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优秀英语演讲稿:I Have a Dream优秀3篇


很小的时候大人们就围着我们转,问我们长大以后想干什么。上了学校之后,老师会教给我们什么是梦想,这个时候又会问我们的梦想是什么?那大家的梦想都是什么呢?读书破万卷下笔如有神,下面差异网为您精心整理了3篇《优秀英语演讲稿:I Have a Dream》,希望能够满足亲的需求。

i have a dream演讲稿 篇一

Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen,Today, Im so glad to come here. Its my honor to give the speech. Im He Tingting, coming from ABa Tibet and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture. As a Qiang girl. I welcome you to our hometown. Now Ill talk about my dream.

My hometown is a remote, lonely village, with verdant mountains and clean streams, full of fresh air… The sur-roundings is quiet and graceful. What a wonderful sight!But Im sorry to say its so poor, so backward. One day in a late autumn, my parents and I went back there together, in order to call on my grandfather being ill. Getting off the bus, slowly we walked hard towards my hometown along a narrow winding path. Suddenly, the hap-py laughter of children interested me. I looked around, and caught sight of some children playing, aged 8-9. It seemed they were free from care. I went up to them, and

asked, " Why arent you at school now? Are you on leave?" One boy stood up and said sadly, " We dont have any teachers, No teachers teach us. Two years ago, we had a teacher from a city. But only two weeks later he went away. From then on, no teacher comes here any more. Also we have no school to attend here."

"Why dont you go to the city to study?" I asked. "My parents are both farmers, we havent enough money." He stopped for a moment, and then continued, "We really hope for school." After hearing that, I couldnt say a word with a heavy heart.

Later, I thought it over for a long time. Thats the childrens fault? No. Thats their parents fault with no money? No. But I don’t really understand why.

If they could be at school like me. How wonderful it is. However, in fact they couldn’t be. What can I do for them?

Facing the children unable to go to school;

Facing the poverty of minority nationality regions;

Facing all these facts, suddenly, a bright idea struck me. From that moment, I have a dream, a splendid dream!

I dream, one day, I will be able to be a teacher and return to my hometown. Ill try my best to let the children in-to the school, into the classroom. Ill teach them to read and teach them to write,with my patience, with my love, hon-estly. Ill turn them into the persons with a lot of knowledge.

I dream, one day, I can set up a school for children by myself;let these children enter the school. Of cause Ill hope to set up schools as many as I can, to let all the children enter the school.

Also, I dream, one day, the students I teach will graduate from universities and take heavy responsibilities of building our hometown, building our motherland.

I dream, one day, all these will come true. And my hometown will become richer and richer, more and more beautiful.

Thats my dream. Iu return to my mother school with my faith. Having this belief, Iu value the time, every hour, every minute,every second. Ill study each lesson well, and lay the foundation,in order to realize the hope of childrens attending school, seeking for knowledge.

Having this belief, Iu break up a new path to achieve the goal.

Having this belief, Il1 have enough courage to change all the bad situation.

I believe that my dream will turn into reality.

As you all know, some years ago, we had a Hope Project, a lot of children have already returned to the school grounds.

We all know, our government decides to develop the western area.

Our ent decides to develop areas in-habited by the minority nationalities. Especially, Our government decides to develop the education.

And I know, a lot of people in and out of our prefecture are working hard at it. Everyone is trying to contrib.

i have a dream演讲稿 篇二

The blue, the green and the fresh

In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a speech to the Negro,encourage them to fight for their equality with white man. I appreciate his brave, persistent and faith, and dream to be a person like him. Today, I find the distance between the reality and dream is a step-70 centimeters. When I stand the honor place, I tell a dream that I will spend my whole life to make it come true.

As we all know, at the beginning of 2013, the fog and the haze lay over most cities. Most citizens, especially children, suffer from the respiratory disease. The paper, 《Analysis towards environmentally sustainable future state of the environment of the people's Republic of China》, reports that although Chinese government try to control of atmospheric pollution, there are also seven-tenth cities that the most seriously polluted in China. There are less than 1 percent of 500 big cities in China meeting the quality standards of World Health Organization. Does the world like this? Is there anyone tell me why it is contrary to my dream?

In my dream, people are wealthy, living the well-off life. Instead of hurrying to work, they enjoy the sunshine and the boundless blue in the morning and tell the stories about millions of starts and the moon to their children under the sky. People are full of love. They love the nature, family, compatriot and foreigners.

In my dream, the green surround the city in a beautiful style. People like to plant trees, flowers and grass, attracting birds and butterflies to sing and play. Trees are so high that cover the roads and prevent dust flying. People walk with green, then own a good mood and eyes health. Most believe where there is the green, there is a will.

In my dream, people are so clever and creative. They invent something new vehicles to replace cars and substitute new resources for oil. They make the world beautiful and air fresh. Everybody loves breathing and doing exercise anywhere.

In my dream, my parents and my children live in the world I dream.

Maybe the question is hard to answer. But I will fight for my dreams. And now I know I am not alone, or making a daydream. After The eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our country decides to take ecological civilization into the social construction. I need to seize the opportunity to do something useful. I want to be a protector. I will try my best to protest the destruction of nature. I hope to be a professor. I will make full use of my knowledge to built tourism cities. I wish to be an advocator. I will ask more people and High-technical intellectuals to participate my team to build my dream.

At last, I want to emphasize that the blue, the green and the fresh are as importance as the love, the hope and the creativity. I will pursue for them in China to make my life meaningful and valuable.

英语演讲我有一个梦想 篇三





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