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Poems教案 篇一

unit2 poems

1、aspect n.


(1) you are looking at only one aspect of the problem.

(2) they considered the plan in all its aspects.

(3) the building has a southern aspect.

根据语义找匹配:a. 方面 b. 朝向

(1) a (2) a (3) b

in this aspect 在这一方面      in all aspects 各方面


(1)you are right in this aspect (在这个方面)

(2)i am interested in all aspects of science.(自然科学的各个方面)

2、pattern n.


(1) she is a pattern of all the classmates.

(2) a good tailor can make a dress without a pattern.

根据语义找匹配:a. 式样,图案 b.典范

(1) b (2) a



the flower pattern is very popular in villages.


she has got used to the new patterns of family life.

3、underline v.


(1)while reading the article, you should underline some sentences puzzling you.

(2)the teacher underlined the discipline the first day we went to school.

(3)pay attention to the underlined parts.


a. 有下划线的 b. 强调 c. 给……加下划线

(1) c (2) b (3) a



the parents underlined some points that should be paid attention to for the child when they were absent.


the secretary underlined the most urgent affairs today for her boss.

4、exchange v. 交换,交流;n.  交换, 交流, 交易

(1) exchange christmas gifts交换圣诞节礼物

(2) exchange experience交流经验

(3) exchange greetings互相问候

(4) exchange seats with sb. 与某人调换一个座位

(5) an exchange of views交换意见

(6) exchange professors交流讲学教授

(7) exchange students(两国间)交换的留学生

exchange sth. for sth. 把……换成……

exchange sth. with sb. 和某人互换某物



i am going to travel abroad, so i go to exchange some rmb for dollars in bank.


there is an open exchange of ideas between two teams.

5、take it easy


(1) there is enough time. take_it_easy.

(2) i want to take_it_easy when i am on holiday.

根据语义找匹配:a. 轻松,松懈 b. 从容,不紧张

(1) b (2) a



take it easy. the roads are icy.


my grandfather will retire next year and can take things easy.

6、make up of(多用于被动)构成


(1)the committee is made_up_of 12 members.


(2)our class is made_up_of 45 students and 7 teachers.


consist of 由……组成(不能用于被动)

be made of用……材料制成(可见材料)

be made from用……材料制成(看不见材料)

make…into… 把……做成……


(1) 他很快就把这些木材造成了一条船。

he made the wood into a boat quickly.

(2) 长城是由石头和砖头(brick)砌成的。

the great wall is made of stones and bricks.

7、let out


(1) she let_out a cry of surprise.

(2) she promised that she would not let_out the plan to the press.

根据语义找匹配:a. 发出  b. 泄露

(1)a (2)b

leave out 省去, 遗漏, 不考虑

bring out 使显示, 出版       make out 理解, 辨认出



the oil gas let out and caused a great panic.


the teacher stressed that the students should not leave out any important details when in the lecture.


the handwriting is a little vague, but i can still make it out.

8、some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression. others try to convey certain emotions.(p10)


some…others… 一些……而另一些……

in the summer camp, some members are from africa. others are from asia.




in the discussion, some people agreed with the plan, while others were against.


the group cooperated well in the course of the competition. some of them made the plan; some of them collected the information; others prepared for their speech.

(  )(•湖南)if he ______ my advice, he wouldn't have lost his job.

a. followed                                    b. should follow

c. had followed                              d. would follow

if rob hadn't_injured himself, we would_have_won. (p13)

c 根据“wouldn't have lost”可判断if引导的状语从句表示与过去事实相反的虚拟,故选c项。

Poems 篇二

the tang poems

reading and writing

教 学

目 标 1. get ss to learn about the power of poetry

2. get ss to learn to write a poem.

重 点 how to write a poem

教 学

过 程 step1. lead in

read the title and predict what this passage will tell us.

step2. read the passage quickly and get the main idea of each paragraph.





step3. pair work

read the passage and answer the questions.

1. why do people want to write poetry?

2. what is poetry therapy?

3. what kind of people can poetry therapy help?

4. in what ways can poetry help people?

5. what problems do the students at a special school in dudley have?

6. how does writing poetry help the students?

7. how does the book of students’ poetry help the local community?

step4. language study

1. poets use language as a way of expressing their feelings, whether positive ones of love, happiness and hope, or negative feelings like anger and fear.

※ whether …or…  “无论…还是…” ,常用于引导主语从句、宾语从句、状语从句。

※ whether he stays or leaves makes no difference to me.(主语从句)

※ whether he succeeds or fails, he has to do his best. (状语从句)

※ we haven’t decided whether to take train or fly to xishuangbanna. (宾语从句)

2. by writing down your feelings, you can learn to understand yourself and give yourself a voice.

※ by  prep.  表示通过某种方式

by getting up early, i can have an hour for reading english in the morning.

※  give oneself a voice   袒露/喊出自己的心声

3. for children, it is a good way to explore language and have fun with words as well as to express themselves.

※  a good way (for sb.) to do sth. 做某事的好途径

※ tv is a good way for us to entertain ourselves.

※ have fun with sth. 从…中得到乐趣

little children like having fun with water.

step 5 writing

1. read the poem and complete the lines with the rhymes in the box.

2. write a poem beginning with i wish.

  use the poem in activity 3 as a model.

  study the phrases beginning with i wish… and if only…

  think of your own wishes.

  keep your poem short-not more than eight lines.

  try your best to use rhyme.

Poems 篇三

module 6 book viii

the tang poems


教 学

目 标 1. get ss to learn about the tang poems, including the image, mood, rhyme, rhythm, subject, effect of a poem.

2. get ss to learn to talk about a poem.

重 点 analyse and talk about a poem.

教 学

过 程 step1. warm up

1. do you like chinese ancient poems?

2. what poems are the most famous in ancient china?

3. who can you first think of on mentioning the tang poems?

4. can you give some examples of their poems?

step 2. show some pictures of the three famous tang poets, and get the ss to guess who they are.

step3. read the poem a tranquil night and answer the questions

• who wrote the poem?

• what’s the topic/subject of the poem?

• what’s the mood of the poem?

• what images can you find in it?

• what’s the rhyming stile of the poem?

step4. match the words of factors of tang poems and their meanings.

step5. listen to a poem and answer the questions.

1. what’s the poem about?

2. how is the friend to travel?

step6. read the poem farewell to a friend by li bai and finish the following task.

1. try to translate it into chinese.

2. choose correct answers

3. fill in the blanks

step7. appreciation

a collection of english translation of tang poems

Poems 篇四

module 6 book viii

the tang poems

reading and vocabulary

教 学

目 标  1. get ss to learn about the tang dynasty -the golden age of chinese poetry

2. get ss to learn about the famous poets in tang dynasty, including li bai, du fu, du mu, bai juyi etc.

重 点 1. describe a dynasty .

2. talk about famous poets.

教 学

过 程 step1. pre-reading

1. show a map and get ss to guess which dynasty it is .

2. get ss to find out the silk road in the map.

3. show some pictures and get ss to learn something about the emperor, the exciting culture, tang poems and some famous poets of tang dynasty.

4. listen to the passage  and  match the paragraphs with the titles

step2. while reading

read the passage &answer the questions

1. how long did the tang dynasty last?

2. what were the benefits of trade with foreign countries?

3. name three advances in science and technology at this time.

4. why was tang poetry so great?

5. what was the relationship between li bai and du fu?

6. what was the difference between the two men’s poetry?

step 3. after reading : fill in the blanks

step 4. language study

1. it’s a time of expansion.

time 意为“时期, 时代”

  in time of war /peace  在战时/和平时期

  at flowering time 在开花时节

  the new president is spending a hard time.


2. the invention of printing about this time meant that knowledge could be recorded and shared as never before.

mean “意味着”,后接宾语从句或 v-ing

missing the first bus means waiting for

another hour.

mean “打算,企图”,后接动词不定式。

i’m sorry i didn’t mean to hurt you.

3. soon japan and korea were organized on the tang model, while chinese influence extended throughout southeast asia.

on…modal =on the modal of…

参照…的模式, 仿照…的样子

  he opened a bar on the american model.


  now many people celebrate christmas on the model of western countries.



4. but it was not just scientific knowledge that could now reach a wider audience. it was only in the 11th century that his poetic genius was recognised.

it is/was…that 为强调句型

  it is i who am going to the great wall

tomorrow. 是我明天要去长城(被强调部分


  it was not until yesterday that the little

boy realised he was cheated.


5. …in fact, he thought of himself as a failure.

think of   认为;评价;想起,记起

think of …as… 认为…是…

  what do you think of the concert last night?


  the president thought highly of his work.


  to tell the truth, our teacher thought little

of you.  说实话,老师对你评价不高。

  little children often think of what the

teacher says as a truth.


Poems 篇五

unit 5 poems about life

一、 teacher introduction:wei yan(魏燕),teaching in class 1 & 2, grade 1,guangzhou nan wu

experimental school

二、 textbook edition:oxford english shanghai edition

三、 teaching topic:七年级第二学期a册,unit 5 poems about life --- listening

四、 teaching period:1 period(40 minutes)

五、 analysis of the textbook:

a) the topic of the unit is “poems about life”。 the unit is different from teaching students

language knowledge or skills, but focuses on building up the abilities of appreciation and comprehension of poems, the ways of reading a poem, and the features of a poem. the lesson is based on reading lessons and focuses on the way of reading. also, it makes students feel the real emotion from their hearts and is the practice of writing.

b) the students from class 1 and 2 lively and many of them have a passion for speaking and playing. some of them like writing very much. encouraging them to practice and create poems is a task. in addition, helping more students to read fluently and emotionally is necessary.

c) more students will be able to enjoy and learn some abilities of poems by studying the unit.

六、 teaching aim:

1. knowledge aim:

learn to read a poem with rhythm and emotion. find the rhymes of the poem a on p69.

2. ability aim:

a) find out the mistakes and write the correct words while listening.

b) match the pictures and poems while listening.

3. strategies aim:

bring up the students to express their own feelings of lives through reading and writing poems.

4. feeling and attitudes aims:

a. let the students take part in the activities positively and cooperate in a group and learn from each other.

b. according to reading practise, improve the students’ communicating and writing ability.

5. culture aim:

understand western culture by studying english poems.

七、 teaching difficult points and important points:

1. teaching important points:

a) read the poems in the text and understand the features of them.

b) listen to the rhythm of the poems (listening a). understand the feelings from the poems (listening b).

c) try to use the poems to express the feelings.

2. teaching difficult points:

a) understand the feelings from the poems (listening b).

b) try to use the poems to express the feelings.

八、teaching method:

a) the communicative method.

b) task-based approach

c) group work

九、teaching aids:

computer, blackboard, note cards, handout.

十、teaching procedure:

teaching procedure teacher activities students activities teaching aim

warming up –

daily report

(5 minutes) ask students to

read poems that writen by themselves. two or three students

read poems that writen by themselves in the class. arouse the

interests of

students to

read poems and review the rhymes.

task 1: listening a

correcting mistakes

in a poem

(12 minutes)   1. ask students to compare the poems the two students read to the poem of listening a.

2. ask students to find the correct words while listening.

3. ask students some question about typhoon and then let them follow the playback and read the poem aloud with rhythm and emotion in the class. 1. listen to the two students to read the poems carefully, and compare it to the poem of listening a in the text.

2. ask students to find out the rules of listening.

3. listen to the poem twice and cross out the mistakes and write the correct words.

4. read the poem aloud with rhythm and emotion in the class. 1. lead the students to predict what the mistataks  are in the poem.

2.  find the mistakes while listening and understand the rhythm in the poem.

task 2: listening b

poems about the


(8 minutes)   1. ask students to look at the pictures on the handout and guess what feeling is on each face.

2. listen to the poems carefully and match the pictures to each poem. 1. look at the pictures and guess what feeling is on each face.

2. listen to the poems once and match the feeling to them. according to the pictures and listening materials, judge the feelings of different people.

task 3: post-listening

(12 minutes) 1. ask groups to practise reading and playing the six poems with rhythm and emotion on p70.

2. let groups show the six poems in different

ways.  1. work with groups to read poems in

different ways.

2.  show the poems aloud in the class. lead students to learn how to use a poem to express their feelings and improve them to enjoy poems.


(2 minutes)

1. summarize the

listening skills and ask students to understand poems and read them with rhythm and emotion.

do more reading practose and write the poems after class and read them aloud. show students can express their own feelings by poems.

unit 5 poems about life ---- listening

design of writing

on blackboard

listening skills:

1. read poem

2. find rhythm

3. correct the mistakes feelings:

angry/cross, afraid/scared/frightened, bored, sad, excited, happy reading skills:



body language




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