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留学申请书 篇一

Dear teacher:


My name is ___, I am 17 years old this year, and I am a student in the thirdgrade of the __ city __ middle school. All the time, I have excellent grades andunite my classmates. Cong Gao has been awarded the titles of "Three GoodStudents" and "Learning Pacemaker" many times. These honors are an affirmationof my own efforts by the teacher and the school. Encouraged by these honors, Iam more strict with myself, seek all-round development, improve my learning andcomprehensive ability, and make greater progress.

When it comes to learning, I think I am a person with great self-control. Ican devote my energy to learning, single-mindedly, and not be disturbed by thesurrounding environment. It is precisely because of this that I can alwaysmaintain efficient learning. I don't just spend time with other studentsblindly, but pay attention to the full use of time, so that the limited time canbe extended, and the utilization efficiency can be realized. The efficiency oflearning helps me arrange my work and rest time reasonably. While achievingstability and improvement, maintain a good biological clock.

Of course, I am not only concerned about learning, but also the cultivationof my own comprehensive ability. I have been serving as the publicity committeemember of the class since I was in high school. Whenever various festivals come,I will personally design the layout, and then run a newspaper with my classmateswho are good at drawing and writing. With the joint efforts of everyone, ourclass's board report always gets praise in the comprehensive evaluation of thegrade every time. In addition, I am a member of the school's magic club. Iactively participate in club activities and perform well, and

He has performed on behalf of the club in other grades and classes in the"Society Show Week" organized by the school many times. These experiences notonly enriched my high school life, but also further improved my comprehensiveability.

When I first learned about various colleges and《差异网·www.chayi5.com》 universities in the firstyear of high school, I was deeply attracted by the university motto of"self-reliance, strong perseverance, seeking truth and innovation"。"Self-strengthening" is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and weshould use this as the training to achieve career. "Hongyi" and "seeking truth"are also the perseverance and strong character and scientific and rigorousacademic attitude that must be possessed in learning, and "exploitation" It isthe necessary source of power for the development of the current era. Perhaps itis precisely because of this school motto that the university, as a historicalinstitution of higher learning, does not stop under the aura of history, butkeeps up with the pace of the times, constantly innovates and develops into abright pearl on the banks of the Yangtze River. .

Among the many elites in learning, I often feel pressure. But I always firmlybelieve that only down-to-earth and hard work can lead to success. When I decideto do something, I will do my best to do it with the most serious attitude. Evenif I encounter setbacks and difficulties, I will never give up until the goal isachieved.

This is the narrative of me, a girl who loves _. Although the road ahead maybe bumpy, I am always moving forward, because I know that there are my dreamsand hopes.。.

Three years ago, I started my three-year high school study with a longing for_. I believe that I will step into the university gate with pride and confidencewith my own efforts!



申请流程 篇二













当你提交完材料和申请费,就可以等待结果啦。一般当你看到录取等等的字眼时,就可以稍微放松下了,也不用想要不要读语言的学校啊这些问题了。因为有了这些字眼就意味着你被录取了。因为欧盟的学生不需要交学费,所以他们直接入学,但留学生要是还没有缴纳学费,都会被标记为conditional admitted的。

出国留学申请 篇三












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