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非谓语动词 篇一


一。接动词不定式 ( to do/ do sth )

1. like to do sth                        2. like sb to do sth

3. let’s (not ) do sth                    4. want to do sth

5. want sb to do sth                     6. love to do sth

7. ask sb (not ) to do sth                 8. stop to do sth

9. tell sb (not ) to do sth                 10. watch sb do sth

11. it’s time (for sb) to do sth             12. help sb (to ) do sth

13. help do sth                         14. make sb do sth

15. decide (not ) to do sth                16. find it +adj + to do sth

17. have to do sth                      18. try (not ) to do sth

19. try one’s best to do sth               20. it’s +adj +(for)of +sb + to do sth

21. plan to do sth                       22. s.p.+be a good place to do sth

23. it takes sb +some time + to do sth       24. send sb to do sth

25. invite sb to do sth                    26. forget to do sth

27. live to be +时间                     28. be able to do sth

29. have sth to do                       30. seem to do sth

31. get sb /sth to do sth                   32. 疑问词+ to do sth

33. need sth to do sth                    34. use sth to do sth

35. follow sb to sth                      36. need to do sth

37. a good time to do sth                  38. the best time to do sth

39. the best way to do sth                 40. be the first / last one to do sth

41. would like to do sth                  42. be excited /surprised to do sth

43. be useful to do sth                   44. be allowed to do sth

45. allow sb to do sth                    46. it’s better to do sth

47. it’s best to do sth                    48. take care (not) to do sth

49. see sb do sth                        50. why not do sth ?

51. have enough time to do sth             52. too… to do sth

53. not… enough to do sth                54. encourage sb to do sth

55. choose to do sth                     56. wait to do sth

57. be happy/glad/pleased to do sth         58. make it +adj + to do sth

59. be careful to do sth                   60. be afraid to do sth

61. it’s our duty to do sth                 62. used to do sth

63. can’t afford to do sth                  64. make a decision to do sth

65. have an opportunity to do sth           66. wait for sb to do sth

67. would do sth rather than do sth          68. would rather do sth than do sth

69. hurry to do sth                       70. refuse to do sth

71. agree to do sth                       72. pretend to do sth

73. pretend to be doing sth                74. prefer to do sth

75. prefer not to do sth                   76. prefer to do sth raher than do sth

77. be willing to do sth                   78. volunteer +时间/ 钱 + to do sth

79. volunteer to do sth                    80. offer to do sth

81. rush to do sth                        82. in order (not ) to do sth

83. be certain to do sth                    84. be sure to do sth

85. make plans to do sth                  86. go out of their way to do sth

87. lead sb to do sth                     88. it’s one’s job to do sth

89. it’s one’s turn to do sth                90. urge sb to do sth 督促。

91. could /would you please (not) do sth ?   92. be supposed to do sth

93. warn sb to do sth

二、接动名词  (doing sth )

1. like doing sth                            2. enjoy doing sth

3. have fun doing sth                        4. be interested in doing sth

5. thanks for doing sth                      6. look at sb doing sth

7. stop sb doing sth                         8. stop sb from doing sth

9. go + v-ing                              10. do the (some )+v-ing

11. what/how doing sth ?                   12. practice doing sth

13. watch sb doing sth                       14. find sb doing sth

15. mind (one’s ) doing sth                   16. can’t stand doing sth

17. think about doing sth                     18. spend … (in)doing sth

19. finish doing sth                         20. be busy doing sth

21. keep doing sth                          22. keep sb from doing sth

23. keep sb doing sth                         24. be good at doing sth

25. hate doing sth                           26. there be +名词+doing sth

27. make a living by doing sth                 28. have a difficult time doing sth

29. feel like doing sth                        30. allow doing sth

31. see sb doing sth                          32. by doing sth

33. end up doing sth                         34. do a survey about doing sth

35. be afraid of doing sth                     36. be used to doing sth

37. be terrified of doing sth                    38. give up doing sth

39. instead of doing sth                       40. have nothing against doing sth

41. be serious about doing sth                    42. have a chance of doing sth

43. before/ when /while +doing sth                44. start doing sth

45. have a lot of experience doing sth              46. prefer doing sth

47. consider doing sth                          48. dream of / about doing sth

49. continue doing sth                          50. put off doing sth

51. be used for doing sth =be used to do sth        52. prefer doing sth to doing sth

53. without doing sth                          54. be comfortable doing sth

55. can’t stop/help doing sth                    56. look forward to doing sth

57. be against doing sth          58. have trouble/problems/difficulty (in) doing sth  59. suggest doing sth         60. be busy doing sth   61. be worth doing sth

非谓语动词 篇二




动词不定式 动词的-ing形式 动词过去分词

一般式 to do doing done

一般被动式 to be done  being done

完成式 to have done  having done

完成被动式 to have been done having been done

进行式 to be doing

完成进行式 to have been doing


主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 补语

动词不定式 √  √  √  √  √  √

动词的-ing形式 √  √  √  √  √  √

动词过去分词 √  √  √  √  √   √




to learn a foreign language well is not easy.

it is not easy to learn a foreign language well.


what do you like to do besides swim?

do you think it necessary to go there?


all she would do was to go home.


i warned the boy not to be late again.

he saw her leave the house.

she was seen to leave the house.

he often helps me (to) learn english.

with no one to help him, he can’t do it.

with so many problems to settle, the manager can’t leave for


【注意】用于不带to的不定式作宾补的的动词有:feel, hear, see,

notice, observe, watch, listen to, look at, have, make, let等。但


i noticed her enter the office.

we heard him sing every day.

santa’s father made her promise that she wouldn’t write to me

or send me any word.


i have nothing to write (to write on/to write with).

i was the first to come to school.

we have no time to think about rest.


he stopped to talk to an old man.(目的)

i rushed to the station, only to find the train already gone.(结果)

he was happy to hear the news.(原因)

另外:in order to; so as to引导目的状语,“为了,以便”;so...as to


(7)用在疑问词后面,如what to do,构成不定式复合结构,相当于名


the question is where to get a computer.(表语)

i really don’t know what to do.(宾语)

how to get rid of the pollution is still a problem.(主语)




he asked to be sent to the front.


he pretended to be listening attentively.


he is said to have gone abroad.


he pretended not to have seen me.

(5)不定式的逻辑主语有两种情况(用for sb.或of sb.):

it’s high time for us to plant trees.

it’s very kind of you to say so.






a broken cup is lying on the floor.

the meeting held yesterday was very important.



he seemed quite delighted at the idea.

the city is surrounded on three sides by mountains.





seen from space, the earth looks like a ball.

compared with the people in iraq, we are much happier.


all things considered, her paper is of greater value than yours.





i saw the house broken into.

there is something wrong with my radio. i will have it repaired.

the emperor ordered the cloth (to be) woven for him at once.

he came in, with his hands tied at the back.




talking is easier than doing.

it’s no use talking about it.


he is afraid of being scolded.

i found it no use talking with him.


如:admit, avoid, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, finish, imagine,

keep, miss, mention, practice, risk, stop, suggest等。

有些动词后面只能接to do。如:agree, decide, expect, hope,

long(渴望),manage, plan, pretend,

refuse, wish等。

有些动词后面接doing和to do 都可以,且意思差别细微,或看作

没差别。如:begin, start, hate, like, love, continue, refer等;

但另一类词差别很大。如:forget, remember, mean, try, regret等。

还有 go on; remind sb. of doing sth.(使人想起)和remind sb. to

do(提醒)。另外,stop doing停止干;stop to do停下来去干某

事,to do是目的状语。


seeing is believing.

the story is moving/exciting/interesting.


i saw them coming across the road.

they had their lights burning all night long.


there is a swimming pool in our school.

china is a developing country.


being ill, she went home.

having finished their homework, they had a rest.

while reading the book, he nodded from time to time.



(1)doing前加物主代词。如:my doing;

(2)doing前加名词所有格。如:tom’s doing;

(3)作宾语时doing前可加人称代词宾格。如:me doing。例如:

mary’s coming late made mr. smith angry.

she didn’t mind his (him) crying.

2.否定式在其前面加not;完成式having done;被动式being done。


not knowing what to do, he turned to his teacher for help.

having finished their homework, they watched tv.

he had hoped to take his seat without being seen.


weather permitting (if weather permits), we’ll have a sports meet

next week.

weather being so fine (as weather is so fine), we have decided to

go on an outing.

there being no buses, we had to walk home.


they slept, with the lights burning.


1. nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it

easier for it _________.[XX年高考湖南卷]

a. reusing    b. reused

c. reuses    d. to be reused

2. schools across china are expected to hire 50,000 college

graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times

the number hired last year, __________reduce unemployment


a. help    b. to have helped

c. to help    d. having helped



3. distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school.

__________the ceremony of the 50th anniversary this morning

are our alumni(校友)from home and abroad.


a. attend    b. to attend

c. attending    d. having attended

4. they use computers to keep the traffic__________ smoothly.


a. being run     b. run  c. to run          d. running

5. now that we’ve discussed our problem, are people happy with

the decisions_________?[XX年高考全国卷ⅰ]

a. taking   b. take    c. taken   d. to take

6. if there’s a lot of work_________, i’m happy to just keep on

until it is finished. [XX年高考上海卷]

a. to do    b. to be doing

c. done    d. doing





7. i feel greatly honored__________ into their society.


a. to welcome    b. welcoming

c. to be welcomed   d. welcomed

8. something as simple as__________ some cold water may clear

your mind and relieve pressure.[XX年高考上海卷]

a. to drink    b. drinking

c. to be drinking   d. drunk

9. my sister, an inexperienced rider, was found sitting on the

bicycle__________ to balance it.[XX年高考上海卷]

a. having tired   b. trying

c. to try    d. tried

10. ideally__________ for broadway theatres and fifth avenue,

the new york park hotel is a favorite with many guests.


a. locating    b. being located

c. having been located  d. located





11. the children all turned__________ the famous actress as she

entered the classroom.[XX年高考全国卷ⅰ]

a. looked at    b. to look at

c. to looking at   d. look at

12. __________,you need to give all you have and try your best.


a. being a winner   b. to be a winner

c. be a winner   d. having been a winner

13. __________in the queue for half an hour, the old man

suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.


a. waiting    b. to wait

c. having waited   d. to have waited

14. —can those__________ at the back of the classroom hear me?

—no problem.[XX年高考福建卷]

a. seat  b. sit       c. seated  d. sat





15. my parents have always made me __________about myself,

even when i was twelve.

a. feeling well   b. feeling good

c. feel well    d. feel good


1. which do you enjoy__________ your holiday, going abroad or

staying at home?

a. spending    b. to spend

c. being spent   d. spend

2. the pilot felt something__________ wrong with the engine just

before the plane took off.

a. go     b. went

c. was going     d. to go

3. —why do you look sad?

—there are so many problems__________.

a. remaining to settle   b. remained settling

c. remaining to be settled  d. remained to be settled





4. —do you know why they practise__________ basketball every


—they practise__________  in the basketball match of our school.

a. playing; to join   b. playing; joining

c. to play; to join   d. to play; joining

5. lily’s mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never

__________ again.

a. to find  b. to be found     c. finding  d. being found

6. —we didn’t find the blacks_________ the lecture.

—no one had told them about__________ a lecture the following


a. to attend; there to be  b. attending; there being

c. attended; there be   d. attend; there was

7. the international agreement, __________encourage children not

to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on february


a. intending to   b. being intended to

c. intended to   d. to intend to





8. __________twice a year, whether it is a car or a bus or a truck,

is the rule that every driver must obey in this city.

a. being examined   b. examined

c. examining    d. having been examined

9. the man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if

__________ whether he was going in the right direction.

a. seeing    b. having seen

c. to see    d. to have seen

10. __________ horrible, the medicine was thrown away by the


a. tasted       b. tasting         c. to taste        d. being tasted

11. the long-lasting meeting ended in failure, _________no


a. to reach       b. would reach         c. reaching     d. reached

12. tom pretended__________ it, but in fact, he knew it very well.

a. not listen to   b. not to hear about

c. not to have heard about  d. not to listen






13. even if the troops can be found, __________them remains a


a. equips    b. equipped

c. having equipped   d. equipping

14. he showed us a good tyre for comparison with the one


a. wearing  b. worn   c. tearing  d. torn

15.  __________on time is one of our principles. and we do our

best for customers.

a. deliver goods   b. delivering goods

c. delivered goods   d. having delivered goods




非谓语动词 篇三


一、分析句子结构 (简单句,并列句,复合句)

1. _____many times , but he still couldn't understand it .

2. _____many times , he still couldn't understand it .

a. having been told     b. told  c. he was told          d. though he had been told

3. ___to the left , you'll find the post office .

4. if you ___to the left , you'll find the post office .

5. ________to the left , and you'll find the post office .

a. turning  b. to turn  c. turn  d. turned




1. ____no buses , we have to walk home .

2. ______sunday i shall have a quiet day at home .

3.the meeting put off, we have to wait for more days.

a. there being  b. it were  c. there were  d. it being

三、分析语态 分析语态就是在确定逻辑主语之后,分析非谓语动词和逻辑主语在搭配使用时是主动还是被动关系。

1. ______from space , the earth looks blue .

2.______from space , we can see the earth is blue .

a. seen      b. seeing     c. to see     d. see

3. the dirty clothes ______ , the girl hung them up outside .

4. ______ the dirty clothes ,the girl hung them up outside .

a. was washed    b. washed    c. were washed    d. having washed

四、分析时态 在选定了主动或被动后,还要考虑动作发生的时间问题,即时态。

1. the building ___now will be a restaurant .

2. the building ___next year will be a restaurant .

3.the building __last year is a restaurant.

a. having been built   b. to be built   c. being built   d. built

1. he stood there ______for his mother .

2. ______for two hours , he went away .

a. waiting      b. to wait       c. waited     d. having waited

3.what is the reason for __there ?

a. not your going  b. not your go  c. your not going  d. you not to go


1.(北京09模拟)with their reputation ______in the milk powder incident, the food companies need ______ their image.

a. ruining, improving     b. ruined, to improve

c. to ruin, to be improved  d. to be ruined, being improved

2. (朝阳一模)peter' s mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never         again

a. to find                  b. to be found           c. finding                  d being found

3. (朝阳一模)she couldn't help, even though she tried not to, ______ at the strange clothes her friend was wearing.

a. to laugh    b. laugh     c. laughing    d. laughed

4. (朝阳一模)_____ the chapter four times, i finally understood the author's theory.

a.reading            b.having read        c.to read             d.read

5. (海淀09期末)the hotel al arab ______ the first and only 7-star hotel in the world was designed in the shape of a sail of 321 meters.

a.was considered           b.considering         c.being considered  d.considered

6. (海淀09期末)—does shelly like shopping?

一well,she would rather spend time     at home than     in the street.

a.read;wander         b.reading;wander

c.in reading;to wander d.reading;to wander

7. (西城一模)the time and effort he has devoted during the past few years    trees in that remote area is now considered to be of great value.

a.to planting   b.to plant   c.plant    d.planting

8. (西城一模)he felt lonely in the first month abroad,but after a time he got       alone and even got it.

a.used to living;to enjoy            b.used to live;to enjoy

c.using to live;enjoying             d.to be used to living;enjoying

9.(石景山区一模)一don’t worry! i’ll have bob          the job at once!

一yes, he has, but he had it          instead.

a. do; doing     b. doing; do                           c. done; done         d. do; done

10.(石景山区一模)i hear they’ve promoted tom, but he didn’t mention          when we talked on the phone.

a. to promote    b. having been promoted

c. having promoted     d. to be promoted

11.(石景山区一模)1 hope          with her about that during the time we           at college.

a. to talk; studied            b. to have talked; are studying

c. to talk; were studying        d. to have talked; were studying

12. (海淀一模)     these suggestions will help you become more cooperative and achieve more.

a.followed       b.following       c.to follow    d.being followed

13. (海淀一模)一can i have the document right now?

一of course.wait a minute and i ’ll have my secretary     it for you

a.to print         b.printing         c.printed       d.print

14. (丰台一模)you have to decide which school to choose. you can’t postpone ________that decision much longer.

a.to make                 b.make               c.made               d.making

15. (丰台一模)when _______ why he went there, the astronaut said he was sent there to be trained for a space flight.

a.asking             b.being asked         c.asked                d.having asked

16.(东城一模)the pop star walked out of the stage,        her hands elegantly to her crazy fans.

a.waving                b.was waving         c.waved                 d.to wave

17.(东城一模)another primary school is reported        for children in wen chuan now.

a.to have been built. b.to have built        c.being built           d.to be building

18.(东城一模)with their son        a foreign college now, the parents have some financial problem now and then.

a.to attend         b.attending       c.attended              d.having attended

19.(崇文一模)oh! my god! a file seems         by mistake!

a.deleted    b.to be deleted    c.being deleted   d.to have been deleted

20.(崇文一模)        the noise, tony bent to look out of the window,      the curtains with one hand.

a.to hear, to part     b.hearing, parting

c.heard, parting     d.to have heard, to part

21.(崇文一模)i can’t stand living in a busy city where people are always in a rush and       to move to   another place.

a.intended                  b.intending    c.to intend             d.intend

22.(宣武二模23)try ______the green button to see if the machine will start.

a.press b.to press    c.pressing    d.to have pressed

23.(宣武二模26)______with the threat of water shortages, beijing and shanghai are taking effective measures to save water and protect water resources.

a.face   b.faced  c.facing   d.to face

24.(宣武二模35)    a full discussion of the problem, the committee spent a whole hour exchanging their ideas at the meeting.

a.have     b.having  c.had                           d.to have

25.(西城二模25)--- you should have thanked the hostess before leaving.

--- i meant    . but i couldn’t find her when i was leaving.

a.to do                   b.to                       c.doing                  d.doing so

26.(西城二模34)henry can’t attend the party    at tom’s house at present because he is preparing tomorrow’s presentation.

a.hold                           b.to hold                c.to be held            d.being held

27.(海淀下期中25)     these suggestions will help you become more cooperative and achieve more.

a.followed      b.following       c.to follow    d.being followed

28.(海淀下期中27) --- can i have the document right now?

--- of course.wait a minute and i ’ll have my secretary    it for you

a.to print         b.printing         c.printed       d.print

29.(海淀下期末29)_____ the chapter four times, i finally understood the author's theory.

a.reading        b.having read    c.to read         d.read

30.(海淀下期末30)they live on a busy road.there ______ be a lot of noise from the traffic.

a.must               b.may               c.would             d.could

31.(海淀下期末35)the hotel al arab ______ the first and only 7-star hotel in the world was designed in the shape of a sail of 321 meters.

a.was considered       b.considering      c.being considered      d.considered

32.(丰台二模24)—what’s the matter with tim?

—oh. his electronic dictionary was left in a taxi accidentally, never        again.

a.to find                        b.to be found          c.finding                d.being found

33.(丰台二模26)looking at herself in the mirror, sofia decided to have her hair        again.

a.wave                  b.to wave               c.waving                d.waved

34.(东城二模24)i’d rather have a house of my own than ____one with someone else, no matter how small it is.

a.to share       b.sharing     c.share       d.have shared

35.(东城二模26)____by a greater demand for green products, the food company has set higher standards to ensure the quality.

a.driven      b.being driven     c.to drive    d.having driven

36.(东城二模35)mistakes in ____ public notices can be seen here and there.

a.being translated       b.translating c.having translated      d.translated

37.(朝阳二模26)____in the mountains for three days, the young man was finally saved by the local police.

a.having lost          b.lost                    c.being lost            d.losing

38.(朝阳二模34)he spends, i think, a lot more time in reading english than i do ____ french.

a.learning    b.to learn     c.learn  d.having learned

39.(东城示范校检测24)with the college entrance examination ____ near, both the parents and the students are more and more anxious.

a. draws              b. drawn                   c. drawing                d. is drawing

40.(东城示范校检测30)           in a red skirt in the opening ceremony of the olympic games, the little girl lin miaoke won the hearts of the people all over the world.

a. dressed             b. worn                 c. dressing              d. wearing

41.(东城示范校检测34)the problems          at the meeting tomorrow are really hard to solve.

a. discussed           b. to discuss          c. to be discussed      d. discussing

42.(崇文上期末22)mrs. shedden was about to leave when she noticed a bird        on the car.

a.sit                       b.sitting                  c.to sit                   d.having sat

43.(崇文上期末26)many young people’s aim is         their own companies.

a.start up        b.starting up           c.to start up           d.having stated up

44.(崇文上期末27)      rex not to phone; i don’t want to be disturbed.

a.ask                    b.asking                c.to ask                d.asked

45.(崇文上期末30)as a secretary, her job includes          the boss’s phone calls.

a.taking      b.take   c.taken d.to take

46.(崇文上期末33)some animals eat only one type of food even when           the choice.

a.giving                 b.gives                   c.given                  d.to give


1,b  2,b  3,c  4,b  5,d

6,b  7,a  8,a  9,d  10,b

11,d 12,b 13,d 14,d 15,c

16,a17,a  18,b  19,d  20,b

21,d   22,c  23,b  24,d  25,b

26,d  27,b  28,d  29,b  30,a

31,d  32,b  33,d  34,c  35,a

36,d  37,b  38,a  39,c  40,a

41,c  42,a  43,b  44,a  45,a  46,c




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