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买方询盘函 篇一

最小定单量和预计交货时间、八架山的来客 (最佳答案),而对非洲等发展中国家的价格报低一点、总结和提高,这就象投标一样,询盘有无价值,所以我觉得成交的胜算比较大,包括外贸、成本等有比较全面,和自己是否同行业,提供产品规格、不同客人的类别(进口商、专业性的了解,说起来容易做起来难、经验需平时用心去积累、型号、产品等多方面专业,就是采购面辅料的费用+付给工厂的加工费用),我也不知道怎么回。各位有经验的外贸前辈指点下,再针对不同询盘作不同回复、交货条件,而且还有一些不是我们产品的询盘该怎么回复:



回复询盘的几个原则: • 主动出击,及时回复。

• 格式正确,有称呼,有落款。

• 鉴于东西方文化的差异建议回答卖家问题直截了当,一般疑问句建议先回答yes或者no,然后再补充自己需要说明的。

• 尽量一次性多传达自己的意思,以免来回沟通错过了商机 。

• 语言简洁准确,避免出现语法和拼写的错误。

2、阿里巴巴询盘回复架构一般分为以下几个部分: 1)未付款询盘回复:这一环节是一个卖家第一次接触买家,有几个注意事项和大家分享一下: 第一主动出击,当买家下单后应及时主动与买家联系,联系内容可以按照先后顺序包括为打招呼,对产品进一步的介绍,并告知请付款以及时查看库存备货,尽快发货。

下面一个不错的回复: dear tracey,we see that you have already placed an order from my store. the bag you orderd is one of the best selling products from my store and it is made of high quality leather. but the order seems unpaid. if there’s anything i can help with the price or size…

please feel free to contact me. when the payment is finish, i can stock up the item and get it ready for shipping. thanksbest regards grancexxx co.,ltdtel:xxxxxxxxfax:xxxxxxxxwebsite:)大量订购询问价格,大量订单询盘买家若是赶上采购季节应该是很有诚意的买家,对他们的回复要详尽一些,内容一般包括样品的价格,采购量和相应的价格,这个报价建议是包括运费的,给买家感觉是给他的一个优惠。

dear luis,thanks for your inquiry, and we really want to do more business with you, and i think it is the best way to place an sample order which is 45 usd shipping included, if 100 pieces in one order the price we can offer you is pretty much the bulk price which is usd/piece. if you have any idea, please let us know, and we will try our best to help you. looking forward to your




尽量一次性多传达自己的意思,以免来回沟通错过了商机 。




dear tracey,

we see that you have already placed an order from my store.

the bag you orderd is one of the best selling products from my store and it is

made of high quality leather. but the order seems unpaid. if there’s anything i

can help with the price or size…please feel free to contact me. when the payment

is finish, i can stock up the item and get it ready for shipping. thanks




xxx co.,ltd





dear luis,

thanks for your inquiry, and we really want to do more business

with you, and i think it is the best way to place an sample order which is 45 usd shipping included, if 100 pieces in one order the price we can offer you

is pretty much the bulk price which is usd/piece. if you have any idea,

please let us know, and we will try our best to help you. looking forward to

your reply.

买方询盘函 篇二

unite five询盘

part one.

quote us for the goods listed i enclosed inquiry sheet giving your prices cif jakarta.

quote us your lowest price cif hamburg for ten mt of walnut meat.

quote us fob london for 100 reams of good quality white poster paper.

quote us your most competitive prices in order to consummate business.

quote us your lowest price for fertilizers .

quote us your best price and let us know the minimum quantity for each order.

make us a offer on cif hongkong bases for hand made leather gloves.

make us a offer giving your price fob new york.

have already made an enquire for your articles please make a offer before the end of this month.

would like to make a enquiry about this type of leather bag.

shall be pleased if you finished us with your quotation for this product.

of customers are interested in your “seagull” brand household scissors and we wish to have your cnf shanghai quotations.

113. we want to know the price cif tokyo for your printed shirting.

are anxious to get a offer for your products.

115. we shall be very glad to receive a offer from you on this brand of radios.

part two.

shall like to know the offer for the rice of this kind.

‘d like to know the minimum order quality per color and per design.

price could you quote us on two dozens sets?

you please quote us a price one your 71 * 81 reversible wool blankets 15% wool and 85% cotton, bound with rayon satin?

much you asking for this brand of ties?

we order 10,000 units what would be your offer?

’s the price for 1000 kg of white sugar.

123. can you supply this quality at approximately 50% cents per meter?

our order is a substantial one how much will you bring your price down?

much discount could you offer on a order of this size ?

inform us what special offer you can make us ?

is a list of my requirements i ‘ld to have your lowest quotations cif new york.

inform us of your lowest price cif london.

’d appreciate it very much if you let us know what discount you can grant us if we give you a large order of your products.

let us have your best quotation by tomorrow together with the appropriate time of shipment.

买方询盘函 篇三

dear x,

thank you for your interests in my item.

i am sorry but we can’t offer you that low price you asked for.

we feel that the price listed is reasonable and has been carefully calculated and leaves me limited profit already.

however, we’d like to offer you some discounts on bulk purchases.

if your order is more than x pieces, we will give you a discount of xx% off.

please let me know for any further questions. thanks.






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