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欢迎词英文 篇一

Today, you enter the university campus. This is a great leap in the way of life. More than 10 years of hard reading finally got the first heavy harvest. The youth you chose Xi'an University Of Architecture And Technology Huaqing college, the young Huaqing college also chose you, this is a very lucky matter! Xi'an University Of Architecture And Technology is located in the famous historical and cultural city of Xi'an, south of the famous Tang Dynasty great wild goose pagoda, the north facing the world famous Ming Dynasty Changan city wall; Huaqing Institute is located in this thirteen Dynasties History of the cultural ancient capital, the history of heavy, cultural immersion, so that this is a teaching, reading and learning theory I want to have a holy place. On behalf of all the students of the college, the college student union wishes to extend heartfelt congratulations and warm welcome to all the students.

The university is a simple, full, and growing place where we grow our will. When this time of excitement is over, you will find that even the life of the university is not as exciting as it is imagined. Maybe apartment houses are inconveniences; maybe canteen meals do not suit their own tastes; maybe some courses, or even some very promising courses are boring; maybe it is common to find a famous professor; maybe some of the suggestions made with enthusiasm have not been answered for a long time; maybe the exam results are not very good. Perhaps many teachers may be too busy to notice your troubles and troubles; perhaps many of you will soon forget the determination to be dark before entering the school.

We say so because we have walked this way. Life is bound to melt many passions, ideals, resolutions and pursuits, and even make life merely "alive"。

University, is the place to fly dreams, a place to study and study, a palace for adults. After entering the University, we can never relax, never have a half slack and never waste your life. Bo view is taken, diligent and endeavor. "To meet the light with a struggle, and to treat life with a smile. Keep in mind that laughter is better than crying. Learn to smile in life, learn to live in a smile, appreciate the great value of life in a smiling life, and experience the infinite joy of life. Let laughter always fill our campus, our life!

Today you are fragrant and fragrant. Tomorrow you are the pillar of the country. "Youth is my teacher, I am a young friend", let us learn from each other, promote each other, and strive for the rise of China. I wish you all a bright future in the fertile land of Huaqing.

精选英语欢迎词 篇二











精选英语欢迎词 篇三










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