

2. what does your father think of the watch?

3. we’re talking to alan, a thirteen-year-old boy.

4. how about chinese cooking?

5. cooking is for moms.

6. i showed each student six things and asked them about each one .

7. some of their answers were interesting.

8. the coolest thing is the belt.

9. i enjoyed reading your “what’s cool?” article in the school magazine, and would like to tell you what i think.

10. can you please put my letter in next month’s magazine?

11. i can’t stand the idea that old people can’t be beautiful.

12. i want to be young and be beautiful.

13. i don’t mind what young people think of me.


1. 形容词修饰nothing 、anything、 something 时,放在其后:

nothing difficult没有什么困难    something interesting 一些有趣的事情

例题1. there is _______ for me. i can do it well.

a. difficult nothing    b. nothing difficult

c. difficult anything   d. anything difficult

2. what about + v. -ing ? 去做……如何/怎么样?

例题2. tomorrow is sunny. what about _____ to the park?

a. goes  b. going  c. go   d. to go

3. a thirteen-year-old boy  一个13岁的男孩子

a thirteen-year-old是复合形容词,year只能用单数形式,它只作定语。

例题3. we climbed to the top of a ________mountain.

a. -metre- high   b. - metres –high

c. metre high    d. metres high

例题4. tim is ____ boy. he can say a few words.

a. an one-year-old     b. a one-year-old

c. an one year-old     d. a one-year old

4. agree with sb. 同意某人的观点,意见,想法

例题5. -i like sports world . how about you? – i agree_____ you.

a. about    b. on   c. in   d. with

5. ask sb about sth.   询问某人某事

6. show sb sth = show sth to sb  给某人看某物

例题6. after my parents came back from beijing, they ______ me some photos of the great wall.

a. give   b. sold    c. showed   d. took

7. each of + 复数名词/代词,动词仍然用单数:

例题7. each of the students has a new book. 每个学生各有一本新书。

each of them _____ (like) their new teacher.

8. mind sth/ doing sth  介意某事/做某事

would you mind my smoking here?

例题8. would you mind _____ me how to remember english words?

a. tell    b. tells    c. telling    d. to tell

例题9. it’s cold here. would you mind _____( close) the window ?

9. think of  认为 想起

例题10. what do you think ______ the weather today?

a. at  b. of   c. in   d. over

例题11. what do you think of your parents?  (同义句)

10. can you please do sth. ? 请你干某事好吗?

例题12. can you please _____ something about soap operas?

a. say   b. saying    c. to say   d. says

例题13. could you please make so much noise? ( 否定句)

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 篇三

七年级(下)unit11 what do you think of game shows ?复习导学案

section a

备课时间:第17周   拟使用时间:第18周

学习目标: 1、复习并掌握本节单词及短语;

2、掌握句型: what do you think of sitcoms? i love them.  what does she think of sports shows? she doesn’t mind them.

3.重点词组:think of, talk about, soap opera, sports show, situation comedy, game show,

复习导航: 重难点解析



i don’t mind cigarette smoke.我不在乎香烟的味儿。

i’m sure that he won’t mind.我确信他不会介意的。

would you mind if i went home early?我早点回家你反对吗?


speak your mind out.把你的想法说出来。

2.how about和what about同义,用法 也相同。about是介词,后面除了名词,代词以外,还可以跟动名词或介词短语。

1)how/what about用来询问或打听情况,意思为“。。。怎么样?”“。。。如何?”如 i am tired. what about you?我很累了,你呢?

2)how/what about用来提出请求,建议或征求意见,意思为“(你认为)。。。怎么样?”“。。。。如何?”如,how about going out for a walk?出去散步怎么样?


show作“给….看” “出示” “显示”讲,为及物动词。如

please show your tickets.请把票拿出来。

2)表示 “给某人看什么东西”时,用 “show sth to sb”或 “show sb sth”。如

please show me the map.= please show the map to me.请把地图给我看一看。

3) show someone around some place带领某人参观某地 如,

i showed him around our school.我领着他参观了我们学校。





2、学生背诵p65 1c、p66 2b、p67 3b对话,小组内互相检测,然后教师抽查。


达标测评: 根据所给句 意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写。

1.i can’t s_______ your i________.

2.alan is a five-year-o________ boy.

3.the c________ thing was the belt. everyone loved it.

4.i enjoy r________ your article in the school magazine.

5.she wears c________ clothes because she wants to be young.

6.i don’t m________ what young people think of me.

7.she put her money in the w________.

8.i don’t like s________ o________.

9.i saw an interesting talk s________.

10.in f________, he is wrong.11.he was a good k________.

12.my classmates don’t a________ with me.

13.in summer, he always w________ sunglasses.

14.w________ to china!


1.the girls enjoy ___ _______(sing) this song in english.

2.look! his father __________(talk) to a tall boy.

3.do you mind my __________(open) the window?

4.thank you very much for __________(give) me the nce toy.

5.what about ______ ____(take) a walk with us after dinne r?

6.i think __________(swim) is for boys.

7.last sunday afternoon, peter __________(write) a letter to his pen pal.

8.please stop __________(talk) in class.

9.he __________(say) he did a good thing last we ek.

10.i often wear __________(color) clothes.

11.he agrees __________(do) some shopping now.

12.do they like those __________(scarf)?

13.we __________(play) basketball on the playground yesterday.

14.i can’t stand __________(work) so much time.

15.my father __________(not like) playing soccer.

2.书面表达。用love,like,can’t stand,don’t like,don’t mind等,写一篇短文,介绍你父母及你自己对某物的喜好及原因,60词左右。

i have a very beautiful wallet. i  like it very much, but my father doesn’t think so. he doesn’t like watches, either. my mother loves scarves. she thinks that they are colorful. i can’t stand them. and my father says that he doesn’t mind them, because he never wears them.


七年级(下)unit11 what do you think of game shows ?复习导学案

section b

备课时间:第17周   拟使用时间:第18周

学习目标: 1、复习并掌握本节单词及短语;

2、掌握句型: how about..?=what about..?  thanks for joini ng us.  i can’t stand it.

3.重点词组: how about, weekend talk, a thirteen-year-old boy, hair clip, key ring, enjoy doing, thanks for doing, mind doing, show sb. sth, show sth to sb. , show sb around

复习导航: 重难点解析

1. enjoy的用法

enjoy后面接动词时,要使用动名词形式。如enjoy swimming finish, be busy, mind, go on等词的用法也如此。enjoy oneself=have a good time玩得快乐,玩得高兴

did you enjoy yourself at the party?你在聚会上玩得愉快吗?


1)think, think of, think about想 think意为 “思考,认为”单独使用时,think表示 “思考”;后接that从句时,think表示 “认为,觉得”

think of是动词短语,意思为 “想起,想到”某人或某物。还有 “对….有某种看法,认为”的意思。

think about也是动词词组,意思是 “考虑”。其后面可以跟名词,动名词,代词。

2) agree with与 agree to “同意”agree with后面通常接表示人的词语,表示 “赞成,同意”某人

agree to 后面常接表示物或事的词语,而不接表示人的词语。

3)talk to与talk with 交谈 talk 通常是用作不及物动词,意思是 “谈话,说话”。 要表示与某人谈话则应在其后加上介词to 与with. talk还作名词,意思为  “聊天,谈话”,如have a long talk进行长谈, have a talk with和某人谈谈。





2、学生背诵p69 3a 3b,小组内互相检测,然后教师抽查。


达标测评: 1.  词组 1.连续剧_____________ 2.实际上___________ 3.喜欢看电视__________

4.体育节目________________5.欢迎来参加这 个节目______________

6.认为/考虑________________7怎么样?_______________ 8.一个13岁的男孩_______________9.同意某人的意见_____________10.周末谈话节目_______________


(   )1.i turned _____ the radio and listened ________ the music.

a. on , on            b. to, to          c. on, to          d. in, in

(   )2.my father enjoys __________ newspapers.

a. read            b. reads           c. to read          d. reading

(   )3.the sitcom is very interesting, i ___________ it.

a. like            b. don’t like         c. don’t mind      d. can’t stand

(   )4.i __________ soap operas. they are boring.

a. can’t stand       b. like            c. love            d. don’t mind

(   )5.-i think football is very interesting. -i agree __________you.

a. to              b. with            c. on             d. at

(   )6.i love the talk show. he _________, too.  a. do  b.does c. what about   d.is

(   )7.this is ________________.

a. what i want       b. what do you do     c. where is he     d. how is it going

(   )8.she can ’t stand that she has ________ right to __________ beautiful.

a. no, be          b. not, be          c. not, is             d. no, is

(   )9.he looks rich. __________ he is very poor.

a. in the fact       b. in fact          c. at the fact         d. at fact

(    )10.she __________ her photos __________ us yesterday.

a. showed, for       b. shows , to        c. shows , with      d. showed, to

(   )11.li lida a ___________ boy crossed the qiongzhou channel in june .

a. thirteen-year-old   b. thirteen-years-old    c. thirteen years old   d. thirteen- years old

(    )12.__________ the answers are right, but __________ are wrong.

a. some of, others    b. each of, the others   c. some of , the other   d. each of , others


1.i agree with what she said.(改为一般疑问句)

__________  _________  agree with what she said?

2.his mother doesn’t mind soap operas.(对画线提问)

________  does his mother ______ of soap operas?

3.this lesson is easy. (改为同义句)

this is __________  __________  lesson.

4.does your sister love talk shows?(改为陈述句)

___________ sister  ___________ talk shows.

5.shows, do, of, you, what, think , game(连词成句)



Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 篇四

unit 11  what do you think of game shows?

教材分析:in this unit students learn to tell their likes and dislikes.

教学目标:1、学会表达喜欢和不喜欢的感受   2、学会辨别电视节目  3、能谈论节目



一、teaching aims:

1. learn some names about different kinds of shows  2. learn to talk about likes and dislikes

二、topic: talk about likes and dislikes.

三、teaching guide:

1 knowledge objects:

1). match the vocabularies:soap, sitcom, stand, mind, agree, king, nothing, host, culture, sunglasses, belt, wallet, key ring, fashion, said, article, put , cap, idea, colorful, word

2). master the phrases:talk show, sports show, game show, soap opera, think of, in fact, animal world, chinese cooking, key ring, ask about

3). master and use:what do you think of soap operas / sports shows?i can’t stand them. we don’t mind them.what does he / she think of dumpling king?  she doesn’t like it. what do they think of anna?  they love her.

2. ability objects:

1. train students’ listening and writing skills.2. train students’ speaking skill and reading skills.

3. moral object:

each has his likes and dislikes. please choose what you like and give up what you dislike.

四、important points:

1. the phrases in 1a.

2. the target language: what do you think of ...?i like / love ...i can’t stand ...i don’t love / like / mind ...

五、difficult points:

1.the target language.2. the structure: what do you think of…?

六、teaching steps:

step 1 revision  revise the new words about tv shows

step 2: listening (2a, 2b)

1. call students’ attention to the five phrases in 2a and read them.

2. draw students’ attention to the picture and understand the 2 girls are talking about the tv show.

3. play the recording the first time, students listen and number the expressions 1—5 as they hear them.

4. check the answers: 1   2   4   5   3

5. play the recording the second time, students listen and fill in the chart. before listening, draw their attention to the dialogue in 2b.

6. check the answers: 1)love  2)like   3)can’t stand  4)don’t mind  5)don’t like

7. students practice the conversation in 2b in pairs and make their own conversations about tv shows they know.

8. check some pairs.

step 3: practicing (3a)

activity 1

1. call students’ attention to the list of tv shows and ask a student to read the names to the class.

2. ask students to work in pairs: what do you think of english today / sports news ...?

3. ask students to work in pairs. student a looks at this page. student b looks at page 85. ask and answer questions:

what do yang lin and alan think of these cctv show? then fill in the blanks.

4. check the answers: yang lin: loves, likes, doesn’t like, likes, can’t stand, doesn’t like alan: loves, likes, doesn’t like, likes, can’t stand, doesn’t mind

activity 2

1. call students attention to the conversation in 3b. teacher reads it to the class. ask students to pay attention to the blanks.2. work alone. ask students to use the information in activity 3a. fill in the blanks.3. check the answers.1)yes, i do.  2) i like it.  3) i don’t like it. 4) english today  5) i like it.4. ask students to practice the conversation in pairs in 3b. then make their own conversations.

activity 3

1. students work in groups. take out a piece of paper and list tv shows as many as possible.

2. students write down what they think of the tv shows on the paper.

3. ask one of students to do a report for their group. listen and check.

step 4: homework

1. copy the new words.

2. make some similar dialogues like 3a.

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 篇五

unit 11 what do you think of game shows?

一。 教学内容:

unit 11 what do you think of game shows?

二。 语言功能:give opinions: talk about likes and dislikes


三。 目标语言:

1. what do you think of soap operas?  i can’t stand them.

2. what does she think of sports shows?  she doesn’t mind them./ she doesn’t like it./ she loves it.

四。 重点单词和词组

1. mind  v. 介意,反对 常用于否定句,疑问句和条件句中。后跟名词,代词,动名词或从句。

i don’t mind the heat.  我不在乎炎热。

would you mind closing the window? 关上窗户好吗?

would you mind if i moved the table?  我移动这张桌子你会介意吗?

n. 精神,意见

you should keep his words in mind. 你应该牢记他的话。

nothing in the world is impossible if you set your mind to do it.


练一练 (1)would you mind my ______( smoke) here?

(2)would you mind ______ me the book?

a pass   b past   c passing    d passed

2. nothing 没什么,一个都没有   = not anything

there is nothing in the box. 盒子里什么都没有。

3. agree 同意

agree with 同意,赞同

后跟人或人称代词, 或表示“意见,看法”的名词。

they agreed with me.  他们赞同我的意见。

i agree with your idea about that. 关于那件事我同意你的看法。

agree to do sth. 同意做某事

i agree to help you . 我同意帮助你。

4. stand  v 站起,立起  stand up  起立

she is standing in a market and selling vegetables. 她正站在市场卖蔬菜。


i don’t stand the cold. 我忍受不住这寒冷。

i can’t stand waiting any longer. 我不能再等下去了。

5. show  v 出示,给……看

show sb. sth = show sth to sb  把某物展示给某人

he showed me the photo. = he showed the photo to me .

n  表演,展览

talk show 谈话节目  a car show 汽车展览  on show   展出,陈列出来

6. colorful  色彩鲜艳的

beauty → beautiful  use → useful  care → careful  hope → hopeful

7. 电视节目

talk show  谈话节目    soap opera  肥皂剧  sports show   体育节目  sitcom ( situation comedy) 情景喜剧   game show 游戏节目

weekend talk  周末论坛    sports news  体育新闻  healthy living  健康生活   chinese cooking   中华饮食     culture china 中华文化

tell it like it is   实话实说   animal world  动物世界

english today  今日英语

8. how about  ……怎么样 用来询问情况或用来提出建议、请求 ,征求意见   = what about

how about going shopping this afternoon?今天下午去购物如何?

i can’t stand the soap opera. how about you?    我受不了肥皂剧,你呢?

练一练 (1)how about _______( play) the guitar?

(2) 喝些牛奶怎么样?_____ _____ _____ _____ milk?

9. think of 认为,考虑

10. in fact  实际上,事实上

11. idea  想法, 主意

at last he had an idea.    终于他有了主意。

i have no idea = i don’t know.  我不知道。

五。 重点句型

1. what do you think of …? 用来征求他人的意见,看法和观点。意为“你认为……怎么样”   =  how do you like ?

what do you think of animal world?  你认为动物世界怎么样?

i love it . / i like it. / i don’t mind it. / i don’t like it. / i can’t stand it.

练一练(1) – what do you _______ your hometown?  -- i love it very much.

a. look at    b. talk about   c. think of     d. like

(2) – how do you like the movie?   --__________.

a. it’s wonderful      b. what about you

c. no, i don’t like it   d. i’d like to see it tomorrow

(3) what do you think of the game show?( 同义句)

_____ ______ you ______ the game show?

2. we’re talking to alan, a thirteen – year –old boy.


a thirteen- year- old 是合成形容词,修饰名词,作前置定语。

thirteen years old 十三岁  作表语或后置定语 。

mary is a ten- year- old girl. 玛丽是一个十岁的女孩。

mary is ten years old.     玛丽十岁了。


i think i will have a four-day holiday soon.  我认为我很快会有一个四天的假期。

练一练 (1)each of us has to write a _______ report every two weeks.

a. two –hundred-word     b. two- hundreds-word

c. two – hundreds- words   d. two – hundred –words

(2) he had a _______ visit to canada last month.

a. ten days   b. ten- day   c. ten – days    d. ten day

3. cooking is for moms. 烹饪节目是为妈妈们准备的。


reading in the sun is bad for your eyes.  在阳光下看书对你的眼睛有害。

is watching tv too much good or bad for your health?


to learn a foreign language is not easy.  学一门外语不容易。

it’s better to do some reading on rainy days. 在雨天读一些书比较好。

练一练 (1) ____( do) sports is good for our health.

(2) it’s not easy _____ english well。

a. learn    b. learning    c. to learn    d. learned

4. can you please put my letter in next month’s magazine?


can / could you please do something?  请你做什么事好吗?

could you please give me a hand? 请你帮我一下好吗?

can you please open the window?  请你打开窗户好么?

5. this is what i think .这就是我的想法。

这是表语从句 引导表语从句的关联词可以为疑问代词,疑问副词或从属连词。 注意从句的语序。

the question is how he did it. 问题是他如何做此事的。

that was what she did this morning. 那就是她今天早晨干的事。

练一练 this is ______.

a. what does he want to say

b. what he wants to say

c. does he want to say what

d. he wants to say what

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 篇六

unit 11 what do you think of game shows?一、 教学目标 1、知识目标:学习本单元的词汇和句型结构 1) 词汇: think of, soap, soap opera, situation, sitcom, nothing, ha, listing, mind, how about…?, super, host, agree, clip, hair clip, key ring, belt, wallet, fashion, opinion, idea, colorful 2) 句型结构: what do you think of soap operas? i can’t stand them. i don’t, either. i love “tell it like it is!” i do ,too. 2、能力目标: 1) 学会陈述自己的看法和意见。 2) 学会谈论自己的喜好。3) 谈论流行文化,了解各类电影和电视节目的名称。4) 了解一些日常生活用品,描述对其喜好程度。 3、策略目标:利用不同媒体获取相关的学习资源,通过合作、探究的方式学习;学会正确评价自己的学习行为和学习效果。 4、情感目标:学会客观地评价事物;正确表达自己的意见;正确认识流行文化。 二、 教学重、难点 1、重点:学习及掌握陈述自己的看法、意见及喜好的词汇和基本句型。 2、难点:正确运用what do you think of …? 及i like/love/don’t like/can’t stand…等句型结构来表达对客观事物的评价。 三、 难点注释: 1、think of = think about 认为 what do you think of this movie? what does your father think of his boss? 2、i don’t mind them. 我不介意他们。 mind: 介意;在乎;反对。多用于以下句型:(表示请求或征求意见) would you mind doing …? would you mind opening the door? do you mind …? do you mind my dog? 3、i can’t stand it! 我不能忍受它/我受不了它! stand: 顺利接受;忍受(多用于否定句、疑问句) i can’t stand the movie! it is too boring! 4、i do, too. / i don’t, either. 我也… / 我也不… too 与either的区别:too“也”, 表示肯定意义,与肯定的表达方法连用;而either “也不”,表示否定意义,与否定的表达方法连用。 --my brother likes to play soccer. ?i do, too. --my brother doesn’t like to play soccer. ?i don’t, either. 5、a thirteen-year-old boy 一个十三岁的男孩 此结构中,year用单数形式,且用连字符,类似的结构还有: five-month-old baby 五个月大的婴儿 试比较: he is a student. he is thirteen years old. he is a thirteen-year-old student. 6、cooking is for moms! 做饭是妈妈们的事! cooking在这是动词+ing(动名词)形式,表示“做饭”这件事,类似的 7、thanks for joining us. 多谢加入我们。 thanks for / thank you for后面接名词、代词或动名词,表示感谢的原因; thanks for helping me with my english. thank you for inviting us to your party. 8、hair clip 发卡 有关hair的其他几个常见短语: hair band 发带, hair cut发型,发式;理发(名词), hair dresser理发师 9、enjoy reading 喜爱 / 享受阅读 enjoy 后面接名词、代词或动名词,注意与like / love用法的区别,如: i enjoy / like /love the movie. i enjoy / like / love watching the movie. 但我们不能说:i enjoy to watch the movie.只能说:i like / love to watch the movie. 10、i can’t stand the idea that old people can’t be beautiful. 我不能忍受老年人 不能漂亮的观点。这是一个由that 引导的定语从句。情态动词can及其否定形式can’t后只能接动词原形,如要接形容词,形容词前必须加be动词。 四、 教学建议: a. 有条件学校建议使用: 步骤1 在多媒体上展示下列食物的图片:pizza, broccoli, ice cream, mushrooms, apples, milk等,谈论自己对这些食物的喜好,介绍如何询问对方的观点以及如何陈述自己的看法和意见。 步骤2 练习步骤1中的句型结构,要求学生就所给出的图片进行练习,询问对方就某种物品的观点,并表达自己的看法和意见。 步骤3 对话表演。 步骤4 谈论周末活动,what do you usually do on weekends? 当有学生谈到watch tv时,开始介绍电视节目的种类。 步骤5 播放电视节目片段或图片,介绍电视种类并表达对此种电视的看法。可供选择的电视节目:足球之夜(football night),实话实说(tell it like it is)等。 完成任务需要的词汇及句型结构: 词汇:talk show, soap opera, sports show, sitcom, game show。 句型结构:步骤1中的句型结构。 步骤6 听录音,完成练习(1b)。 步骤7 学生练习(pair work),就电视节目发表自己的观点和看法。 步骤8 活动:调查小组成员对不同电视节目的态度,使用表格如下:(此活动可视情况安排在课外完成) b. 无条件学校建议使用: 步骤1 展示下列食物的图片或实物:pizza, broccoli, ice cream, mushrooms, apples, milk等,谈论自己对这些食物的喜好,介绍如何询问对方的观点以及如何陈述自己的看法和意见。介绍下列结构: what do you think of pizza / mushrooms? i love them / it. i like them / it. i don’t mind them / it. i don’t like them / it. i can’t stand them / it. 步骤2 练习步骤1中的句型结构,要求学生就所给出的图片进行练习,询问对方就某种物品的观点,并表达自己的看法和意见。 步骤3 对话表演。 步骤4 谈论周末活动,what do you usually do on weekends? 当有学生谈到watch tv时,开始介绍电视节目的种类。步骤5 出示和电视节目有关的图片或电视人物姓名和照片,介绍电视种类并表达对此种电视的看法。可供选择的电视节目:足球之夜(football night),实话实说(tell it like it is),我爱我家(i love my family),幸运52(lucky 52),流星花园(meteor garden)等。可适当补充:cctv 体育新闻(cctv sports news),天气预报(weather rep ort),今日英语(english today),卡通世界(cartoons),健康生活(healthy living),中国烹饪(chinese cooking),动物世界(animal world )等。 完成任务需要的词汇及句型结构:步骤6 听录音,完成练习(1b)。 步骤7 学生练习(pair work),就电视节目发表自己的观点和看法。 步骤8 活动:调查小组成员对不同电视节目的态度,使用表格如下:(此活动可视情况安排在课外完成) 课后反思:通过学习单词,及词组的用法及对话练习, 同学们能够对what do you think of……? how do you like……得到初步的掌握。 七年级英语组集体备课

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows? 篇七

unit 11 what do you think of game shows?

执教人 张淑会 刘梅 李松玲 葛艳霞 杨金泉

i 学习目标:

1. ask for opinions. (询问他人对某事物的观点;)

2. give opinions. (学会正确表达自己的看法;)

3. talk about likes and dislikes. (能够自由地谈论个人好恶。)

ii 语言目标:

1. 重点词汇:

1) talk show(访谈节目,脱口秀)    soap opera(肥皂剧,连续剧)

sports show(体育节目)            sitcom(情景喜剧)

game show(游戏节目,)             tv show(电视节目)

love(爱)                       mind(介意)

either(也,用于否定句中)        stand(站立,忍受)

hair clip(发卡)   belt(腰带)   key ring(钥匙圈)

sunglasses(太阳镜)    scarf(围巾)   wallet(钱包,皮夹)

2) think of(认为)   in fact(实际上)    how about…(怎么样)

2. 目标语言:

1) what do you think of game shows?

-- i love / like / don’t mind / don’t like / can’t stand them.

what does your father/your mother/your friend/mary think of tom?

-- he/she loves / likes / doesn’t mind / doesn’t like /can’t stand him.

2) what do you think of it?

-- i love it.

-- i do, too.

what do you think of it?

-- i don’t like it.

-- i don’t, either.

iii 学习建议:

1st period: (section a)

1. 掌握句型 what do you think of …?

2. 学会表达观点、看法

step 1:  do you like watching tv? there are many kinds of tv shows. let’s see


first, let’s look at some new words. (p.73, section a 1a, 1b, 1c )

talk show:    访谈节目,比如:实话实说,(tell it like it is.)对话(dialogue);

soap opera:   肥皂剧(这类节目最早主要由肥皂生产商提供赞助),连续剧,或tv series;

sitcom:       (situation + comedy) 情景喜剧,如“我爱我家”,“闲人马大姐”等;

game show:   游戏节目,如“幸运52”,“开心词典”等

sports show:   体育节目,如“足球之夜”

step 2:  do section a (1a).

if you want to know somebody’s opinions, you can use this sentence.

“what do you think of …?”  你认为…怎么样?(把你要问的事物放在think of 的后面。)

and you can answer the question like these:

i love…            我非常喜爱…

i like…             我喜欢… (与love区别在程度上的不同)

i don’t mind…       我无所谓 (mind是介意的意思,don’t mind就是不介意,无所谓)

i don’t like…        我不喜欢…

i can’t stand…       我不能忍受… (有两个意思: 1、表示站立,如stand up, 2、表示忍受,多用于否定句,如can’t


练习:你认为游戏节目怎么样? 我不喜欢他们。

--- what do you think of game shows?

--- i don’t like them.

你认为这本书怎么样?  我简直不能忍受它。

--- what do you think of the book?

--- i can’t stand it.

你认为tom怎么样?    我非常喜欢他。

--- what do you think of tom?

--- i love him.

step 3:  do (1b), (1c)

step 4:  do (2a). 按录音的顺序排列下列单词。

do (2b). fill in the blanks.(填空)


1、“hilltop high”是一个电视节目的名字;

2、“how about…?” 是怎么样的意思,多用于口语中;

3、“in fact”, 实际上的意思,是插入语;

step 5: grammar focus (语法要点)

what do you think of soap operas?         i can’t stand them.

what do you think of sports shows?        i don’t mind them.

what does she think of “hilltop high”?  she doesn’t like it.

what does tony think of tommy?         he likes him.

what do they think of adriana?           they love her.



第二:注意跟在think of后面的名词,回答时要根据它而进行相应的变化。

step 6: do (3a), (3b)


modern english: 洋话连篇     road to health: 健康之路    culture-beijing: 文化北京                        chinese cooking: 中华烹饪    man and nature: 人与自然                   weekend chat: 周末聊天

* welcome to: 欢迎…

例如: welcome to my home.  欢迎到我家。

welcome to beijing.   欢迎来北京。

* thanks for: 谢谢… ,后面需要加名词或doing

例如: thanks for joining the show.   谢谢你参加节目。

thanks for your help.         感谢你的帮助。

* i do too.     i don’t either.

too, either 的意思都是“也”,但用法上略有不同。另外,与之相似的词还有“also”

— also用于肯定句,通常位于be动词、助动词和情态动词之后,实意动词前。

例如:i also want some tea. (我也要茶。)

—     too用于肯定句,比also更通俗,常放在句末。

例如:he loves beijing opera, and i love it too. 他喜欢京剧,我也喜欢。

—     either用于否定句,只放在句末。

例如:i can’t speak french, he can’t speak it either. 我不会讲法语,他也不会。

step 7: do survey.


step 8:

homework: 听录音并跟读;抄写新单词和语法要点;抄写(2b)和(3b)的短文。


第二课时(section b).

unit 11 what do you think of game shows?

执教人 张淑会 刘梅 李松玲 葛艳霞 杨金泉




step 1: do (1a) (1b)

step 2: do (2a) (2b) 听录音,将听到的主要信息填在表格里。

step 3: do (3a ) 读短文,将文章中不同学生的名字按他们的好恶填在书上96页的表格里。

what’s cool? 什么是酷/流行/时尚?

interview: 采访,

thought about: think about的过去式,与think of的意思相似。

如:你认为这个节目怎么样?(what do you think about the show?)

surprise: 在这里做动词用,表示使…感到惊奇

step 4: do (3b) 根据(1a)的内容,完成 (3b) 的短文。

enjoy: 喜欢做某事,后面跟名词或动词的ing形式(enjoy doing something)

例如:我喜欢阅读。 i enjoy reading.

他喜欢这个聚会。/ 他在聚会上玩得很开心。he enjoys the party.

step 5: 自我检测

do self-check 1、2、3.

have right to do something: 有权利做某事 (have no right to do something没有权利做…)

孩子有权利玩:children have right to play.

他没有权利那样做。he doesn’t have the right to do that. / he has no right to do that.

wear: 穿着,戴     praise: 赞赏,表扬      appearance: 外表,形象

step 6:

homework: 听录音并跟读;抄写新单词,抄写(3a)和self-check(3)的小短文并背诵;根据self-check

(3)短文提供的信息,写一篇小文章来阐述自己的观点(opinion); 做workbook的练习。


section (a)

(1a):  1 e,  2 d,  3 a,  4 c,  5 b

(1b):  1 b,  2 a,  3 c,  4 d,  5 e

(2a):  1 2 4 5 3

(2b):  1 love,  2 like,  3 can’t stand,  4 don’t mind,  5 don’t like

(3b):  1 yes, i do.  2 i like it.  3 i don’t like it.  4 modern english  5 i

like it.


watchlovesdoesn’t mind


scarfcan’t standdoesn’t like



things loveslikesdoesn’t minddoesn’t likecan’t stand

hair clip sonya hary

watchgina adrilles sonya hary

key ring jodie smith

sunglasses jerry green

scarf    jordan smith

walletwilliam ritchie

belt everyone

(3b): 答案随个人喜好可以有所不同。



第三课时:section b—2

unit 11 what do you think of game shows?

执教人 张淑会 刘梅 立松玲 葛艳霞 杨金泉

i.教材分析:这是本单元的第二部分,生词也比较多。 但重点在听力练习section b 2a, 2b.

language topic: what do you think of  the watch?

i don’t mind it.

language strategies: past tense of regular and irregular verbs was, were.

main vocabulary:  not bad, pretty, good, terrible, great, fun, beautiful--

ii.语言结构: how 引导的特殊疑问句及其回答(询问对某事的看法)。

iv.活动设计:guessing game

v. teaching steps:

step 1:greetings.

step 2: new teaching

where did ------? 是一般过去时的一般疑问句,did是助动词。在一般疑问句中,只要加了助动词,或didn’t 构成的否定句,句子谓语动词变为原形。

例: what did you do yesterday?


did they finish the work?


i didn’t ask him about his study.


2. on vacation  在假期。 vacation 的同义词是holiday,

例: we went to our hometown during the vacation.


where did you go for your vacation .


3. went 是go 的过去式, go to the mountain是去登山,

例: why didn’t you go to the mountains with them?


go to 是固定词组, 后加名词做宾语, 若宾语是副词, 则to 省略。

例:he went to school when he was five.


let’s go home together.


类似的词组还有:  go to the beach, go to new york, go to summer camp.

2. it was sunny and hot all day.


was 是is 的过去式, 句子的主语是单数, 若主语是复数, 谓语动词的过去式则用were.

i was at school yesterday.  昨天我在学校。\

they were all here,  他们都在这里。

sunny和hot 在句子中做表语,

eg. it’s hot and wet today.


all day,是全天,整天的意思, 可以直接修饰表示时间的单数词语,来构成副词短语。 类似的词组还有all night,  all week, all summer, all year.

例: i lived in the seaside all summer.


it’s very cold all year.


3. we had great fun playing in the water.


fun 是不可数名词, 不可与冠词连用。 但可以和a lot, some, much  等连用。

例: we had a lot of fun at the party.

have fun doing 是固定句式, 类似的句式还有have a good time doing, have some question doing,.

例: it’s great fun playing golf.


they had a good time swimming in the lake yesterday .


children had some trouble climbing the hill last week.


step 7: let’s see what we’ve learned today.



something else:


step 9: homework.

1. remember the words.

2. practice the dialogue in pairs.

3. finish the workbook.


第四课时  self check

执教人 张淑会 刘梅 李松玲 葛艳霞 杨金泉


一。 单词、词组英汉互译

1.how about                  11.连续剧

2.hair clip                   12.主持人

3.yours sincerely             13.访谈节目

4.modern                   14.情景喜剧

5.nothing                   15.看电视

6.key ring                   16.音乐时光

7.don’t mind                 17.体育节目

8.can’t stand                 18.游戏节目

9.think of                   19.实际上

10.don’t like                 20.电视节目

二。 按要求选出相应的单词

1. 表示电视节目的词

wallet, sports show, report, sitcom


scarf, bracelet, sunglasses, ring


generous, stand, fashion, moody


canadian, spanish, japan, los angeles


beard, bald, brown, blonde

三。 连词成句

1. game, what, you, shows, think, do, of?   _______________________________

2. can’t, soap, stand, i, operas.        ___________________________________

3. reading, he, enjoyed, magazine, the, in, school, articles.


4. mind, don’t, them, i.    _______________________________

5. she, him, does, what, of, think?      ___________________________________

四。 选择填空

(   ) 1.what time ____ up? i get up at seven o’clock.

a. did you get                 b. do you get

c. are you getting               d. you will get

(   ) 2. please don’t make so much noise. i ____.

a. am working                   b. work

c. worked                      d. works

(   ) 3. let me ___ your picture.

a. look                          b. have a look

c. have a look at                   d. to look

(   ) 4. i don’t like jackie. _______, i don’t like action movies.

a. in fact      b. at fact      c. on fact

(   ) 5. --- _______ do you think of talk shows?

--- i love them.

a. why     b. how      c. what

(   ) 6. mrs smith always wears ________ sunglasses.

a. a     b. one     c. a pair of

(   ) 7. it’s 12 o’clock. the green family ____ lunch.

a. have                          b. has

c. are having                      d. is having

(   ) 8. mary usually ____ me on friday but she ____ last friday.

a. phones, didn’t phone          b. is phoning, phoned

c. phoned, doesn’t phone         d. phone, is not phoning

(   ) 9. my mother didn’t have a good weekend. i didn’t have a good


a. also     b. either       c. too

(   ) 10. tom and jimmy are _______. they’re mr black’s students, and mr black

is their father’s friend.

a. twins    b. friends      c. classmates

(   ) 11. i enjoy ______ tv on my vocation.

a. to watch   b. watching      c. watch

(   )12. the sports report is really boring. i can’t _______ it.

a. mind     b. like     c. stand

(   )13. ______ student brings a book for me.

a. each      b. all     c. both

(   )14. my mother bought new earrings. she likes _____ very much.

a. it      b. them      c. me

(   )15. ---what do you ______ the ring?

--- i like the ring.

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