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高中英语演讲稿 篇一

There was a young flower in the desert where all was dry and sad looking…… It was growing by itself enjoying every day and saying to the sun ,"When shall I be grown up?" And the sun would say "Be patient .Each time I touch you, you grow a little." She was so pleased because she would have a chance to bring beauty to this corner of sand. And this is all she wanted to do - bring a little bit of beauty to this world.

One day the hunter came by and stepped on her. She was going to die and she felt so sad. Not because she was dying , but because she would not have a chance to bring a little bit of beauty to this corner of the desert.

The great spirit saw her, and was listening. - Indeed, he said…… She should be living. And he reached down and touched her , and gave her life.

And she grew up to be a beautiful flower and this corner of the desert became so beautiful because of her.

高中英语演讲稿 篇二

we've gone from losing 9 million jobs during the financial crisis to creating 10 million jobs. we've reduced the unemployment rate from 10% in october of XX to 6.1% today. and for the first time since the 1990s, american manufacturing is steadily5 adding jobs-over 700,000 since XX. and surveys of both american and foreign business leaders confirm that america once again is viewed as the best place in the world to build and invest.

that's all good news.

but an awful lot of middle class americans are still not feeling the effects of this recovery. since the year XX, gross domestic product-our gdp - has risen by 25%. and productivity in america is up by 30%. but middle class wages during that same time period have gone up by only fourteen cents.

folks, it's long past time to cut the middle class back into the deal, so they can benefit from the economic growth they helped create. folks, there used to be a bargain in this country supported by democrats6 and republicans, business and labor7. the bargain was simple. if an employee contributed to the growth and profitability of the company, they got to share in the profits and the benefits as well. that's what built the middle class. it's time to restore the bargain, to deal the middle class back in. because, folks, when the middle class does well, everybody does well-the wealthy get wealthier and the poor have a way up.

you know, the middle class is not a number. it's a value set. it means being able to own your home; raise your children in a safe neighborhood; send them to a good school where if they do well they can qualify to go to college and if they get accepted you'd be able to find a way to be able to send them to college. and in the meantime, if your parents need help, being able to take care of them, and hope to put aside enough money so that your children will not have to take care of you.

that's the american dream. that's what this country was built on. and that's what we'redetermined8 to restore.

in order to do that, it's time to have a fair tax structure, one that values paychecks as much as unearned income and inherited wealth, to take some of the burden off of the middle class. it's time to close tax loopholes so we can reduce the deficit9, and invest in rebuilding america - our bridges, our ports, our highways, rails, providing good jobs.

with corporate10 profits at near record highs, we should encourage corporations to invest more in research and development and the salaries of their employees. it's time for us to invest in educational opportunity to guarantee that we have the most highly skilledworkforce11 in the world, for 6 out of every 10 jobs in the near term is going to require some education beyond high school. folks, it's long past due to increase the minimum wage that will lift millions of hardworking families out of poverty target poverty and in the process produce a ripple12 effect that boosts wages for the middle class and spurs economic growth for the united states of america. economists13 acknowledge that if we do these and other things, wages will go up and we'll increase the gross domestic product of the united states.

高中学生英语演讲稿 篇三

Hi everyone,

My name is Dongqi Yang from china, I am horror to be here today and I am very happy to receive this award.

As you can imagine, as international students in Australia, the biggest challenge is English,

I remembered that when I come here first time, there is a party in the house of my home stay. During the time, they played jokes and they laughed all the time, do you know how embarrassed that is, everyone laughed except you. So I pretend to understand the joke in another party, I saw everyone laugh and I laugh too in 5 seconds later. My home stay was surprised about that and asked me “do you understand?”, and I answered “no”, “So why do you laugh?” ”because I do not want to be embarrassed”!

But as I receive this award today, I want to thank to them, because they encourage me to be involved with the committee rather than staying in at home, play computer and speak Chinese.

When I came to Wantirna College first time, I met liz collar who is international student coordinator. She is very kind to me, a(差异网☆www.chayi5.com)nd she encourage me join SRC, I went to SRC meetings regularly all the time, but I didn’t even know what SRC was! That is the reason why I told her, I don’t want to go to SRC anymore. But she said “why not? You should go and you have to go!”I asked” why?” she said:” because I said so!”

But as ii receive this award today, I want to thank her. She helps me a lot.

Truth be told, I am not the best student in Wantirna College, but I appreciate this award and I will try my best in future.

I think I got 10 seconds left, I want to thank to Les and Vera who is my lovely home stay, thanks to Liz collar who is international student coordinator, I strongly want to thank to my mother, because she support me and gave me the opportunity to come to Australia. And thanks to Wantinran College, thanks to Australia and finally, thanks to everyone to be here tonight.

Have a great night.

高中英语演讲稿 篇四

iversity is not as satisfactory as what I had expected. I become lazy and don't want to study.I become silcent. I become puzzled. I don't know what I can do in the future. Then I become unhappy.

Four years in the university is only a short period when compared my whole lifetime. Now it has passed a half. In this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what I want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life.

I don't want to follow their suggestion, and I want to go my style. So I think carefully. I have been a young volunteer for five years.It's very happy and significant. Then I have a dream.I want to join the Univerity Student Volunteers Go West Programe. I think I can be a teacher in the west.I want to try my best to help them and help me. I want to see the world cearly. Now I can't reach its demand and it's very diffcult,but I will work hard in the next two years. There is an old saying"where there is a will,there is a way."I think my dream can come in the university I mature,and in the university I prepare for the real world.

At last,I want to say to everybody"Hlod fast to your dreams,no matter how big or small they are.The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide,even some sacrifices are needed.But hold on to the end,you can find there is no geater happiness than making your dream come ture."

英语演讲稿高中 篇五

In 1983, at the close of the International Design Conference in Aspen,Steve Jobs buried a time capsule with his friends.

Many attendees contributed various items, like a Rubik's cube, and even aMoody Blues recording.

But because the late Apple co-founder donated the Lisa mouse he'd usedduring his presentation at the conference,it has become known as the "Steve JobsTime Capsule."

During that speech,Jobs seems to have predicted a slew of futuretechnologies,including the iPad,wireless networking,and even Apple's AppStore

高中英语演讲稿 篇六

We are not going to evade that are going to let people, far and near, will hear of t will be brought to theirbackbones and tears to their eyes when our stories are told and retold, So letus go forth, my fellow members of this luckily chosen generation, and meet thenew century in victory and glory.

Knowing the Consequences of Choice.

Over the past Spring Festival, I got involved in a family tbefore I got home, four satellite channels of CCTV were added to the 14 channelswe had already prime time at night, they all had interesting efore, the five of us-my parents, my sisters and I-had to argue over what lly, we agreed that we should watch the "most interesting" we could agree what that was.

However, all of us there remember that for a long time after we had TV,there were only one or two channels increase in options revealsan important change in our life: the abundance of choice.

Fifteen years ago we all dressed in one style and in one y, weselect from a wide variety of designs and shades.

英语演讲稿高中 篇七

dragon boat festival, often known as tuen ng festival or duan wu festival,is a traditional chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month ofthe chinese calendar. it is also known as the double fifth.[citation needed] ithas since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of east asia as well,most notably korea.

the e_act origins of duan wu are unclear, but one traditional view holdsthat the festival memorializes the chinese poet qu yuan of the warring statesperiod. he committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he wasdisgusted by the corruption of the chu government. the local people, knowing himto be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes toprevent them from eating qu's body. they also sat on dragon boats, and tried toscare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and thefierce looking dragon-head in the front of the boat.

in the early years of the chinese republic, duan wu was also celebrated as"poets' day", due to qu yuan's status as china's first poet of personalrenown.

today, people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes)and race dragon boats in memory of qu's dramatic death.意思是:端午节,往往被称为端午节或段吴节,是一种传统的中国节日举行的第5天的第5个月对中国的日历。它也被称为双五分之一。 [引文需要],它已被庆祝,以各种方式,在其他部分的东亚地区,以及,最显着的韩国。


在最初几年,中国共和国,段武也庆祝“诗人节” ,由于屈原的地位,作为中国的第一诗人的个人名声。


英语演讲稿高中 篇八

Travel is avery good means of broadening a person39s perspective. It makesyou come intocontact with different cultures, meet people of different colorsand go through peculiarrites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not on lyenrich your knowledge andexperiences, but also be aware of the vastness ofnature. Travel may also relieve personof boredom and gloom. Travel brings youenjo yment and attraction. It gives you apleasant experience, which willdisperse your boredom and make you forget whateverannoys you. Travel broadensyour mind and leaves you good memories. Later, you maygo over these memories andenjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunnymind.The field39s hisstudy, nature was his book. Travelers can choose different modesoftransportation which have advantage s and disadvantages. Airplanes are thefastest butalso the most expensive. Bus es and trains are less expensive, butthey soon make youfeel cramped and unco mfortable. Ships provide you withcomfort unless you get people c an afford traveling by bicycle,which, although slow, can limber upyour mus cles and get you closer to nature. Ilove not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eye sto the world.What39s more it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience whatit39s like to be “a child again” You can visit one of the “sevenwonders of theworld” such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of nature You can taste the“magicial” ice water on a glacier which can help yo ubecome more beautiful and makeyou live longer. Just forget all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. Experienceis a type of living knowledge. You39ll be sure to experience many new things whentraveling. You don39t even needa tour guide if you long for more freedom. Justdon39t forget to bring your backpack

高中英语演讲稿格式 篇九

good afternoon, teachers! first please allow me to introduce myself briefly.

my name is xie tianyuan. i am 17 years old. my birthday is jan. 1st 。 it’s just new year’s day. i come from id 13, grade 2 of junan no. 1 senior high school.

i am a cheerful teenager,so my hobbies is extensive. in my spare time i like playing table tennis and soccer.after school, i like to surf the internet or listen to music. i also will put into the reading to enrich my knowledge, in order to understand the world. i like reading and i often borrow books from the school library. i enjoy reading books because the books can make me happy and sunny every day.

then i will say sth. about my family. there are three people in my family,my mother,father and me. my father is a strict but kind man. he always puts his own heart on his business. my mother is a teacher. she does pretty well. no matter what they do, or how busy they are, they always give me their deep love. i love them, too.

as long as you work hard,there will be a harvest. this is my motto. i’ll follow this path and study hard.

that’s all. thank you.




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