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五年级下册英语pep教案 篇一


Talking about past activities

Target Language: Did you…?

Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.


Vocabulary: dear, met (meet), ran (run)

Pronunciation: /i:/, /I/, /e/, / /

Song: Where did you go?



1、 Review verb phrases.

2、 Review Unit 1.


1、 Prepare a postcard with a picture of own city and ask the children: What’s this? What is the place? What can you see?

2、 Show the back of the postcard and tell the children that Lingling wrote a letter on it.


1、 Play the cassette and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat and tick the actions: went to the park, met John, bought ice creams, went home, ran to the bus, dropped.

2、 Play the cassette again and ask the children answer the following questions: Who wrote the postcard? Whom did Lingling send the postcard to?

3、 Write down the words: met, bought, went, ran, dropped and ask the children to guess the original form.

4、 Finish activity 2. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs.

四、Sing a song

1、 Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully.

2、 Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully.

3、 Teach the sentences of the song one by one.

4、 Play the cassette several times and ask the children to sing along.


1、 Read the letter and sing the song.

2、 Finish activity 6: sentence relay.

五年级下册英语pep教案 篇二



words :when back those ice cream with finish hurry wp wait drop

(2个词组2个过去式 came dropped)

sentences: When did you come back

We came back last Sunday.

I dropped my ice cream.




3、情感目标 运用过去式描述过去发生的事情




1、一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时的区别




T: Hello,boys and girls. How are you

S: I'm fine thank you.

T: Today Let's talk something about summer holiday, OK

I have three questions.


Where did you go

S: I went to.。.

T: Olny yourself And your mother and farther. Yes! So you can say. I went to.。.with.。.


What did you buy

I bought…。


When did you come back

1、用come here学come back帮助学生理解

2.I went to Henan in Summer holiday.

Now it's September.I came back last month.(利用日历学习)

用last month帮助理解when,进一步学习

3 对比学习come---came

ask and answer in pairs(设计目的:不仅学会回答,也掌握问句)

summary: 总结过去时

go--went do—did

come--came buy—bought

二、以ice cream 引出所学内容,

(1) T: Boys and girls are very clever,so today I bring some presents. Oh,look ,it's an.。.

(板书ice cream并教授,教师拿着卡片问Do you like these ice creams S: Yes.

T:look at those ice creams. They're nice.(板书those.并对比学习these-those

(2)出现bus的图片,边做动作边讲hurry up,通过挥手讲wait for us


1 教师先模仿,吃完手中的东西说:I finished my 。.

2 对一个学生说Please finish your.。这个学生再对下一个学生重复同样的句子

3 全班同学一起说"Please finish your.。"

drop-dropped 通过动作。

I dropped my pen/book.。.。

三、review the words

1、 Look at the blackboard and read together

2、 Look at the word cards and read.

3、 Play a game: I say a word to a student quietly, let otherstudents guess.(设计目的:练习单词的发音)

4.Play a game:用单词卡只露第一个字母。让学生猜单词(设计目的:练习单词的认识及拼写能力。eg:w:with,wait, when在这里可以通过比赛贴ice cream然后掉了一个。再练习dropped.

四、Listen and point.

1.Listen and point.

2.Listen and repeat.

Step V do the exercises.

read and Choose T or F.

1.Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy.

2.They are back yesterday.

3.They came back yesterday.

4.john lives near Amy and Sam.

5.John dropped his ice cream.



Where did you go

I went to _________

When did you come back

I came back__________


描述自己的假期旅行。包括(when where who what how)。




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