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长城英文导游词 篇一

Hello everyone! I'm your guide Zhou Keyu. You can call me Xiao Zhou. We aregoing to Juyongguan Great Wall. Juyongguan Great Wall is located in ChangpingCounty, Beijing. There are many flowers and trees around it. It will make youfeel comfortable there. How did the great wall of Juyongguan get its name? It issaid that when the first emperor of Qin built the Great Wall, many prisonerswere held here. Soldiers and civil servants lived here, which means "to be anapprentice to Juyongguan", so it was named Juyongguan.

Genghis Khan entered the pass from then on and destroyed the kingdom ofJin. Here is also a very familiar sad story. It's said that when Qin Shihuangwas building the Great Wall, he caught civilian men everywhere. The officers andsoldiers took away a husband named Meng Jiangnu. Since then, there was no news.She decided to go to her husband. When she came to the Great Wall, she saw manypeople working and dying underground. She asked an old man who was working. Theold man said, "he died soon after he arrived, and the body filled the wall."Meng Jiangnu was so sad that she began to cry. She cried for three days andthree nights, only to hear the thunder. The wall collapsed by lightning,revealing her husband's body. Qin Shihuang was also moved by her and said, "I'llgive you a lot of gold and silver jewelry. Please go."

Meng Jiangnu said, "I won't go. I want to be with my husband forever." Withthat, she committed suicide. Now, we are at the foot of the Great Wall. We alllook up. On the top of the tower is written a few big words: "the most powerfulgate in the world.". We have climbed the great wall and come to the hero slope.Here, we can see the famous sentence "no man is not a hero until he reaches theGreat Wall", which was written by Chairman Mao himself. Now, you can have a resthere and take photos in front of the monument, but please don't go far. In fiveminutes, we will move on. Standing high, you can see the beacon tower in thedistance. The function of beacon towers is that when the enemy comes, the beacontowers on both sides can echo and support each other.

Now we have come to the beacon tower. We can walk inside and have a look atthe scenery outside. We will walk back from here. You can enjoy the sceneryinside and outside the great wall while you walk, and meet at the gate in halfan hour. In the process of free activities, please pay attention to: do notlitter, do not scribble on the bricks. We are going back to the hotel. I hopethe beautiful scenery here can bring you a good dream.

长城英语导游词 篇二

My dear friends, first of all, congratulations on you will become a real "hero", because today we are going to be on the Beijing badaling Great Wall, really realize the artistic conception of "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall"。

The Great Wall is the symbol of the Chinese nation, is the pride of Chinese people, this is the world's longest defensive in ancient buildings. The earliest the Great Wall built in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, after two thousand years, it throughout northern China, winding, grand thin, from space can use one of the wonders of the human eye can see two human. Everyone knows that there are to sings: "the Great Wall Wan Lichang.。." How long is the Great Wall? Really have Wan Lichang? Only appeared in the history of China's one of the Great Wall?

The Great Wall in the history of China can be more than one, its length is different also. As early as the Great Wall of qi in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, according to the Great Wall of qi. Then, a ChuChangCheng. Later, yan, zhao, qin and other countries have also built the Great Wall, the minority nationalities in the north of defense. But the length of the Great Wall is no more than one thousands of miles, so cannot be called "Great Wall"。 The presence of a truly Great Wall in Chinese history after qin shi huang unified China.

In 221 BC, the qin dynasty destroyed the six countries and unified the world. In order to be able to keep jiangshan, Jesus Christ, to the starting of the throne of the emperor qin shi huang sent prince ying fusu and general meng tien, north to the wall connection, reinforcement of all countries, and extended, thus formed in the history of China's first truly "Great Wall"。 It stretches more than ten thousand, shi said qin wall. In the han dynasty, the emperor on the one hand, general wei ch 'ing, huo qubing crusade against the huns, on the other hand sent zhang qian to the western regions, on the surrounding of the ethnic minority areas to take tough love. Not only that, in order to "do not call ma degrees yinshan hu", not only reinforce the original qin wall, and built an article in the north of the former qin wall outside the Great Wall, the length of the Great Wall to nearly 2 miles. The han Great Wall the Great Wall is the longest in the history of our country. After the han, many dynasties have all completed the Great Wall, only two dynasties have not completed before the Ming dynasty Great Wall, you know what two dynasties?

History, practical yuan dynasty did not repair the Great Wall, the reason is that datang power is strong, the diplomatic success, WaiFan, Great Wall area of datang land on either side, so have not completed the Great Wall. The yuan dynasty was founded Mongol dynasty, is a force to conquer the global powerhouse, is the largest country in the territory in the history of our country, who dare to make? Is coupled with the mongols from the north of the Great Wall in the central plains, why the outlet from building walls it?

The last time in the history of large-scale repair the Great Wall is the Ming dynasties, Ming emperor wrest power from the mongols, its capital in nanjing, in order to strengthen border, resist the Mongolian remnant, so after the succession sent general managed and four late emperor zhu di, north to build the Great Wall. A total overhaul of Ming dynasty Great Wall 18 times, has lasted for more than 150 years, until you're done, this is the east of shanhaiguan, west to jiayuguan this Duan Ming the Great Wall, the total length of more than 12700, this is the Great Wall we said today.

Today, the Great Wall is no longer a military defensive measures, and join the people of the world become the bond of friendship. In 1987, UNESCO listed in the catalog of world cultural heritage to the Great Wall.

长城导游词英文 篇三

Hello, everyone. I'm your guide, Xiao Wang. First of all, welcome to Beijing Juyongguan Great Wall.

Juyong Pass is one of the most famous passes of the Great Wall. It is a barrier to the northwest of Beijing since ancient times. Juyong Pass is built in a 20 kilometer long valley between the mountains, which is the famous "pass" in the capital.

Both sides of Juyong Pass city are "high mountains", with steep cliffs. The pass city dominates the passage to Beijing. This extremely dangerous terrain determines its military importance. Ancient military experts called it "the ancient and modern defense of controlling the north and the South". Gao Shi, a frontier poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote in describing the dangerous road of Juyongguan and Guanxiong: "juepo is under the water, and the peaks are high.

According to the records of the Yuan Dynasty, the name of Juyong came from the immigrants who lived here when the first emperor of Qin built the Great Wall. Yong is the civilian soldiers who were forced to come. In fact, the name of Juyong existed before Qin Shihuang unified the whole country. It was written in the spring and Autumn Annals of the Lu family in the Warring States period. It is recorded that "there are nine fortresses in the world, and one of them is the mediocre". Juyongguan ranks the eighth among the famous eight Xings in Taihang, namely junduxing, which controls Jundushan. Although Juyong Pass has always been an important military defense town for a long time, its name has been changed many times. It was called "Xiguan" in the Three Kingdoms period, changed to "Naqian pass" in the Northern Qi period, first called "Jimen pass" in the Tang Dynasty, and then changed to "Jundu pass". From the Liao Dynasty to the later Jin, yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, it has always been called Juyongguan.

After Zhu Yuanzhang destroyed the Yuan Dynasty and established the Zhu regime, Xu Da, the founder of the country, was sent to build Juyongguan city in 1370 A.D., which is the earliest record of building the Great Wall pass in the Ming Dynasty. This shows that Juyongguan has an important strategic position. The Guancheng built by Xu Da is very big. According to the ancient books, "crossing two mountains, thirteen Li on Monday, four Zhang and two feet high." After the establishment of Juyongguan City, there was a garrison of 1000 households. In the second year of Yongle (A.D. 14xx), it was promoted to Wei, commanding five garrisons.

Juyong Pass has been built in all dynasties since from Fanyang to Duguan", which vividly depicts the prosperous scene of vehicles and horses in Juyongguan at that time. This precious mural is enough to show that Juyong Pass was an important gateway between the inside and outside of the great wall more than 2000 years ago.

长城导游词英语加翻译 篇四

Dear tourists, Hello! Welcome to the Great Wall. The section of the great wall where we are now is Badaling Great Wall. I'm Zhao Shanyue. Today, I'll show you around the Great Wall. I hope you can have a good time. Before the tour, I would like to emphasize the following points: first, please keep up with the team and don't fall behind; second, please don't Scribble on the wall or leave rubbish on the ground. Please take good care of the Great Wall.

The Great Wall is very long. It is more than 13000 Li from Shanhaiguan in the east to Jiayuguan in the West. It traverses 15 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, with a total length of about 6700 km and 13300 Li. It is known as the "Great Wall" in the world. The Great Wall is very tall and strong. It is made of huge stones and bricks. You can have a look at the square bricks under our feet. They are very smooth. Five or six horses can run in parallel. Everyone turned their eyes to the crenels outside the city wall. The crenels are equipped with lookout and shooting ports for lookout and shooting. The concave part is called the peephole, and the square hole is called the shooter. On the top of the city wall, there is a square platform every 300 meters, which is a fortress for garrison troops. When fighting, the platforms can echo each other.

The Great Wall is listed as one of the world cultural heritages with a long history. During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, in order to defend each other, countries built the Great Wall in the dangerous terrain.

The Great Wall was first built in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. It was repaired in the Qin Shihuang period. Since then, the Great Wall has been built in the Han, Northern Wei, Northern Qi, Northern Zhou and Sui dynasties. The Great Wall was built 18 times in Ming Dynasty.

About the Great Wall, I'll introduce these, let's enjoy it!









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