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旅游英语导游词 篇一

Today we are going to visit Xinyang Nanwan Lake scenic spot. Nanwan Lakescenic spot is located in the southwest suburb of Xinyang City, only 5kilometers away from Xinyang City.

Nanwan Lake scenic spot is centered on Nanwan lake, including most of themountains, forests and water areas of six townships, including Dongjiahe,shihegang, shishiliqiao and Nanwan. It is adjacent to Xinying (Xinyang Yingshan)hi☆www.chayi5.com☆ghway in the East, xintianfan in the south, zhaihouwan in the West andshuangtouzhai in the north, with a total area of 443 square kilometers.

Nanwan Lake scenic area is a transitional climate zone from northsubtropical zone to warm temperate zone. The four seasons are distinct and theclimate is pleasant. The terrain is high in the southwest and low in thenortheast, surrounded by low mountains and rolling hills. Nanwan lake, thecenter of the scenic spot, is the confluence of Chengshi River, Wudao River,Dongjia River, Xiaoyou River and Feisha river. The water quality is clear andblue. The unique geographical features have created the beautiful mountains andwaters in Nanwan. The long history of Nanwan has left many places of interestand revolutionary sites, making it a famous tourist attraction at home andabroad. Nanwan Lake scenic area is divided into five browsing areas, namely:Nanwan lake dam browsing area, cheyun mountain browsing area, Huanglong TempleTourism Area, xianshifan browsing area and Tanjiahe browsing area. Today we arevisiting the Nanwan lake dam area.

Dear friends, we are now on the Nanwan lake dam. Nanwan lake, also known asNanwan Reservoir, is named after the dam built in Nanwan. Built from 1952 to1958, the reservoir is a comprehensive reservoir integrating flood control,power generation, breeding, water supply and shipping. The dam is 38 metershigh, 835 meters long, 8 meters wide at the top and 22 or 4 meters wide at thebottom. The lake area is 70 square kilometers, the reservoir capacity is 1.63billion cubic meters, and the drainage area is 1100 square kilometers. Morefamous are bird island, Monkey Island, osmanthus Island, Rhododendron Island,etc. every year hundreds of thousands of tourists come here for sightseeing andvacation.

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With the launch of the yacht, our journey is about to begin. Nanwan lake islocated in the climate transition zone between the north and the south of China,with natural scenery of lakes and mountains, morning mist and morning mist.Among the more than 100 small islands in Nanwan lake, one is called bird island.Every year, hundreds of thousands of migratory birds come to the island to liveand breed. The island is simply the home of birds. Most of these birds areherons, including egrets, herons, grey herons, cuckoos, huangpeng, myna, etc.,which attract countless tourists. This reminds me of the famous Tang poem "twohuangpengming green willows, a line of egrets in the sky". In addition to thebird island, in recent years, the scenic area has also developed Monkey Island,"Tang Wang's visit to the earth", osmanthus Island, etc., as well as wateryachting, skydiving and other activities. Dear friends, if we abandon the shipand travel to the upstream area, we must not miss Heilongtan and Bailongtan.Black dragon pool, white dragon pool and the surrounding cheyun mountain, Jiyunmountain, Lianyun mountain, Tianyun mountain and Yunwu Mountain form the "fiveclouds and two pools" scenic spot, which is a good place for tourists: themountain is beautiful, the pool is quiet and pleasant. Xinyang Maojian, a famousChinese tea, grows around Wuyun and Liangtan. In 1915, Xinyang Maojian won thegold medal at Panama International Exposition. In 1990, Longtan Xinyang Maojianwon the national gold medal in the national famous tea competition. Modernmedical research has proved that tea has the functions of clearing the heart,eliminating food and diuresis, invigorating the brain and refreshing,anti-aging, etc. when you get here, don't forget to bring some bags ofhigh-quality Xinyang Maojian tea to yourself and friends!

旅游英语导游词 篇二

Henan fu sen danjiangkou hydroelectric grand view garden is located in theworld-famous irrigation system, the main water source of south-to-north watertransfer project in ━ henan xichuan, henan fu sen pharmaceutical group co., LTD.Is to promote the rapid development of henan tourism, according to "givepriority to with medicine, multi-industry simultaneously" strategic planning,with the aid of the south-north water diversion historical opportunity,investment of nearly 260 million yuan, according to the standard 5 a gradescenic spot, and for six years, strongly built in "water culture and Buddhismculture, medicine, culture, chu culture, business culture" as the main content,set "ornamental, informative, interesting, entertaining, raise by nature", asone of the central plains and holiday resorts and prayers for the holy land.

旅游英语导游词 篇三

On the west side of Changchun City, there is a movie theme park integratingthe most advanced special effects movies in the world. It is a unique andamazing movie theme park in the world - Changying century city. Located by thebeautiful Jingyuetan in Changchun City, Jilin Province, Changying century cityis the first world-class film theme Entertainment Park in China, and a landmarkproject of Changying reform and second pioneering. At the end of last century,under the new historical conditions, China's film industry met severe challengesfrom the socialist market economy and other aspects. The famous Changyingstudio, known as the cradle of new China's film, also faced unprecedenteddifficulties in survival and development. Under the guidance and care of therelevant central departments and under the leadership of the Jilin provincialParty committee and the provincial government, Changying has actively andsteadily promoted the system reform and mechanism innovation, and established amodern enterprise system that is compatible with the socialist market economy,the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and the laws of filmcreation and production. On the basis of the success of the reform, Changyinggroup draws lessons from the successful experience of the international filmindustry, combines the modern film industry with the tourism industry, extendsthe film industry chain, creates the first world-class film theme EntertainmentPark in China, and creates a new model of China's big film era.

Standing on the shoulders of two giants of world theme parks, ChangyingCentury City has become the "Oriental Hollywood" of Chinese people. As a filmtheme Entertainment Park, Changying Century City has developed a series ofentertainment projects around the film theme. Special effects film is the mostcharacteristic tourism and entertainment product of Changying century city. InChangying Century City Park, there are five special effect cinemas, including 3Dgiant screen, 4D special effect, laser suspension, dynamic ball screen andthree-dimensional water screen. Hollywood and Disney failed to gather the mostadvanced special effects movies in one park. Therefore, Changying century cityis also known as the "capital of special effects movies in the world".

The climate of Changchun City is located in the transition zone between theeastern mountainous humid area and the western plain semi-arid area, whichbelongs to the temperate continental semi humid monsoon climate type. Althoughthe East and the south are not far from the sea, due to the barrier of ChangbaiMountains, the effect of summer heat is weakened, so summer is cooler. SongliaoPlain is located in the West and north of China. The air mass of Siberian polarcontinent is unobstructed, and the influence of monsoon is very big. Therefore,the climate characteristics are that the annual temperature changessignificantly, and the four seasons are distinct. In winter, the snow is flying,the spring is sunny, the summer is windy and sunny, and the autumn is cool andpleasant. The best travel time is spring, summer and autumn.

The film and television culture theme of Changying century city is brightand prominent. It has rich connotation of film culture and national culture. Ittakes film and television programs as the carrier to uncover the mystery of filmproduction, so that the audience can fully enjoy the high-grade spiritualpleasure brought by film art and excellent Chinese national culture. People whohave visited the Changying century city know that there are not only the realmovie scenes but also the beautiful bubbles in the fairytale world. This showsthe essence of the world theme park giant Universal Studio Hollywood and DisneyPark, the most advanced and the most complete special effects movie. Asimportant as entertainment products, colorful Park activities are alsounforgettable.

The Samba dance company of Brazil has performed more than 180 consecutiveperformances, which ignited the "Oriental Hollywood" with enthusiasm; the flowerof Russian art dance company has brought strong Russian customs; the filmcharacters who show Changchun's profound film heritage are big; the wonderfulAcrobatic Art Tour; Funny and humorous "clown's Day", "Bachelor's Day","Valentine's Day", "happy children's Day", "Chinese stunt Carnival", "MagicFestival" and "water Olympic Games" and so on, wonderful programs are like alandmark, which deeply engraves Changying century city into Changchun.




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