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英语演讲稿 篇一

Time change me a lot.So below the time capsule,you can follow with me,to have a look my change.

When I was born,I am a happy guy.All the neighbours like me,they said:she is beautiful,cute.

I look have a little fat.(You should be say:scaphium scaphigerum.)Ha ha.

And six years old,I leave my home with my mother.

I have no idea what will happen,but I know everything will change to my life in the future.

The time capsule to help us to be the people in warm,to be knowed the god tell us what.

You are so cute,you know,you are unique.

英语演讲稿带翻译 篇二

Should Students Make Friends On Line?(学生应该网上交友吗?)

Should Students Make Friends On Line?

Should students make friends on line? Some people say yes. The Internet helps make many friends. Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help with their foreign language studies.

Others, however, think students should not. They say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students, get cheated on line.

It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other, things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.






英语演讲稿带翻译 篇三

space pens :$34.95

imagine a pen that works in whatever conditions, from wet paper to writing upside down. sounds impossible, doesnt it? not when youve got a space pen!

these amazing pens have a great history of being approved for use in space, since they effortlessly write in the gravity free vacuum of space, and at any angle. they can also write in etreme heat and cold temperatures (from -50~c to 250~c ), making them the pens of choice for the everest north face ski epedition in 1997. now that you know that space pens are the clear choice for all your writing needs on your net adventure!




英语演讲稿 篇四

a poet said "to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an

hour. several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture. i learnt a lot there. i?d like to share it with all of you. let?s show our right palms. we can see three lines that show how our and life is. i have a short line of life. what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way. well, let?s make

a fist. where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? tell , it is in our hands. it is held in ourselves.

英语演讲稿 篇五

in the matter of courage we all have our limits. there never was a hero who did not have his bounds. i suppose it may be said of nelson and all the others whose courage has been advertised that there came times in their lives when their bravery knew it had come to its limit.

i have found mine a good many times. sometimes this was expected--often it was unexpected. i know a man who is not afraid to sleep with a rattle-snake, but you could not get him to sleep with a safety-razor.

today, as people live a better life, they chase for more enjoyment. we can see from the news that when the holiday comes, there are so many people gather in the scenery site. people like to travel today, they can take a plane, take the bus or even take a bike. on my opinion, the best way to travel is by train. first, it is very cheap. c≤www.chayi5.com≥ompare with other ways, such as plane and bus, train is less expensive, people can save a lot of money. besides, taking the train is much safer. people don’t have to worry about crush, which is more happen in the plane or bus. second, we can enjoy the scenery in the train. though the train is very slow, we can have a good sight of the beautiful scenery, when we go to tibet, we can see different colors and different mountains during the trip. taking the train is the best way to travel.

i never had the courage to talk across a long, narrow room. i should be at the end of the room facing all the audience. if i attempt to talk across a room i find myself turning this way and that, and thus at alternate periods i have part of the audience behind me. you ought never to have any part of the audience behind you; you never can tell what they are going to do.

i'll sit down.

英语演讲稿 篇六



今天,我们的整个新闪亮团队给大家带来一次这种学习的英语口语的机会,不仅人我们报一大堆的英语证书,为了和还可以和老外自由的沟通。让我看看向过四六级又想学好英语口语的人有多少。我就结合自身的经历,练习英语口语我一路的旅行一路的练习。1、抓住每一个沟通外语的机会,我自己呢就是搭讪老外,只要是外国人就不会放过机会,……………………(尼泊尔,荷兰)2、积极运用肢体语言…………3、找美国人或者年轻人 4、学会用自己已有的词汇表达(迪拜,阿拉伯塔酒店,又称迪拜帆船酒店)5学会猜(美国,湘雅医院)听了那么多事情你们就一定觉得我的英语很好,如果用中国应试教育的标准来说,我确实比较 low,我高中三年就高考英语及格而且是那种擦边球那种的,每次一做题目我都觉得正确答案有问题,题目明明是说我学到了什么,我学到了A正确答案确是告诉我学到了B。学到了什么不是学生说了算吗?反倒老师成我们肚子肥虫知道了。







英语演讲稿带翻译 篇七

今天,爸爸妈妈领着我公园去划船。哇!划船的人真多啊!有大船和小船,我们租了一条大白鹅船。白鹅昂着头, 尾巴翘的高高的。爸爸妈妈划船,我掌握方向盘,像船长一样,大船慢慢向前行走,好 开心啊!忽然一下撞在别人的。船上,爸爸给我讲了讲怎么掌握方向,我越来越熟练了。忽然我看见湖面上漂着条鱼,我划过去一看,是一条死小鱼。湖面上波光粼粼,风景美极了。转眼间,一个小时过 去了,我们该上岸了,我依依不舍的离开了游船。

Today, mom and Dad took me to the park to row. WOW! There are so many people rowing! There are big boats and small boats. We rented a big white goose boat. The white goose held its head high and its tail high. Mom and dad rowing, I master the steering wheel, like the captain, the ship slowly walked forward, so happy! Suddenly I hit someone else's boat. My father told me how to master the direction. I became more and more skilled. Suddenly I saw a fish floating on the lake. I rowed to see it was a dead fish. The lake is sparkling and beautiful. In a twinkling of an eye, an hour later, we should go ashore, I reluctantly left the cruise ship.

英语演讲稿模板 篇八

One of the themes that are common to everyone is how to become success.Some believe that luck is essential to people's success, while others assertthat hard work has everything to do with success. On balance, I tend to agreethat hard work is a valuable factor contributed to people's success.

“no pains, no gains” .Without exerting oneself, one could never expect toachieve success in no matter what one is doing. As is known to all, there is noroyal road to the summit of success. One is likely to succeed only when one hasworked with whole-hearted devotion and perseverance.

Those who are lazy, sloppy and indifferent to their work, those who neverconcentrate on work will definitely end in failure. On the whole, as far as theyare concerned, hard-working is the decisive factor to success.

In my view, When opportunities come, meet and make full use of them. Onlyin this way can we succeed one day.

英语演讲稿带翻译 篇九


After seeing the honor list posted by the school this afternoon, I was very uncomfortable. I didn't expect that the Deputy monitor of our class had become the only "three good students" in the two-year section.


I'm not convinced. When choosing "three good students" in our class, her vote is not as good as mine. I also think her management ability, sports performance, English learning and popularity are better than mine. Besides, there are many students who are better than me in two years. Why only choose her because she's a teacher's child? I hope to be open, fair and just when evaluating "three good students" next year Let all students take orally.

英语演讲稿带翻译 篇十

How time flies!My three—year middle school life will be over soon。 Looking back,I have many memories of my English study。


When I entered the middle school,I had so many difficulties with my English。 I was not able to understand the teacher in class,and I couldn’t master the words and phrases。 For a time I wanted to give it up。 Later,with the help of the teacher and my classmates,I listened to the teacher carefully in class,kept on reading English every day and spoke English as much as possible。 Step by step I made great progress in English。


In a word,only when you develop interest in studying English can you learn it well。





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