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人教版高一英语教案 篇一



1.How are you going to school everyday?

2.Thank you very much for your help.

3.Would mind my opening the window?

4.What day was it yesterday?

5.What's the weather like today?




I have three English books, two Chinese dictionaries and five pens. Do you have a map in your hand? Yes, I do.

2、连读:将前一个单词最后的辅音与后一个单词开头的。元音连在一起朗读。 half an hour ran out of not at all


爆破,稍停随即发后面的爆破音,这种现象称为“失爆”。 hot bath the next day a good deal of I don’t believe I don’t know I want to say


1、 A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only

consume half of the coal she was burning. She was very excited, and said: "That'll be terrific! Since one stove can save half of the coal, if I buy two, no coal will be needed!"

2.The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog.

"It's all right," said a gentleman, "don't be afraid. Don't you know the proverb: Barking dogs don't bite?"

"Ah, yes," answered the little boy. "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?"

高一英语教案人教版 篇二



Teaching aims:

1) Get the students to master some important words, phrases and sentence patterns.

2) Enable the students to use the language points by themselves.


Teaching important points:

Master the usages of “more than , come up, over, be based on, present, a/ the number of”

Teaching difficult points:

present: v adj




1 Do you know that there is more than one kind of English?

more than one不止一个


More than one girl in this school holds such a view.

more than one后跟___________,作主语时,谓语动词要用______。

more than

1). more than +num(数词) :over

She showed the visitors around the museum,_______________________________


2)more than +n: not only

Music is more than just a sound--- it’s a way of thinking.

3) more than +adj/v : very



4) more A than B与其说B倒不如说A



2. Yes . I’d like to come up to your apartment.

come up






In order to finish the task on time, a good piece of advice came up at the meeting.

误区警示:come up作“被提出”讲时是不及物动词短语,不能用被动语态。


(1)Can you tell me how the accident came about?_____

(2)I came across my old classmate in the street.______

(3)The author’s new book will came out next week.________

(4)My dream has at last come true._______

(5)The doctor came up with a good idea at the meeting._____

3 So why has English changed over time?

Over: during



The girls sing songs over their work

4 It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.


用法:base A on B

A be based on B

One should always base his opinion on facts.






Teaching is an art __________________________________.

at present =at the moment

o Mother is busy preparing dinner at present.

present (adj.)









o present (n.)礼物=gift

o present (vt.)

present v.赠送,提出,展现,

present sb. with sth.或present sth. to sb.


Eg. On his birthday, his friends____________________________(送给他一本书)



(1)How many people _______________ (出席)at the meeting?

(2)The experts ___________________ (出席会议的)were from different parts of the world.?

(3)What is your_________________ (现在的住址)??

(4)The mayor ____________ (颁发) a silver cup to the winner next week.?

(5)What are you busy doing_______________ (目前)?

(6)He gave his mother__________ (一件礼物).?

5. For example, India has a very large number of fluent English speakers .

Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.

a number of许多,后接______名词,作主语时谓语动词用_____.

The number of …的数量,后接_____名词,作主语时谓语动词用______.






1 The film ___________(base) on a novel by Lu xun.

2 _________(actual), I am busy at the moment.

3 Many people believe the English _________(speak) on TV and on the radio is standard English.

4 The number of students _________(pass) the exam _____(be) increasing rapidly.


1 She came up a new idea a new idea at the meeting.

2 More than one person are against the plan.

3 I am sorry he is out at the present.

4 Basing on facts, the novel sells well.










Write a passage using the words ,phrases and sentence patterns that we have learn.

高一英语第三单元教案 篇三

(一) 明确目标

1. Get the students to know the importance of body language.

2. Train the students integrating skills.


Step 1

Show more gestures and let the students guess the meanings.

Step 2

Read the integrating skills.

(三) 教学过程

Step 3

Introduce Shuang huang.

Step 4

Work in pairs and make up a funny story.

Step 5

Practice Writing.


Step 6

Compare the meanings of body language in China and the USA.

Meaning in China Body language Meaning in the USA

welcome a smile and a handshake welcome

Hello Goodbye ! waving one s hand Hello! Hi! Goodbye!

disagreement shaking the head disagreement

agreement nodding the head agreement

May I ask a question? putting up a hand May I ask a question.?

love kissing love

no such a gesture keeping ones fingers crassed hoping sth. good will happen

proud holding up ones head not afraid/proud

feeling sorry for having done hanging ones head feeling sorry for having done

feeling very happy waving ones arm feeling very happy

dislike, disagreement or pain making a face dislike, disagreement or pain

Im full/ I v eat stomachache touching ones stomach having a stomachache


1. Choose the best answers according to the situations.

When you meet a foreign guest for the first time, you should say:

A. How do you do? B. How are you?

C. Hi! D. Hello! What can I do for you?

2. Yon are carrying some heavy boxes. Someone comes over to offer help. He may say "Can I help you?" If you need his help, you should say:

A. Of course, you can. B. Thats a good idea.

C. Yes, go ahead. D. Thanks. Thats very kind of you.

3. If you can carry the boxes yourself and don’t need his help, you should say to him:

A. No. I don’t need your help. B. Its none of your business.

C. No, thanks. I can manage it myself. D. Sorry, you can’t

4. When you see an old lady carrying a heavy bag and want to go over to help her, you should say:

A. Excuse me, madam. Would you like me to crazy it for you?

B. Hello! Let me carry the bag for you. It’s too heavy for an old lady like you.

C. Hi, Granny! Let me carry the heavy bag for you. You are old.

D. Excuse me. Is there anything else I can do for you?

2. Choose the right words for the blanks, using the right verb forms.

proud juice dining room realize were type comfortable.

(1) I hope you feel as __ as you are at home.

(2)The speaker ____ to the people in the hall before he left.

(3)You’d better make the apples into ____ for your baby; otherwise she can’t eat them.

(4) Before you send your article to the publisher, you’d better____ it out with a computer or a type-writer.

(5)The students neednt go home for lunch, because there is a _____ in the school.

(6)I didnt _____ they were a couple (夫妻) until the party was over.

(7) She looked so __ at the party that few people talked to her.

3. Make gestures and guess what they mean.

(1) Raise your hand. (5) Kiss your hand to someone.

(2)Put up your hands. (6)Thumbs (大拇指) up.

(3)Wave your hand. (7)Thumbs down.

(4) Cup your ear. (8) Bite your nails ( 指甲 ).


1. (1)A (2)D (3)C (4)A

2. (1)comfortable (2)waved (3)juice (4)type (5)dining-room (60realize (7)proud


(1) To ask or answer a question. / To attract attention. / To say hello.

(2)To give up. / To surrender.

(3)To say goodbye.

(4)To say: "I beg your pardon. / Sorry, I can’t hear you."

(5)To say "Goodbye" to a dear friend or relative.

(6)To say "Great! / Wonderful! / Well done! / Congratulations !"

(7)To say "No good! / Terrible!"

(8)To mean "thinking" or “worrying”。

人教版高一英语教案 篇四



本单元介绍了美国的迪斯尼乐园及其创始人Walt Disney艰苦创业的生活经历。通过本单元教学,要求学生掌握迪斯尼乐园的概况,并可根据提示复述沃尔特?迪斯尼奋斗的生活简历。引导学生意识到只有通过自身的努力,艰苦奋斗,才能收获成功的道理。同时,设计问答练习,提高学生阅读能力。



Step 1听录音


1.What were they talking about ?

2.How to answer the first /second/third/forth/fifth visitor question?

Step 2 练习


Step 3改写


Sleeping Beauty Castle , Bear Country, Horse-drawn streetcars, the Tomorrow Land Building

比如:Carl is answering visitors’ questions. The first visitor asks Carl the way to the Sleeping Beauty Castle…。

Step 4 讨论

If you are visitor, How to ask the way to the stranger at first?

Step 5总结



Where is …。.。

How can I get to…

Which is the way to…

Could you tell me if…

Could you tell me the way to…


Go straight ahead…

It’s behind …/in frond of/

Go down this street…


本课的日常用语用语是有关对话asking the way and responses,这样的问路用语在初中都以学过,所以对话不在是个难点。本课的两篇阅读文章是有关人物,沃尔特·迪斯尼。难点在于第一篇是了解他的生活经历和艰苦创业。第二篇是我们众所周知的Disneyland,两篇文章结合着学过的语法知识宾语从句在里面,这也不是学生们所要了解的重点。

高一英语第三单元教案 篇五

Teaching aims:

1.improve the students’reading ability

2.let students learn to get the main idea of the text /each paragraph

3.improve the students’understanding of the history,the spirit of the Olympic Games and the relation between China and the Olympic Games.

Teaching important points:

1.how to improve the students’reading ability

2.how to let students join the class

Teaching difficult points

1.how to let students join the class

2.how to get the main idea

Teaching aids:

1. a recorder

2. pictures

Teaching procedure:

step 1. free talk

What is the English for“运动会”?

What is the greatest sports meeting in the world?

Step 2. lead-in

Ask students questions:

1. How many Olympic games have already been held ?

2. brain storms to think of something about the Olympic games.

Step 3 fast reading:

Make a list of the Olympic games mentioned in the text

1.the ancient Olympic games

2.the first Olympic games (the 1896 Athens Olympic games)

3.the 23th Olympic games in Los Angeles (the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic games)

4.the 27th Olympic games in Sydney (the 2000 Sydney Olympic games)

5.the 29th Olympic games in Beijing (the 2008 Beijing Olympic games)

step 4

Step 5 listen to the tape and get the main idea

Para 1. The Olympic games are held every four year

Para 2. It is about the ancient Olympic games

Para 3. It is about the first Olympic games

Para 4. The Olympic motto and the 1984 Olympic games

Para 5. It is about the 2008 Beijing Olympic games

The passage is about the development of the Olympic games

Step 6 homework:

In your free time,you can surf the internet . In order to prepare for the 2008 Beijing Olympic games, a lot of volunteers doctors,drivers,guides,translators are wanted. You can try!




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