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Language 篇一

第二课时 language points

teaching aims:

master the words and useful expressions in the text.

using the language points.


1. match the words and the explanations:

in time                  下蛋

lay eggs                  产生;分娩

give birth to             及时;终于

in one’s turn            阻止;制止

prevent … from           轮到某人;接着

2. read the explanation and speak out the word it explains.

causing harm   adj.

sudden and powerful; using force to hurt or attack adj.

to be, or to be real; to live, or to live in difficult conditions

the number 1 000 000 000

the mixture of gases around the earth; a feeling that a place has of being pleasant

and interesting or exciting  n.


task 1: understanding.

a.match the phrases underlined with their correct meaning.

1.they were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen, water vapour and other gases.

2.they multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen.

3.carbon dioxide prevents heat from escaping from the earth.

4.it was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.

a. increase in number       b. important

c. stop/keep…from          d. after a long period of time

b.try to find a sentence that can be replaced by the following one:

now it’s their turn to be the most important animals on the planet

c.translate the following sentence.

1.it was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life.

2. that made it possible for life to begin to develop.

task 2 learning the languages points:

1.it exploded loudly with fire and rock,which were in time to produce the water vapor,carbon dioxide,oxygen,nitrogen and other gases,...



i was just in time for the flight.我刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。

与time相关的短语  in no time立即,立刻  at any time 在任何时候at one time曾经,一度 at times 有时,偶尔on time按时,准时     of the time现在的,当时的 2.it allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases,which had become part of the earth’s atmosphere,into the oceans and seas.



the readingroom doesn’t allow smoking.阅览室不准吸烟。

people are not allowed to spit in public.不许当众吐痰。

3.this encouraged the development of early shellfish and all sorts of fish.



there have been many new developments in gene.基因方面已经有几项新的发展。father watched the development of his baby with interest.爸爸充满兴趣地看着孩子的成长。

4.they were the last group of animals and they were different because they produced their young from within their bodies.



they are quite different in their tastes.他们的品位差异很大。

my opinion is different from yours.我的意见和你的不同。

5.small clever animals,now with hands and feet,appeared and spread all over the earth.



mum spread a new cloth bought in the supermarket on the table when we had dinner.


he spread out his arms to welcome us warmly.


6.they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.


与这种结构相似的有stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth.(from可以省略) 和keep sb./sth.from doing sth.(from不可以省略)。



in time on time in no time at one time at times at any time

(1)—why are you in a hurry to leave here?

—get home ______ to bathe the children.

(2)these buses are never ______ and the passengers are always complaining.

(3)i am away,please call me ______ if someone come to see me.

(4)you can’t imagine this lake used to be a beautiful place in our province ______.

(5)he rushed out of the kitchen ______ when he heard the shout.

(6) ______ i sit silently and wonder if this kind of job is worth all the effort.


(1)—how are you getting on with your project?—______ your speed.

a.twice faster thanb.twice as faster asc.doubled.as twice as

(2)the house rent is expensive.i have got about half the space i had at home and i am paying ______ here.

a.as 3 times muchb.as much three timesc.much as 3 timesd.3 times as much

(3)in dry weather the flowers will have to be watered if they _____.

a.have survived b.are to survivec.would survive   d.will survive

(4)it was the boy,rather than his teachers _____ for what the boy had done.

a.are to blame  b.are to blamedc.is to blame   d.is to be blamed

(5)_____ your father have bought a new bike for you,it’s no use going to the shop to buy another one.

a.now that   b.althoughc.after all   d.because of


read the text

Language 篇二

report on body language teaching aims:1.                   learn how to anticipate a response2.                   learn hoe to formulate written questions3.                   learn how to conduct a survey and how to write a reportprocedures:skills building1: anticipating a response1. have the ss to guidelines on page32. make sure that they understand how to predict the answers to the questions while listening.2. read the statements 1 to 9. let the ss decide if the statements are true or false.  listening. finish the exercise on page 32.  ans. 1t  2f  3f  4f  5t  6f  7f  8t  9tstep 1: filling in a chart 1.                   ask ss to say what these common gestures in the chart mean in china. and ask them to predict what they mean in america.2.         have ss listen to a recording and confirm their predicted answers.finish the chart on page 33.

1.good  2.telling the true  3.yes  4.no  5.hello or goodbye  6.crazy  7.where you are(you place)  8. good job  9.okskills building 2:  formulating written questions:1.                   read the guidelines on page 34 to make sure that they know what to.2.                   help the ss to analyse why the questions should be asked like that.finish the rest two.

2.last night, we watched a television show on cctv8. did you see it ? if so, did you like it?

3.i finished a book last night. how about you? what happened in the last book you read?step2: surveying your classmates1. revise the gestures in step 2 on page 33. let the ss go over the guidelines on page 35 and make sure that they know what to do.3.                   take the first one as an example and ask them to finish the rest in    pairs.sample answers:1a  2b  3a  4a  5a  6b  7askills building 3: organizing a report 1.                   read the four points at the top of page 36 check out the tips. put emphasis on the four main sections.2.                   have the ss go over the guidelines; work in groups to check their answers to find the appropriate sections for these sentences and number them in the logical order. answer  8  4  2  6  3  5  1  9  7step 3: writing a report on body language 1.                   now the ss are going to write a report on body language in china with the information they gathered in step1 and step2.2. when writing, they may refer to the structure ------ get the ss to go through the second part on page37 to get the general idea for each section.introduction  procedures/method  results/findings  conclusionhomework:1.                   read a on page 992.                   finish b on page 99

Language 篇三

module 12 traditional life

unit 3 language in use■warming updifferent nations have different manners and customs. different places have different manners and customs.we have to behave ourselves according to the different manners and customs. that’s what we say in chinese: 入乡随俗。 today we shall put language in use. that is, to behave ourselves, not only according to the grammar rules, but also to the different manners and customs.■language practicedo more language practice.in china you must wait and open your present later.in australia you can't drop litter in the street.in britain you can't ride your bike on the pavement.in australia you can take photos of people1 listen and checklisten to a teenager talking about life. check (√) the things he must and mustn't do.1 clean bedroom   2 wash up3 stay out after 9:00 pm4 smoke5 do homework6 wash hands7 use the telephone without asking8 play music loudly after 10:00 pm√√√√××2 listen and write.what two things does he say he can do?he says he can use the telephone without asking.he says he can stay out after 9:00 pm.3 read and write.write some things you can, must, and mustn't do at home.i must do some housework.i must clean the room.i must keep away from dangers.i must enjoy myself.i must complete my homework on time.i mustn't be rude to parents.i mustn’t put the medicine in the wrong place.i mustn’t drop litter. i mustn’t lock the door without taking the keys.  i can do nothing.i can put down my parents’ words.i can shake the shelf for a book.i can talk loudly to my dog.4 talk and say.work in pairs. tell each other three things you must do at home and three things youmustn't do. are your home rules different or the same?i must visit my grandparents once a week. i mustn't smoke.i must write down all new words from the text. i must wear light shoes at home.i must wash up my bowls and cups at home.i must translate english into chinese. …i mustn’t look up all the new words in the dictionary.i mustn’t whisper in class.i mustn’t translate all my texts into chinese.… 5 think and write.write some things you must or mustn't do at school.you mustn't come to school late.1 you must take your shoes off in the gym.2 you mustn’t eat in the library.3 you mustn’t ride your bike in the playground.4 you must do your homework.5 you must listen to the teacher.6 & 7 read and complete. complete the sentences with can or can't. something we can do, and something we can’t do. now complete the sentences with can or can't.1 you can’t drive a car at the age of sixteen.2 you can’t get married at sixteen.3 you can leave china with a passport.4 you can’t leave school at the age of fourteen.5 you can’t have a job at twelve.6 you can learn english outside the classroom.write as they do. (仿写)8 read and complete.match the words in the box with the descriptions. there are words and expressions in the box. and you see eight sentences, too, on page 101. now try to match the words in the box with the descriptions.do more such practices.1 it's something nice to eat. → chocolate2 it's something you watch. →  video3 you wear it on your head. → baseball cap4 you eat with them.  →chopsticks5 you play a game with it. → chess set6 you wrap it and give it to someone on their birthday.  →present7 you can look up words you don't know in it. →dictionary8 you can put money in it. → purse9 choose and play.play a class game. choose a word from the box and describe it to the class. the class guesses what it is.a: many people have one.b: is it a chess set?a: no. you use them to get to places.c: is it a bicycle?a: yes!a: many people like to play it.b: is it a video?a: no. you play it on the playground.c: is it baseball?a: yes!a: many people like to wear it.b: is it a pair of shoes?a: no. you wear it in winter.c: is it a cap?a: yes!a: people play something on it.b: is it a bicycle?a: no. two people play on it.c: is it a chess set?a: yes!a: people love it.b: is it a purse?a: no. some people love to eat it.c: is it a chocolate?a: yes!a: many chinese people use them.b: is it dictionaries?a: no. you use them to eat chinese food in china.c: is it chopsticks?a: yes. 10 read and the passage with the words in the boxes.write as they do. (仿写)11 look and say. look at the signs and guess what they mean.at the first sign, you mustn't walk.at the second sign, you mustn't shake.at the third sign, you mustn't smoke.at the fourth sign, you must the class about other signs you can think of.■around the worldlet’s go around the world on page 103. this time we are going to learn signs around the world. read the around the world passage. while reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑) the predicates, shade(加影)the connectives and underline(划线)the expressions. write as they do. (仿写)■module task→ writing advice for foreign guests to a chinese family12 think and note.work in pairs. make notes on what you must, mustn't or can do.1 what must you wear?→ you must nice clothes.2 what mustn't you ask?→ you mustn’t ask about a woman’s age.3 what presents must you bring?→ you must bring some small nice presents.4 what presents mustn't you give?→ you mustn’t bring big, expensive presents. 5 what mustn't you bring into the country?→ you mustn't bring into china drug, fruits and bad books?6 what mustn't you do in the streets?→ you mustn’t shout in the street. 7 what must you do when you visit someone at home?→ you must knock at his door first. 13 think and write.write your advice for people coming to china.you mustn't give a clock to a chinese family as a present. you mustn't give medicines to a chinese family as a present.you mustn’t use chinese number four to name a person. it is connected with death. you mustn’t visit a old person without giving him some presents.

Language 篇四

unit 3 language in use导学案

teaching aims and demands:

1. 知识目标:总结there be句型表示存在的用法;方位介词的用法。

2. 能力目标:能听懂、读懂有关学校介绍的短文,通过学习使学生自如运用方位介词介绍自己的班级或学校。

3. 情感目标:培养学生的合作学习态度和善于总结复习的学习方法。

teaching main points and difficult points:


2.难点:to improve the ss’ writing ability.

teaching aids: multi-media (or tape recorder, ohp)

teaching procedures:

step 1  lead-in

ss ask and answer the questions using the “there be”。

step 2  presentation

language practice:

there are thirty students in my class.

are there computers on everyone’s desk?

no, there aren’t.

is there a map of the world?

no, there isn’t.

how many students are there in your class?

the library is on the left of the playground.

step 3  ask and answer

ask and answer the questions about your school according to the pictures.

step 4  look and answer

look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. where is the office building?

2. where is the dining hall?

3. where is the playground?

4. where is the sports hall?

5. where is the science building?

step 5  fill in the blanks

read the passage and fill in the blanks according to the picture.

step 6  complete the map

look at the word map and choose the right places for the word and expressions from the box.

blackboard, classroom, office, science hall, sports hall

step 7  around the world

read the passage about school age.

step 8  draw a map

draw a map of your school in a piece of paper.

step 9  decide what to describe with the help of the words from the box

book,  classroom,  computer,  desk,  library,  office,  playground

step 10  production

write a composition about your school.

this is our school.

there are …classrooms.

this is our classroom.

there are … students.

there’s a(n) …, but there isn’t a(n) …

step 11  exercises

step 12  homework


in my classroom there are…in my school …

Language 篇五

Period 2


1. Learn to communicate with body language.

2. Train the students' reading ability.


Step 1

Read the passage "Body Talk", and let the students know people from different parts of the world use different body language.


Step 2

Get the students to read the text and discuss pre-reading and post reading questions.

(1) How is body language different from spoken language? What do they have in common?

(2) Sometimes we say one thing but our body language says something different. Why does this happen? Can you think of any examples?

Step 3

Work in pairs. Complete the chart on page 60.

Step 4

Listen to the tape and read the passage.

Step 5

Deal with the language points. Ask the students to pick out the useful expressions, and then do some exercises to practise the language points.


Step 6

Do "Word-study"

Step 7

Grammar The -ing Form (2)

Step 8

Do Exercise 2--3 on page 62.



Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another. It is very _____ because it can help you make ____ easily understood. When you are _______ with others, you are not just _____ words, but also using expressions _____ gestures. For example, waving one's hand _____ to say "Goodbye". Shaking hands ____ welcome, and clapping(拍 ) hands ____ congratulations. Nodding the head means ____, but shaking the head means____. The gestures are accepted both Chinese and foreigners as having same meanings.

Different countries _____ different body language. For ____, men in Russia, France ______Arab countries kiss each other _____they meet, but men in _____ or Australia shake hands instead _____ kissing. People in Puerto Rico ______ touching each other, but people in Britain do ____ touch each other. People in countries keep standing close to ____ another when they are talking, English people must keep a distance _____ when they are talking. When you use a foreign _____, it is very important to know the of gestures and movements in the foreign country. Following the ____ will help you communicate _____ people and make your stay there much more _____ and comfortable.


helpful/useful; yourself; talking; using; and; is; means; means; agreement; disagreement; by; the; have; example; and; when; China; of; like; not; Arab; one; but; away; language; meanings; customs; with; pleasant/easy

Language 篇六


单  元:unit 2 language

板  块:grammar and usage 2



teaching aims:

1. to learn all noun clauses and help students judge different noun clauses;

2. to learn question words in noun clause;

3. to learn how to use it as an empty subject.

teaching procedures:

step 1  lead-in

i. go over the different noun clauses such as subject clause, object clause, predictive clause, and appositive clause.

1. you know that i am a teacher of english. (object clause)

2. that i am a teacher of english is known to you all. (subject clause)

3. it is known to you all that i am a teacher of english.(subject clause)

4. the fact that i am a teacher of english is known to you all. (appositive clause)

5. i am worried about whether you can do well in the exam. (object clause)

6. what i am worried about is whether you can do well in the exam.

(subject clause)            (predictive clause)

ii. introduce all question words in noun clauses, such as what ,which, who ,whom, where, when, how, why, and whose. tell students to pay attention to the order of noun clauses and don’t leave out question words.

conjunctions of noun clauses:

连接词:that, whether, if, as if(as though)

连接代词:what, whatever, who, whoever,

whom, whose, which (作主语/宾语)

连接副词:when, where, how, why(作状语)

【设计说明】 因为这是语法名词性从句的second period,所以一开始先对上一单元语法的first period进行简单复习与回顾——名词性从句的种类及语法成分,然后对名词性从句的连词进行归类,过渡到本课内容——由疑问词引导的名词性从句。the teacher starts the lesson with a short introduction of herself. a competition is held to guess different careers. and the topic of ‘director’ is introduced.

step 2  noun clauses introduced by question words:

1)what was he doing ? his father was surprised.

what he was doing surprised his father.

subject clause 主语从句

2)what’s your first impression of him? i want to know.

i want to know what your first impression of him is.

object clause  宾语从句

3)how can i make a grammar lesson interesting?

that is my question.

my question is how i can make a grammar lesson interesting.

predicative clause 表语从句

4)how did peter respond to that question?

i have no idea.

i have no idea how peter responded to that question .

appositive clause  同位语从句


1. we change the word order in a clause after a question word into that of a statement.

2. we cannot leave out the question words in noun clauses in any cases.

check whether the sentences are true or false:


how he was successful is still a puzzle.  ( f )

how he was successful is still a puzzle.  ( t )


could you tell me what was the matter with me. ( t )

could you tell me what the matter was with me. ( f )

fill in the blanks using “that/ whether / where/ how/when

1. i have no idea __where _______ he comes from.

2. _how_______ he got the money is still uncertain.

3. he gave us many suggestions __ that ______ we should get up earlier and take more exercise.

4. i have no doubt ____ that ____ he will win.

5. i have some doubt _ whether _______ he will win.

6. the thing that troubles me is __ when ____ to head for europe.


step 3  “it” as empty subject and object

i. review the function of “it”:

1. it’s a book. (指代)

2. it’s ten o’clock. (时间)

3. it’s raining outside. (天气)

4. it’s a long way to the museum. (距离)

ii. empty subject “it”:

1. we can use it as an empty subject

a .when we use a noun clause as the subject of a sentence.

a. (preferable) it is certain that we would not be able to understand old english today. =

(correct) that we would not be able to understand old english today is certain.

b. (preferable) it is easy to answer whether english will continue changing in the future. =

(correct) whether english will continue changing in the future is easy to answer.

c. (preferable) it depends on the style of writing when we use certain words. =

(correct) when we use certain words depends on the style of writing.

b. when the subject is a to-infinitive.

a. (preferable) it is hard to master a foreign language. =

(correct) to master a foreign language is hard.

b. (preferable) it is important to know how to use a computer. =

(correct) to know how to use a computer is important.

c. when the subject is a v-ing form.

a. ( preferable) smoking is difficult to stop. =

(correct) it is difficult to stop smoking.

b. (preferable) travelling to beijing takes up a lot of my time. =

(correct) it takes a lot of my time travelling to beijing.


we usually use the empty subject it with a clause or to-infinitive (preferable), but with the v-ing form we prefer the real subject at the beginning.

ш. it can also be used before seem, appear, happen, chance, turn out and prove as the empty subject of a sentence.

a. it seems that he speaks two languages. =

he seems to speak two languages.

b. it happens that my new neighbor comes from my home town. =

my new neighbor happens to come from my home town.

iv. we can emphasize the subject, object, or adverbial in a sentence by using it +be+ the word/phrase you emphasize+ a clause introduced by that or who.

the part we emphasize:

1. it is prof. li who teaches us english. (emphasize the subject)

2. it is english that prof. li teaches us. (emphasize the object)

3. it was in shanghai that i saw the film. (emphasize the adverbial)

multiple choices:

1、___d___ is a fact that english is being accepted as an international language. (nmet1995)

a. there    b. this        c. that     d. it

2.i like___c___ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.  (04全国)

a this b that  c it    d one

3、the chairman thought ___b___ necessary to invite professor smith to speak at the meeting. (05全国卷1)

a.that   b.it     c.this  d.him


it is ________________that keeps us healthy.

【设计说明】先简单复习“it” 的功能。在英语中为了避免头重脚轻,我们经常把主要信息放在句子后面部分,而用it作形式主语。然后讲解it的用途 :当 真正主语为从句或不定式时,最好用it作形式主语,当真正主语为v-ing时,还是把v-ing主语放句首。之后配上一定练习和造句进行巩固。

step 4  other important cases of noun clauses:




attributive or appositive

1) we expressed the hope that they had expressed.  (at)

2) we expressed the hope that they would come to china again.  (ap)

3) the information has been announced that more middle school graduates will be admitted into university.  (ap)

4) the information that he revealed at the meeting is of great value. (at)

ii.疑问词 + ever和no matter + 疑问词的区别:

①疑问词 + ever可引导名词性从句,在主从句中要充当一定的部分。

whoever breaks the rule must be punished.

you can choose whatever you like in the shop.

②疑问词 + ever还可引导让步状语从句。如:

whoever breaks the rule, he must be punished.

whatever you do, you must do it well.

③no matter + 疑问词只能引导让步状语从句。

no matter what you do, you must do it well.

no matter who breaks the rule, he must be punished.


1.在order、suggest、demand、request、advise、be anxious that等所接的宾语从句中用“should” 型虚拟语气,“should” 常省略。 在order、suggestion等名词后同位语从句、表语从句中用“should ”型虚拟语气,可省略“should”。

2.在as if、as though引导的表语从句中,在必要的情况下应用过去式虚拟语气。


he suggested that i (should)turn to my boss.

the expression on his face suggested that he was angry

the old man insisted that he was still young.

the police insisted that we should offer proof.

4. 在主语从句中:it is necessary/important/strange/natural/…that…

5. wish后,从句中的时态在原本的时态上退一步。


1、someone is ringing the doorbell. go and see _d___. (全国)

a. who is he   b. who he is    c. who is it   d. who it is

2、the photographs will show you __b__.(met1989)

a. what does our village look like

b. what our village looks like

c. how does our village look like

d. how our village looks like

3. it is strange that he ___b__ you this.

a. would tell    b. should tell   c. had told   d. has told

4. what the doctors really doubt is __b___my mother will recover from the serious disease soon. (  上海)

a. when   b. if      c. whether  d. why

5. great changes have taken place in that school. it is no longer ___a___ it was 20 years ago, _____ it was so poorly equipped. (安徽)

a. what; when       b. that; which

c. what; which      d. which; that

6. __c___ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. (met1988)

a. anyone    b. the person    c. whoever    d. who

7.  i was surprised by her words, which made me recognize __a_ silly mistakes i had made. (湖南)

a. what       b. that      c. how       d. which

8.  parents are taught to understand ____b__ important education is to their children’s future.  (广东)

a. that       b. how c. such  d. so

9. the teacher demanded that the work ___b__ before 4 o’clock.

a. finished    b. be finished    c. should finish    d. finish

10. his suggestion that you ___a__ once more sounds reasonable.

a. try     b. tries      c. must try       d. can try

11. scientists think that the continents ___c___ always where they _____ today.


a. aren’t; are   b. aren’t; were

c. weren’t; are   d. weren’t; were

12、— hurry up! alice and sue are waiting for you at the school gate.

— oh! i thought they ___d___ without me.  (江西)

a.went  b.are going  c.have gone  d.had gone

13. i wish—i could work for the un_____(我能为联合国工作)。

14. how i wish—i had attended the opening ceremony yesterday__(我昨天参加了开幕式)。

【设计说明】通过讲解和高考题的训练,补充完善名词性从句考点,做到讲练结合。如同位语从句与定语从句的比较区别,引导词 “that” 与 “what、that if” 与 “whether”的区别、名词性从句的时态和语序问题等。

step 5  finish the following dialogue by filling in the proper words

jerry: i’m a journalist from china, congratulations on winning the election of president.

obama: thank you!

j:  i often wonder _why__you have so many fans and supporters.

o:  i am really grateful. it is their support and faith in me ___that_ make me successful.

j:  the fact _that__ your are the first black president brings hope to many people all over the world.

o:  i can imagine. i will try my best regardless of the result __whether_ i will make it or not.

j:   we all know you have a quite happy family and your two daughters are so lovely.

o:  oh, you bet(当然).  i enjoy the moment _when__ i’m with my family. _it__ is relaxing and pleasant to play with my daughters.

j:   and your wife also plays an important part in your whole life, right?

o:  that’s __what_ i feel and she’ also a good mother.

j:   my last question is _when_ you will take the post? (上任)

o:  in january, .

j:   thank you for sparing me so much time.

o:  you are welcome.

【设计说明】这是语法教学上升到语篇层面的运用, 也是把枯燥的语法知识运用到实际生活中,通过完成对话,再次复习本节课所授知识。

step 6  homework

finish the exercises on page 100. and preview the instructions in the task.





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