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关于中国演讲稿 篇一










关于中国演讲稿 篇二


《红星照耀中国》一书的作者是埃德加斯 诺,他是一位美国新闻工作者来到中国在报社工作。埃德加斯 诺常年跟随红军共同生活,并时常和中央的领导面对面交流。

此书是一部文笔优美的纪实性很强的报道性文学作品,埃德加斯 诺真实记录了自19xx年xx月至xx月在我国西北革命根据地进行实地采访的所见所闻。



关于中国演讲稿 篇三

hello everyone!

The Red Star Over China describes a heroic history of resistance in modern China. A great revolution led by the Communist Party of China has brought about earth shaking changes in China. Thousands of flesh and blood build the great wall and share the common hatred of the Chinese soul. The most shocking chapter in this book is the long march - a legendary story.

The road of the long march was difficult and dangerous. The red army moved to more than half of China, spanning provinces. In the long road, the natural conditions were like a concealed weapon at any time, which wantonly attacked the huge team of the Red Army. The Red Army is not only faced with such seemingly simple acts as climbing snow mountains and crossing grasslands. The snow covered ridges all year round are bitter in the cold wind, and the valleys and rivers are turbulent and steep. However, in such a harsh environment, the Red Army soldiers still have the spirit of "Five Mountains meandering, small waves, Wumeng majestic walking through mud pills".

It was the firm belief and unyielding spirit of the Red Army that jointly shouldered the great revolutionary ideal.

I admire the Red Army because they put any material outside the spirit. They firmly believe that "a country without independence will have a bleak future for the nation". They awakened millions of Chinese people with the most practical actions. Their stories are well known, and their spirit shakes people's hearts.

Every Red Army soldier with only a pair of straw sandals and an earth gun, even without any education, has a common dream, so he embarked on the journey of the long march. I am deeply moved by them.

The long march spirit, like a shining red star, is shining on the world.

Thank you!

关于中国演讲稿 篇四


红星照耀中国,在那个战火纷飞的年代,斯 诺以一个旁观者的角度,宣扬了老一辈革命家的共产主义精神。要知道,当时还没有一个外国记者远渡重洋的揭开红色中国的秘密,斯 诺作为一个先驱者,坐上前往西安的慢车,会见了一位位革命的栋梁。



关于中国演讲稿 篇五











关于中国演讲稿 篇六


埃德加·斯 诺,美国记者,中日战争时期深入中国,多次采访中共领导人。写成了《红星照耀中国》,又名《西行漫记》。


在书中,刚开始写道许多外国人对红军存有很大的争议,而埃德加·斯 诺也对此很好奇,于是他便去了中国。到了中国,见到了红军,斯 诺震惊了,震惊于红军的团结,震惊于红军的坚定意志,更令斯 诺震惊的就是那些“红小鬼”了,他们当中最小的才xx岁,平均年龄xx岁,他们虽小,却跟着爬雪山,过草地,他们用不寻常的童年谱写出一曲曲生命的壮歌。



关于中国演讲稿 篇七

hello everyone!

With all kinds of questions, I opened the door of the book Red Star Over China.

The book is divided into chapters, of which the most attractive to me are chapter - the origin of a communist and chapter - the long march.

The Communist in Chapter is China's great Marxist, a great proletarian revolutionist, and Mao Zedong, the core of the party's first generation of central collective leadership. In this chapter, Mao Zedong accepted Snow's interview and told his own experience of loving reading in his early years.

Chapter is about the long march. Without understanding the Long March, I mistakenly thought that the so-called long march was because the Communist Party was defeated by the Kuomintang, and the red army began the long march in order to retain the remaining Red Army soldiers. In fact, the reason why the Red Army soldiers made the long march was because of Chiang Kai Shek's five encirclement and suppression. Although in the first four encirclement and suppression campaigns, the Red Army soldiers skillfully used various tactics to hold their positions, seized the enemy's ammunition and weapons as supplies, and expanded their forces. However, in the fifth encirclement and suppression, Chiang Kai Shek used about million troops, thousands of small blockhouses, a large number of heavy weapons and flying fighters. Such fierce firepower forced the Red Army to choose the long march.

Seeing this scene, I can't help but think of a poem written by Chairman Mao Zedong - "the Red Army is not afraid of the difficulties of expeditions, and thousands of rivers and mountains are only at ease. The five mountains are winding with fine waves, and the dark clouds are majestic, walking through mud pills. The Jinsha water is warm on the clouds and cliffs, and the Dadu bridge is cold across the iron rope. I like the snow of Minshan Mountain more, and the three armies are happy after the war." we should really cherish our present life.

"I have no regrets to enter China in this life, and I will be a Chinese in the afterlife." I hope that the spirit of perseverance and courage to struggle of the Red Army soldiers can be inherited forever. I also hope that what people say in the future is not only "Red Star Over China" but also "China shines on the world".

Thank you!




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