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关于青春的英文演讲 篇一

Before Chinese students go to college, they have been told about the greatthings on campus life all the time, so they have the motivation to study hard.When they come to university, they begin to slow down their pace to study andwaste their youth.

Nowadays, a lot of college students lose motivation to move on when theycome to the new chapter of their life. Campus life seems to be relaxed and aplace to free themselves. Without the supervision from parents and teachers,they choose to lose themselves in the computer games or all kinds ofparties.

So someone made the comment on campus life as the nursing house, whichsatirized the students who wasted their precious time and youth to accomplishnothing. It is the important stage for them to learn professional knowledge andmaster skills, so as to be competitive and find their own place in theworld.

For a wise student, they make the plans and improve themselves all thetime. If we live the life as the old people in the nursing house, then it iskind of committing suicide for a young person.





关于青春的英文演讲 篇二

Some people go through life standing at the excuse counter.

They say they’d like to do this or that, but then they offer all theexcuses in the world for why they can’t do whatever it is. No matter what theexcuses are, the only thing that is usually limiting them is their ownself-perception.

If I’ve learned anything, I’ve learned that a person —any person —may doanything they set their mind on doing. The things you need are willingness towork for what you want, patience to learn what you need to know and, mostimportant of all, belief in yourself. You only need a seed, and then your faithin yourself will grow with you as you move forward.

If your self-perception is that you can’t accomplish something becauseyou’re not smart enough, then take the time to learn what you need to know, andthen your self-perception will change.

If your self-perception is that you can’t accomplish something because younever finish anything you start, then go and finish something and change yourself- perception.

If your self-perception is that you’re too lazy, too busy, too unworthy,too unfocused, too depressed, or too dependent on others to accomplish greatthings, then you’re right. You are that because you believe you are, but infact, you can change that! Life is change, and the past doesn’t equal thefuture. Your reality today is the result of your past beliefs and actions.Change your beliefs and actions, and you will change your future. Whether youthink you can or you can’t, you’re right. You are what you think.

Think about that the next time you need an excuse.








关于青春的英文演讲 篇三

It is well that young men should begin at the beginning and occupy the mostsubordinate positions. Many of the leading businessmen of Pittsburgh had aserious responsibility thrust upon them at the very threshold of their career.They were introduced to the broom,and spent the first hours of their businesslives sweeping out the office. I notice we have janitors and janitresses now inoffices,and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of businesseducation. But if by chance the professional sweeper is absent any morning,theboy who has the genius of the future partner in him will not hesitate to try hishand at the broom. It does not hurt the newest comer to sweep out the office ifnecessary. I was one of those sweepers myself.


关于青春的英文演讲 篇四

Our ordinary life is a dream, from the very moment of landing, we are a dream to come! Similarly, we left this world at the time, it will also be left with their own dreams. Call in the dream, we gradually grew up thinking of gradually mature, and have learned more and more, understand more and more. Our dream is also more and more content, more【www.chayi5.com】 and more rich. One can not forget that book title mountain crossing the sea during the day and night; not forget that the coexistence of a bitter years of joy; not forget that a bit more earnest remainding respectable mentor taught ... ... 。

The face of the past, we open their minds and hearts of the door, bathed in sunlight to accept and listen to exhort the time, we dream of flying. Is to achieve the dream of the cornerstones of long-term vision; the dream is the beginning of the power savings; dream world is a necessary condition for rational; dream Qijia country is the premise of the world is flat. To this end, the respect of ethics, education can be clearly responsible for, love. We will be ready at all times ... ... Singing rooster dawn broke through the silence, awakened the dream of youth, the old lamp that lit the lamp immortal, with the aid of a weak good care of the light heavy luggage, embark on a new journey began. Eastern rising sun, leaving a string attached to their native land is the footprints of the feelings and give up. Goodbye dear land, we have our dreams, we all need to face new. The rudder has been the fate into their own hands, taking their own route. Believe in yourself and you work hard, must be clear after dark. To do the masters of time, for every seconds, when the ship set sail hard, you are ready? Show your style and create brilliant tomorrow. said that the sky did not leave traces of the birds, but I have been over. Is an eagle, it is necessary to fly across the sky, is a tree, it is necessary to cast a time, the courage to go flying, the courage to go into, you dream of flying, I believe you will be more brilliant tomorrow, tomorrow you will be more exciting. Cherish the present, should grasp the opportunity. Friends, the dream of flying now, let us gather in the glory of that day.




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