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杜甫个人成就 篇一


Du Fu poem "has set sixty volumes", early lost. Northern Song Baoyuan two years (1039) Wang Zhu series has 1405, compiled for the 18 volumes, entitled "Du workers set"。 Qian Qianyi compiled "Note Du workers set"。 Yang Lun said: "Since the Six Dynasties, Yuefu rate more simulation plagiarism, Chen Chenxiang, the most disgusting." The United States and the original alone on the feelings of the United States on the hardships, the pain of the poor, free To the predecessors "。

Du Fu's poems are called "poetic history" in Du Fu's middle school because of his poetic style. His poems to ancient, poems known for the long, diverse styles, "calm and frustrated" four words accurately summed up his own style of work, and to the main depression. Du Fu lived in the historical period of the Tang Dynasty, and his poems were devoted to the social turmoil, political darkness and the people's suffering. His poems reflected the social contradictions and the people's misery. His poems recorded the decline of the Tang Dynasty Historical changes, expressed the lofty Confucian spirit of love and a strong sense of urgency, which is known as the "history of poetry." Du Fu worry about the country, noble personality, poetic exquisite. Du Fu's life writing more than 1,500 songs, many of which are preaching the famous, such as "three officials" and "three different"; which "three officials" as "stone trench officials", "new security" and "Tongguan Official "," three other "as" new wedding "," no family "and" old "。 Du Fu handed down the poem is the most widely in Tang poetry, is one of the most outstanding poets of the Tang Dynasty, far-reaching impact on future generations. Du Fu works known as the world devastated, poetry in the holy; folk suffering, pen at the end of waves. Is the representative of realism poetry.

The poems occupy a very important position in Du Fu. The achievements of Du Fu 's poems are to expand the performance of the poems. He not only wrote poetry, eulogy, travel, feast, and landscape, but also wrote something with law. With the law to write current affairs, words and rulings are limited, more difficult, and Du Fu was able to use freely. Du Fu wrote the poem in a vertical and horizontal unrestrained, extremely capable of change, the law and can not see the shackles of the sound, the war neat and can not see the traces of the battle. Such as Yang Lun called "Du set of seven words first" and "climb", is such a poem: "windy days ape awe, Zhu Qingsha white birds fly back. The Yangtze River rolling to the thousands of miles of sad autumn often guest, over a hundred years of disease alone on stage. Hard bitter crisp touch the temples, down and out of the new stop the glass. "The whole poem in the voice sentence, and very sophisticated, elegant. Eight are right, the first sentence is also right. The whole of the war is covered by the image of the flow of consciousness, and tightly become smooth.

Du Fu's poems of the highest achievements, it can be said that this is written in the form of muddy flow, no trace can be found, write if the inadvertent, people forget it as a poem. Such as "spring night rain": "good rain know the season, when the spring is the occurrence of the wind sneaked into the night, moisten things silently. Wild cloud all black, river boat fire alone, see the red wet, "On the four lines with water, the spring rain charm write down, silent endlessly come from the end of the joint write a sudden look back to the surprise, strict style and seamlessly.

Du Fu is good at using many of the classical poetry system, and to be creative development. Du Fu's concern about the misery of people's livelihood and his achievements in the study of poetry directly affected the Tang Dynasty Yuan Zhen, Bai Juyi and others of the new Yuefu creation. He is the new Yuefu poetic style openers. His Yuefu poems contributed to the development of the new Yuefu movement in the Middle Tang Dynasty. His five or seven ancient long, also poem also history, unfolds, but also focus on the whole round of reciprocating, marking the Chinese poetry art of high achievement. Social contradictions of the Song Dynasty is to learn Du Fu's most prosperous era, appeared to Du Fu as the case of Jiangxi poetry school. The late Ming and early Qing Dynasty Gu Yanwu and others also have obvious tendency to learn Du, but also like Du Fu with the same poems reflect the anti-Qing struggle, impassioned.

Du Shi was widely valued, after the Song Dynasty. Wang Yu, Wang Anshi, Su Shi, Huang Tingjian, Lu You and others Du Fu respected times. Research data for nearly a thousand years, governance of the wind is not absolute. Song Dynasty there are many Du Fu's chronology, classification, set of books and other books, such as Wang soo "Du workers set", Guo Zhida "nine set of Du Fu poetry", Lu times, Cai Mengbi will note the " ", Xu Juren editor of the" sub-gate set Du Fu Department of poetry ", which works" Wen Guan Jun received Henan Hebei "," Spring "," quatrains "," Wang Yue "and so on. Later, the collection of Du is also more than 100 species, the more popular money Qianyi "Note Du Gongbu set", Qiu Zhaoyao "Du Fu detailed note", Yang Lun "Du Shi mirror Quan", Pu from the dragon "read Du solution." New and old "Tang" have Du Fu's biography. After the two songs, poem notes in the comments, explain the poems of Du Fu is very rich. Zhonghua Book Company 1964 compiled "classical literature research data compiled Du Fu volume" on the "Tang and Song Department." Wang Si at the end of the Ming Dynasty, "Du", clear Shi Hongbao have "read Du Shi said." In addition, Zhonghua Book Company will be the May Fourth Movement since the more important papers compiled into "Du Fu research papers." Biography and new research monographs are Feng Zhi "Du Fu Chuan", Xiao Dili non "Du Fu research", Fu Gengsheng "Du Fu's poetics", Zhu Dongrun "Du Fu narrative"。 More detailed chronology of Wen Yiduo "Mr. Shao Ling Chronological Notes" and the Sichuan Museum of Literature and History "Du Fu Chronology."


Du Fu in the calligraphy concept is very mature and deep. From the record point of view, his book to Kai Li grass and work, the whole line to the line, appreciate the ancient and magnificent, pay attention to the writing speed, rhythm, gestures, ink law and so on, in the Tang Dynasty is also very deep Of the bookstore. At the same time, he praised the Tang Dynasty official script, for Cao Pa, Zhang Xu's evaluation is enough to make him in the history of calligraphy left a reputation, and his "book expensive" that is laid Du Fu in the history of calligraphy theory important position.

杜甫生平经历 篇二

Family background

Du Fu was born in Jingzhao Du, is the north of the Taisho family. Its ancestors for the Emperor of the famous emperor Du Zhou, grandfather Du commented. Du Fu and another poet of the Tang Dynasty, "Xiao Li Du" Du Mu with the Jin Dynasty University, the famous Du after the first. But the two factions far, Du Fu Du from the second sub-Du, and Du Mu from Du Fu Shaozi small child. Du Fu youth because of the family environment is superior, so live a more stable and rich life. He is a small school, seven years old can make poetry, "seven age that is strong, open Wing Phoenix", interested in "to Jun Yao and Shun, and then make customs Chun." He was also very naughty juvenile, "remember the fifteen heart is still children, such as the yellow calf come back to the court before August pear jujube cooked, the tree on a day to thousands of times."

Young travel

Kaiyuan nineteen years old, Du Fu travel Huan flaw (now Shandong Linyi)。 Twenty years old, roaming Wu Yue, which lasted several years. Kaiyuan twenty-three years (735), back home to participate in "township"。 Twenty four years in Luoyang to participate in the examination, the results fell. Du Fu's father was Yanzhou Sima post, Du Fu then went to Yanzhou province pro, began Qi Zhao tour.

Tian Bao three contained (744) in April, Du Fu in Luoyang and Tang Xuanzong was given gold and Li Bai meet, the two meet the same beam, Song (now Henan Kaifeng, Shangqiu area)。 Later, Du Fu went to Qi (now Shandong Jinan)。 After four years, the autumn went to Yanzhou and Li Bai meet, the two together to find the immortal visit, talk about poetry papers, forged a "drunk sleep autumn were together, hand in hand" friendship. Autumn, the two handshake different, Du Fu ended the "debauchery Qi Zhao, Qiu Ma quite crazy" roaming life, back to Chang'an.

Career is not smooth

Du Fu lived in the Tang Dynasty by the Sheng decline in the historical period, Du Fu was born in a generation of "Fengru Gu Guan" family, home learned. Early works mainly show the ideal aspirations and the desired path of life. On the other hand the performance of his "Zhijun Yao and Shun, then make the custom" political ideals, during which many works reflect the people's livelihood and political turmoil, exposing the ugly acts of the rulers, from the set foot on the country's life And creative path. With the late Tang Zongzheng politics more and more corrupt, his life day by day into poverty and disappointment. In the life of the displaced.

Tianbao six contained, Xuanzong Chao world "pass an artist" to Changan test, Du Fu also participated in the examination. As the right by Li Linfu directed a "wild no trace" of the farce, to participate in the examination of the scholar all unsuccessful. Since the road of imperial examinations, Du Fu to achieve their political ideals, had to turn away the door of the powerful, donated Ye Ye, but no results. Ten years of his guest Chang'an, running Fu Fu, depressed unsuccessful, career frustrated, living a poor life, "Jinshi not in the first, Changan Chang."

Tianbao ten years in the first month, Xuanzong will be held in the worship of Taiqing Gong, temple and heaven and earth of the three major celebrations, Du Fu, then in the days of nine winter preload three "ceremony Fu", get Xuanzong appreciation, ordered in the Jixian Institute, but only Was "listed order" qualification, waiting for the distribution, because the main test is still Li Linfu so did not get office.

Tian Bao fourteen years, Du Fu was granted a small officer of the river, but Du Fu do not want to "do not make Hexi Wei, desolate for the waist," the official office, the court will be renamed right-wing government forces Cao Cao Jun (low-level official , Responsible for the guards armor, management access control key)。 Du Fu for forty-four years, to Chang'an more than ten years, for the livelihood and accepted the useless job. In November, Du Fu to Fengxian province, Du Fu just entered the house to hear the cry, the original little son starved to death. Chang'an ten years of experience and experience along the way, written in the famous "from Beijing to Fengxian County Yonghuai five hundred words."

War out of war

Tianbao fourteen years in November, Anshi chaos broke out, the second year in June, Tongguan fall, Xuanzong hustle and hard to escape. In July, Prince Li Heng is located in Lingwu, is Suzong. At this time Du Fu has moved home to the state (now Shaanxi Fu County) Qiang village refuge, he heard Suzhuang ascended the throne, in August alone north, defected to Lingwu, on the way unfortunately for the rebels captured, detained to Changan The With the captured Wang Wei was strict care, Du Fu because the official small, not imprisoned. Despite the personal experience of the unfortunate, but Du Fu always worry about the country. When the history of the chaos, he always watched the development of the current situation, during which wrote two articles: "for the state of China to make the king into the residual crown situation map" and "Qi Yuan, "To exterminate the rebels of the rebels, to consider how to reduce the burden on the people. When the rebellion of the rebels - the town of the northwest courty to Li Siye soldiers passing through Huazhou, he wrote "Guan Anxi soldiers went to Guanzhong two standby" poem, expressed the patriotic enthusiasm.

An official period

To Germany two years (757) in April, Guo Ziyi army came to the north of Chang'an, Du Fu adventure from the West to escape the Changan light through the confrontation between the two armies to Fengxiang (now Shaanxi Baoji) defected Suzong, May 16, Su Su granted for the left to eat, the old saying "Du Su left"。 Unexpectedly, Du Fu soon due to the rescue of the guang, shocked Suzong, was relegated to Huazhou (now Hua County), responsible for rituals, rituals, schools, elections, medical divination, examinations and other things. To Huazhou, Du Fu feeling very depressed and troubled. He often travel Xixi County Zheng County Pavilion (in this Xinglin town veteran Taiwan near), to worry about dispatching boring. He was in the "title Zheng County Pavilion", "early autumn hot hot case is still", "independent" and "thin horse" and other poems, to express the frustration of the career, inconstancy, rape slander sigh and resentment. Rescue room Guanxi this matter, Du Fu by the prime minister Zhang Sha to rescue and release. But "the emperor is not only provincial record", since then, Suzong Du Fu is no longer reuse. This year in September, Changan recovered. Du Fu returned to Chang'an in November, still left the left, although loyal to his duties, but eventually due to the case of the case of Gui case involved in the first year of the yuan (758) in June was relegated to Huazhou Division to join the army.

Qian yuan the first year (758) at the end of Du Fu temporarily left China, to Luoyang, Yanshi (both in this Henan Province) to visit relatives. The second year in March, Tang Jun and the rebels of the Ye City (now Henan Anyang) war broke out, Tang Jun defeated. Du Fu from Luoyang to return to Huazhou on the way to see the war to the people of the infinite disaster and the people bite the bullet into the army to participate in the war of patriotic behavior, filled with emotion, will be pen to create an immortal epic - "Three officials" (" "And" three different "(" wedding "," old "," no home "), and after returning to China, the revision of the draft. "Surprisingly, because of people for travel."

Southwest wandering

Qian Yuan two years (759) summer, Huazhou and Guanzhong drought, Du Fu wrote "summer sigh" and "summer night sigh", worry when the sad, chant slander bitter. This year after the beginning of the fall, Du Fu because of the dirty when the political headache, and give up the power of the Department of Chinese troops to join the military, west to Qinzhou (now Gansu Tianshui area)。 Du Fu in the Department of Chinese power office, a total of more than 30 poems. Du Fu after several twists and turns, and finally to Chengdu, Yan Wu and others with the help of the city in the west huanhua River, built a cottage, the world called "Du Fu Cottage", also known as "Huanhua Cottage." After Yan Wu recommended for the festival, the family sojourned in Sichuan Fengjie County.

Guangde two years (764) spring, Yan Wu and then Shu, Du Fu was back to the cottage, after drift for nearly two years. Yan Wujiu recommended Du Fu for the inspection workers outside the staff Lang, done Yan Wu's staff, later known as Du Fu for the Department of Du. Du Fu recently resigned. This five or six years, Du Fu people fence, life is still bitter, he said: "thick Lu Gu book cut off, constant hungry child color desolate" ("crazy") "infants do not know father and son ceremony, "He used some of the details of life to show the hardships of his life, he said that his child that is not sensible children do not know respect for his father, I do not know the teacher ceremony, hungry, whether it is not father, is not to follow Father and son of the ceremony, hungry to clamor to eat, in the East Gate outside the number of cry, to the fall of the storm, Du Fu's cottage dilapidated, hunger wife, sleep at night, he wrote "hut for the autumn wind song" The

Guangde in April Yan Wu died, Du Fu left Chengdu. Yongzhou (Yibin), Yuzhou (Chongqing), Zhongzhou (Zhongxian), Yunan (Yunyang), arrived in the first year of the Kuizhou (Fengjie)。 Due to the care of the Kuizhou Governor Pei Maolin, Du Fu was able to stay here for the time, for the public escrow Dongtun Gong Tian 100, he also rented some of the public field, bought forty acres of orchards, hired a few hired workers, and Family also participated in some labor. During this period, the poet's creation reached a climax, less than two years, more than four hundred and forty poems, accounting for 30 percent of the existing works. During this period, his works are "spring night rain", "hut for the autumn wind song", "Shu phase", "Wen Guan Jun received Henan Hebei", "climb", "Deng Yueyang floor" and many other masterpieces. One of the most famous verse is: "Andy Guangsha ten million, big shelter the world of cold disabilities are happy." And "climbing" in the "boundless Xiaoxiao, not the Yangtze River rolling to" is the eternal farewell.

Jiang Zhou died

Big calendar three years, Du Fu Sixiang eagerly, by boat in the gorge, first to Jiangling, turn the public security, the end of the wandering to Yueyang, Hunan, this period of time Du Fu has been living on board. Due to difficulties in life, not only can not return to the north, was forced to go south. Big calendar four years the first month, from Yueyang to Tanzhou (Changsha), and from Tanzhou to Hengzhou (Hengyang), complex turn back to Tanzhou. Tang Dynasty were five years (770), Zang 玠 in Tanzhou chaos, Du Fu and fled to Hengzhou, originally intended to go to Chenzhou to join his uncle Cui, but line to Leiyang, met the river soared, had to park Fang Tian, five days did not Eat something, thanks to the county magistrate Nie sent sent meat and meat and saved. Later, Du Fu from Leiyang to Chenzhou, need to flow against more than two hundred, when the flood has not returned, Du Fu original to the north, then change the plan, down the river, back to Tanzhou. Dafu five years in winter, Du Fu in the Tanzhou to Yueyang a boat died. Fifty-nine years old.

杜甫简介 篇三

Du Fu (AD 712 - AD 770), the word the United States, the Han nationality, the Xiangyang people, after the resettlement of Henan Gongxian. Since the number of Shaoling wild, the Tang Dynasty great realist poet, and Li Bai collectively "Li Du"。 In order to distinguish with the other two poets Li Shangyin and Du Mu that "Xiao Li Du", Du Fu and Li Bai and collectively known as "big Li Du", Du Fu is also often referred to as "old Du"。

Du Fu's influence in Chinese classical poetry is very far-reaching, he is called "poetry", his poem is called "poetry history"。 Later generations of its Du Su left, Du workers, also known as Du Shaoling, Du Cao Tang.

Du Fu created the "spring", "North", "three officials", "three" and other masterpieces. 759 Du Fu abandoned the official into the river, although to avoid the war, life is relatively stable, but still the heart of the common people, mind state affairs. Although Du Fu is a realist poet, but he also has wild uninhibited side, from his masterpiece "Drinking Eight Immortals" is not difficult to see Du Fu's pride dry clouds.

Du Fu's core of thought is Confucian benevolent thought, he has "Zhijun Yao and Shun, and then make the custom Chun" grand ambitions. Du Fu Although the reputation of the world is not prominent, but later fame, the Chinese literature and Japanese literature have had a profound impact. Du Fu a total of about 1500 poems were preserved, mostly in the "Du workers set"。




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